Picture Picture who's got the Pictures
I've been to Photobucket Picasa Hello and a few other places; wasted lots of time and still don't have my pictures in the right place to be able to do anything with them. I'm about to turn the air blue, cussing.
Once Picasa gets your pictures, they won't give them back. Hello could leave the o off the end as far as I'm concerned, and the jury is still out on the bucket. If I hadn't spent the last 2 hours farting around with pictures I'd probably try to say more and show what I was up to in the first place, but I'm tired and don't feel like it now. So, I'm going to just save this and pick it up again. On tomorrow...February 1, 05.
Gathering up Loose Ends
I have DSL:
Oh sweet Mother of God. I have DSL now and I can actually get through to my Blog without waiting for hours. I'm so in love I'm swooning. The phone rings.... I pick it up. I want to work online.... I just click and I'm there; and the great thing is I can do them both at the same time. I'm having a party and I'm all alone. LOL
The Tecky was her for about an hour and Mother of Pearl my machine acts like it's new.
LOL I guess a little servicing never hurt the old girl...LOL DELL Optiplex is her name. Get your minds out of the gutter. LOL
On another front the plot thickens!
My daughter #1 called me Friday morning. Jazz, her daughter; my granddaughter, is on a forced get-up, your-done-being-sick! She said to Jazz, "If you can roll around on the floor with your intended, like two dogs in heat you can go to school; you don't see your father and I do things like that in public, and I damn sure won't tolerate you two doing those things in my house! You make me want to go get the hose and hose you both down!"
The mandate was given when Jasmin and Leif first got engaged. "No messing around sexually; I'm being nice letting you two even think your engaged, since Jazz isn't out of high school yet, and you've been out for how many years? Don't press your luck.....Fellow!" A mother is a terrible thing to stir up. It can get messy and she has several people for back-up, because non of us like this new arrogant judgmental condescending ass hole Jasmin had decided she wants to marry. Okay, so the jerk has money. Big F'n deal! He's a jerk that don't fit in this family. We all want to take him out and give him a back alley lesson. He's wrapped up in himself and is constantly reminding people of his high IQ; little does the jerk know that the whole family has high IQ's. The lowest in the family is Jasmin at 147 on her last testing. If he wants to suck up to numbers fine; we don't!
I'm prejudiced against only one kind of human being; assholes!
"Assholes come in all colors, sexes, races, wealth, stature, creeds, religions, sizes, weights, and IQ's and they are found all around the globe." I said it and I'm not at all sorry.
Now that brings up another question. "Why is it that all ex's are assholes?"
On another home front:
I discovered I have some other sisters and brothers I didn't even know I had. 4 brothers and another half sister for a total of 11 full sisters, and 2 half sisters and 4 half brothers.
Now here's the real goony part. Of the 11 full only 2 are still alive. Of the 6 halves, 5 are still alive; but, they all live on the other side of the country and I've only spoken to the sister about a total of 20 minutes over 14 years. During that time, I might add, I never heard anything about brothers. So I don't think I'm going to be to excited over the new relatives.
I heard from one of my full sisters, Melody. Last week she e-mailed me telling me she was going to "Dealer's school". A Casino Dealer she works with said he would teach her 3 games for $1250.00. That is normal price for teaching, but since he also works with Dee's husband Pete, he's dropping the fee to $800.00.
Now if you knew my sis Melody... Well let's help you out here a bit. She's a lot like Roseanne Barr but she's only 5' 2" , olive complexion, exotic features and chunky small. She has the Irish/German box build, but the box was always classy and well stacked. She's the dark one; the other sister Jill is the only fair one, and the only tall one of the family, other than our mother was 6'. We three girls are all the same but strikingly different; Jill more than Dee and I.
LOL One time I asked my mom which one of us was the adopted one, or did she have an accident. I nearly got killed. I never did learn to control my bluntness. I'm still straightforward and blunt honest. Beatings didn't help.
She came flying at me like a banshee. Arms flailing, smoke coming from her nose and mouth. I knew any minute she'd blow fire at me and singe my eyebrows. I couldn't run fast enough to get out of harms way. She had those long gorilla arms; long and quick too. Phew! I'm surprised she didn't kill me. With every slap I heard a word...
slap... DON'T!
....and it went on till she finished a whole paragraph; complete with a side bar of the do's and don'ts of etiquette on the proper behavior of good girls. I got the gist of the lesson the hard way. Good girls don't sleep around, and she was a virgin and proud of it when she got married.
My mother was so good at speeches and lecturing that we girls put labels on her lectures, speeches, bitches, complaints and woe-is-me's. We three would look at each other with a deadpan blank face and say, behind her back of coarse, Routine number 865 or whatever number popped into our heads at the time.
As my sister Melody, "Dee", likes to say "The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." I think she learned that lesson way back then; along with my other sister, Jill, while watching me get the crap slapped out of me for opening my mouth at the wrong time at a tempting moment. LOL
Twilight Zone Picture #2
Twilight Zone Picture #2
Does this resemble a body to anyone other than me?
Where did this happen? Who's doing this? How did this wind up on my computer?
I Don't Know!
This and the other picture Twilight Zone Picture #1 were both pulled up by Picasa from my computer.
Posted by Hello
Twilight Zone Picture #1
Twilight Zone Picture #1
Here is another how did it get on my computer? Picasa scanned my computer and voila'.
Does anyone else see Ben Aflak in a space suit? I see his likeness or him in a really cheap B Movie that probably cost them a buck fifty to make and that was for the donuts and coffee.
Okay, maybe if I put the two pictures together I get some wild plots rolling around in my head. How about 1950's Sci-Fi revisited. "Duck Dodgers and the 21½ century!"
I envision being surrounded by FBI, CIA, HS, Special Forces USA, INS, NSA, and any one of a thousand top level Secret Service organizations; helicopters and SWAT teams with guns from all over the world. Oh, heavens I'm giving myself goose bumps.
Wouldn't that be horrible? Being the poor innocent schmuck those agencies think is one of the ones that was suppose to be quietly destroyed in a plague coverup, or NSA squelched toxic scare?
I can't imagine how you could get anyone to believe you when you don't know why those are on your computer or who put them there, or even what they are pictures of.
God! It would be like the old McCarthy hearings; damned if you did and damned if you didn't.
I just thought I'd share these and see what you might think.
Posted by Hello
Hurrah! For the Good Guys!
Jim was here today and the new DSL service is "farmed-out!" I think I'm in love. If I can't get my paintings linked to my blog now; then it sure isn't because of my ISP.
I hope they know they've made a friend for life.
I told Jim it was because of ('him/Them/ReachOne') all being such great people to deal with. My daughter tried to get me to go to comcast several times, but I refused. My reason still stands, and even more firmly than before.
Bless his heart, Jim acted like "Doesn't everyone treat people like we do?"
That's a big NO they don't, little buddy, and that is my reason for staying with ReachOne.
Roget's International Thesaurus; Third Edition
1. Aid, help, assistance, succor, relief, service, benefit, accommodation; ministry, ministration; yeoman's service.
2. assist, helping hand, hand, lift, boost [slang.U.S.}, leg up; help in time of need, help at a dead lift.
3. support, maintenance, sustainment, sustenation, sustenance, subsistence, provision; keep, upkeep; livelihood, living, meat, bread, daily bread; nurture, nourishment; manna, manna in the wilderness.
4. patronage, fosterage, tutelage, sponsorship, auspices, aegis, care, guidance, championship, countenance, favor, interest, advocacy, encouragement, backing, abetment.
There are more but this is enough from this source.
Now from Webster's New Dictionary of the English Language
\serves\n 1: act or means of serving 2: meeting for worship 3: branch of public employment or the persons in it 4: set of dishes or silverware 5: benefit ~vb - viced; vicing: repair - ser*vice*able adj - ser*vice*man\ - man, -men\ n - ser*vice*woman n
And Lastly:
The American Heritage dic*tion*ar*y fourth edition
defines service as this:
SERVICE:4. to be of assistance to 5. To spend or complete (time) 6. To undergo military service for. 7. To give homage to. 8. To requite. 9. To meet the needs of; satisfy. 10. Law to present (a writ or summons).
11. Sports To put a ball in play, as in tennis > n Sports The right or act of serving in many court games |
ser*vice (sur'vis) . n 1a. Employment in work for another, esp, for a government b. A government branch or department and its employees. 2. The armed forces of a nation or any branch thereof. 3. The occupation or duties of a servant. 4. Work done for others as an occupation. 5. Installation or repairs provided by a dealer or manufacturer. To maintain.
Service is used principally in the sense " to repair or maintain" In the sense "to supply goods or services to".
Quite a bit there that many businesses don't even bother to do any more. I think it's because most of our manufacturing has been shipped overseas; so the businesses don't feel obligated to service the average American citizen any longer.
According to the research I've done, very few things are manufactured here in continental U. S. A. anymore. There are candy companies and such, but no longer any major mills in operation. We have gone from a thrifty, inventive and producing nation to a wasteful, consumer nation.
Businesses know they can sell their products to masses all over the globe so one person in continental U.S.A. is insignificant to them.
But, thank God, someone still believes in service.
ReachOne not only believe in it, they know what it means and take pride in giving good service. They are building a loyal appreciative clientele; because they are doing the right thing.......daily!
Hurrah! For the Good Guys!
I had to write this because someone needs to know there are still people out there like these rare and precious few.
DSL Dilemma turned to Gold
I connected my DSL box then waited the prescribed amount of time till a Centurytel lineman called me this morning and said he had finished connecting me for the DSL service for ReachOne who is my ISP. He said at 9:30 a.m. they had until 5:00 p.m. today.
I called the ReachOne technician and he started checking my installation. Since I only have one phone line I had to call back. When I did I got another technician. Goodbye Mike, hello John. So now I'm tearing out things as directed. At noon we finally gave up and called in another technician that is scheduled to be heading through town on his way to Long Beach on Thursday. I guess Jim does that weekly and will be stopping by to load a driver and finish the DSL installation.
See it was either that or I go back to the plain old everyday connection that takes forever to do anything. And.....They don't make as much money each month.
Now here is where this company stands out. This will be the second time they have gone out of their way to provide me with service that most other places charge for and never bat an eye charging. ReachOne says it's because they care about their people they are serving. They want them to experience the best experience they can have, so they go out of their way to provide that service that is just a little bit outstanding.
They've made a believer out of me that's for sure.
Old fashioned business practices are still alive and thriving here in Washington; and I'm so proud to be a recipient and to be in the home state of such an outstanding company. We can brag on these people and they really disserve it.
Soggy Saturday
I just looked out the window for the first time today. It's raining again. Imagine that, rain in Washington; who'd a thunk? We had a respite of one whole day which I spent indoors painting two pictures and prepping two canvas for today. I almost went for a drive today with my camera but when I saw it was overcast and gloomy, with every indication of breaking out into a heavy drizzle again. I changed my mind; now it's full fledged rain.
I'm beginning to hate the rain because it leaks into my car and fills up the foot wells inside; with about an inch and a half of water. This causes condensation on all the windows inside. I wind up grabbing papers to sop up the water under the mats daily, and using a rubber squeegee on the windows before I can go anywhere. That isn't easy, nor conducive to wanting to drive anywhere.
Guess I'll just go watch a movie and let the car fill up with water. It will be there when I do decide to drive someplace, because no one would be foolish enough to steal my piece of crap car; no such luck for me. My daughter says I should just punch a bunch of holes in the floor so the water can drain out. I keep telling her, I'd rather replace the rubber on the doors and keep the floors in tact. Problem is, the junk yard is 60 miles away and I don't even know if they have any door rubber that matches my car, nor how much they want for it; then I need to find a dry place to work on putting the new stuff in and drying properly. I just need about a week of sunny weather and time off with money to accomplish this feat.
Till then------got any newspapers?
Painting Weekend ..... YES!
This morning after being sick three and a half days I ran all over the place trying to catch up on things that I had to let slide, but now I have my art stuff laid out for my non-sick 3-day weekend. The canvas is getting ready and the paints are softening, so by the time I'm finished exercising I can start a painting marathon.
I was commissioned to do a painting for a wedding gift. I think I'm going to do one of orange roses because that's what the bride likes. I'll also do a couple landscapes. Perhaps one of a rose garden with her favorites in a place of honor. Something gorgeous and sentimental all wrapped up in lush greens popping with new life. I know she likes wilderness because I heard her say once she'd love to be able to live in a place like that with someone she loved.
I love painting fishing holes. Places that make the viewer want to run away and hide there for a while. Peaceful and full of natures sounds and sights. Places that romanticize crickets, little furry caterpillars and water bugs. Places that make you forget they're filled with spiders and mosquitoes, and even snakes in some parts of the country. LOL But somehow you don't think about them. Your mind leans more toward that big lunker in the pond, pool or stream. You know there has to be one lurking in the shadowy bank under the willow trees; if you were a wise old fish, that's where you'd be. Oh, God! I want to make those places come alive on canvas. But that's my kind of picture. The break-out-the-fishing-gear, and pop-a-can, or uncork-a-bottle; I'm-doing-some-serious-fishing-for-dinner-around-the-campfire picture.
I was able to accomplish that in a few of my paintings. I've had several people fall in love with some of them enough to buy them. Others were thrilled to get them as a gift. Some got stolen and some just got misplaced in all the moving around I've done.
It brings to mind how so many artists have paintings that are lost and rediscovered, which I wondered about at one time; but that was when I was well organized, or at least moreso than I am now. I'm not quite a MONK neat freak but I do like my chaos in nice neat piles.
Speaking of getting organized, I need to do a check on have's and have not's.
I have :
2 20x24 rectangle
6 18x24 rectangle
1 8x10 oval
1 5x7 oval
1 7x9 rectangle
1 6x8 rectangle
12 assorted sizes conches
4 6x8 panels
Maybe enough watercolor paint in tubes for all.
If I use the oils too I'll need to dig out the rest of the oil painting supplies first.
Note to self: better use them up soon before some of them dry out; especially the stuff I got at the yard sales.
Look for some framing materials at Bud's Lumber.
Check on hanging some in the local restaurants and stores.
Tough Love
I finally had to tell my oldest to quit asking for money and food help.
I put it to her no more money and I wasn't emptying out my freezer any more for them so they could eat meat while I live on soup. If they are hungry they can come to my house and eat soup with me.
Now that wouldn't be a problem to my daughter and her son; however, her husband and daughter are picky eaters. He only wants meat. She only wants vegetables and both only want junk foods.
Here's my bitch;
I've helped them since they got married and they have never paid me back completely, in fact I keep signing off the debt like I'm wealthy and can afford that. NOT! I've helped them until I have no home any more, no nest egg for my old age, no economy vehicle and I live in a state I didn't choose to live in because I was hurt and needed someone to help.
I came with them; used all my 401K money paying for their habits and to keep a roof over my head and the utilities paid and food in the refrigerator.
When I ran out of money; after I paid the rent and refused to give them another 300.00 a month I got thrown out in the street.
I continued to help them because I loved them; and still never got paid back without bitching and driving them nuts like a bill collector.
This last time was the straw that broke the camel's back.
I felt sorry for my daughter because she's the sole support of the family.
I paid 50.00 on their electric bill thinking that would help her.
then a couple days later I get called and asked for another 40.00 for the kids for a trip they were going on at school. Now this is on top of the 3 times I've filled their car with gas in the last 4 weeks and the large beef roast I took out of my freezer to feed them and several other items on that time through my stores of food to feed them. This time they got my only Tbone steaks because the crockpot dinner I offered wasn't good enough.
I was hit up for the money and food like every other time they call (the only time they call I might add) and promised like every other time to have the money and food back to me by the next day.
Never have I gotten any paid back when promised. Something always comes up.
So I cut it off and not in a bad way either. I wasn't mad and still am not mad.
I just know that the only way my kids will ever learn to stand on their own feet is if I quit enabling them.
See they both smoke. At least a pack a day which totals to about 300.00 a month.
I quit smoking about 8 years ago because I couldn't afford it any more. Not because I didn't want to smoke. I still like the smell of it and miss the habit sometimes; especially when I'm trying to loose weight. But I know it isn't good for me, and I can't afford it; there are things I can spend that same money on each month.
Up to now it's been on them. Now I want my own use of my own money for me; the only way I can use my own money for me is cut them off from the hand outs.
I hated my dad because he would Never help me; but he made me stand on my own two feet by not helping me. I told them once I was sorry that I had crippled them by helping them.
Now I'm telling them. Time to fend for yourselves and learn to work around your handicaps the same as I've had to do all my life.
What don't kill you will make you stronger. I heard that once and it's still true today.
I Missed Work Bus Witch; BECAUSE I WAS SICK!
I sometimes wonder if when I call in sick if they believe I'm sick. Take today for instance.
This morning I got up when the alarm finally went off, after being awake most of the night with a fever or freezing or having to run to the bathroom for a potty stop or to get an anti acid for the horrible acid stomach I had since dinner at about 5:30 the previous evening.
Yesterday I spent the whole day feeling like death warmed over. Freezing and fever off and on taking turns. I think I might have felt like I might feel better around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, but then I wasn't sure so I couldn't have been feeling that good.
Anyway, back to this morning.
I got dressed and it took me about 20 minutes to slap myself together. Then I laid back down on the bed. I felt like I was going to vomit. I got back up and checked my BG's like I do every morning and took my prescribed medications and vitamins. My stomach was giving me fits so I took a longer lasting anti acid pill.
It got to be near time to leave for work and I just couldn't drag myself up the stairs to the car. I was flat out sick and it wasn't smart for me to try to drive 60 kids in the rain feeling like crap. So I called my boss and told him I wasn't doing to well this morning and would try to come in this afternoon if I got to feeling better.
Along about 2:15 in the afternoon when it was time to go to work for the second run of the day, I still was freezing and had made some veggie soup to try to make me sweat the sick out, but still wasn't feeling any better than I did this morning. So I called work again to let the boss know I wouldn't be in this afternoon. Instead of the boss I got one of the bus drivers; the one that is all puffed up with herself. She grilled me and then made the remark that I should call if I wasn't going to feel like coming in tomorrow.
Excuse me? How do I know how I'm going to feel tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. so I can tell them this evening before I go to bed if I'm coming in tomorrow? This is what makes me think the asshole didn't believe me.
This woman drives me crazy anyway. Why? Because she thinks her way of believing is the ONLY way of believing; Her opinion is the ONLY opinion that counts.
1. She's one of those women that think only men know how to lead, yet she is the biggest bossy assed bitch there is and does it with a saccharine foney smile. (God forbid she use real sugar!)
2. She's a Republican that gives Republican's a bad name. ( I was one once and changed just because of her.)
3. She's a pompous self-righteous puffed up Christian that gives Christian's a bad name.
Are you getting the picture yet? ( I am a Christian and the Christ I follow sure isn't the same one she keeps spouting; I think her's wears a red hooded robe and burns crosses)
4. She has been loosing weight and has conned and cudjoled everyone in the place to go on diet; except me and it's killing her that I won't goose step to her inferred orders and innuendoes, or snide remarks said when no one else is in ear shot.
5. She's a suck up, kiss ass, brown noser. ( She can't stand dogs yet she took the bosses dog into her home for the summer. Say What?)
A few years ago she was the lead driver; now she's just one of the drivers. She tried getting the boss to make her lead driver again and when he didn't she tried sucking up to the lead driver. Now she's conniving and thinks she's going to lead that way. And most of the girls are buying her innocent crap; most that is except me.
I never was one to be lead around by a ring in my nose. I only wore one when I was married to make a joke that my husband tried but could never lead me around. It was a nose clip and popped out easily when pulled on. He learned the hard way and so will she. Enough of the bus witch of South Bend. I'm sick and if she or anyone else don't believe it. F--- them!
My messed-up Three Day Weekend
Boy this past three day weekend has been something else.
I hear of others out going to the snow to play and taking driving trips; motels with pools, fancy dinners out and stuff like that.
Me, Ha! I sat here for nearly one whole day trying to get my personal profile picture posted to my personal profile, then finally gave up and wrote help a letter. I got the reply today stating they have been having trouble. No kidding!
Second day I fritter farted around crocheting and playing with my birds.
This morning I still felt sick when I got up finally at 10:30 a.m.
I had all kinds of great plans and didn't do a single one of them.
I accomplished exercising and doing my laundry and cleaning my apartment and writing a couple letters, besides spending some rare time with my birds. They were happy to get the attention, so I guess it wasn't a total waste.
I also contacted a computer geek about getting another monitor. I was suppose to pick it up this morning, but felt sick so I postponed getting it until tomorrow between my school bus runs.
I did discover that I have 4 more half brothers and sisters that I didn't know I had. I guess that branch of the family wasn't interested in associating with the main branch of the tree but preferred to remain a grafted branch. I now have 2 grafted branches of the main family tree. One that keeps in contact and one that only associates with one of my blood sisters through the step mother.
Can anyone explain to me how this can happen if we are all suppose to be the same family?
It just reminds me of when I got my divorce from my oldest girls father. His family (mother and father and brother) all divorced my daughter at the same time. Like it was her fault he was an ass hole. I don't understand this mentality at all. It just goes to show how stupid mankind can be to expect to have world peace when they can't even show love and caring for children in their own families.
Ya, this three day weekend sucked. I'm ready to leave it in the past with all the jerk relatives that have grown in numbers.
OooW! Hooo! A Three Day Weekend!
I tell you it doesn't get any better than this. I have the cleaning done. My laundry is done. I've exercised TWICE today, eaten like I was suppose to WITHOUT the help of ANY diet pills.
Now I can focus on 3 whole days of painting. I can drive around taking pictures to paint and loading them into my computer, and I have 4 small canvas and at least 6 large ones I can smear up in the three days. LOL
I even have some eagle plack pictures I can paint over.
Now there's an idea. I can hit some yard sales and thrift stores looking for frumpy pictures in frames that I can paint over.
I did that before and was able to sell both pictures I had in frames.
The largest one was one of those prints of cowboys breaking horses in a coral. I primed it and painted a seascape over it and voila' sold.
The other was a landscape that I did the same to only I painted a beach with crashing waves. Ta! Da! Sold!
Why haven't I thought of that since then? Dumb I guess. I have a horseload of unframed paintings now and have given away many (Unframed) in the past.
Oh well, live and learn I guess.
Like a Kid in a Candy Store
I'm so excited I don't know how to act. I just ordered DSL. Whoop-EEEE!
Up to now, I've had just old regular dial-up. Lately it's been feeling like it's so slow I could have gotten pregnant while I waited just to write in my blog journal. Now that would be some feat, when you consider I haven't even got a boyfriend right now. Does that tell you how slow it's been or am I just getting impatient?
It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't started keeping a daily journal, but since I did, I'd like to be able to do something besides sit in a chair waiting for the damned connection. By the time it would connect I could forget what I was going to put in the journal, so I tried the posting from my e-mail. I'm sorry to say, it didn't nor does it yet work. I have yet to get my entry to post to my blog from an e-mail. So I just use it to write them, and then when I can finally get connected; I post them. It's a long drawn out proposition but hay, when you want to get the word out; you'll do most anything to achieve your aim.
And that's exactly what I did for a measly $8.00 more a month. I can connect faster and God willing with the help of ReachOne, I'll get something else accomplished in my days besides exercising and learning new cuss words, or counting the lumps in the textured ceiling.
There's another side benefit to this transition too. I will be able to talk on the phone while I'm online. "OOOOOOOOOOW Tech nol ogeeeee."
I really should say something for ReachOne, with regard to their service. They are without a doubt the best company I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. I have to tell you this story about them. It's totally awesome and unless it happened to me, I would never have believed a company would do such a thing ---- now days.
I was having problems getting on the internet. Tried everything I could and couldn't figure out what was the problem. Now I have to inject here, I'm not an idiot when it comes to machines and I do know my way around my computer. Not as well as I'd like, but hay, I'm learning.
Anyway, I had tried everything outside of getting a double barreled shot gun. Nothing worked. So I called my server.. Help! And they did!
They sent out a Technician to check out my computer and their program on my computer. He gets paid normally $100.00 an hour. He spent 2 hours messing around with their Speedwire program and tweaking my computer. He was amazing. Flat out amazing. He had it fixed in about 45 minutes but was having so much fun, he spent 2 hours playing with the settings and adjustments. By the time he was finished; I felt like I had a new computer. It not only was fast, but was efficient to boot.
Now here's the kicker. ReachOne didn't charge me a penny for that service. He would not accept any payment for what he did. All I could get him to take was one of my paintings. And it was only worth about $60.00. It wasn't even one of my better paintings; he just liked it. So I was happy as a clam, and so was he; and the company's reputation went up about 1,000 notches in my book.
So, if you ever have the opportunity to have dealings with ReachOne.com or ReachOne.net; by all means do it. You'll be glad you did. For me they are like the candy store and I can get my treats for mere pennies.
When older mother's drive you nuts.
The older a mother gets the more she feels left out and unneeded. So if she's driving you nuts it's because she's trying to fight that feeling and only causing you to not want to be around her even more.
She needs to get involved in something that will take up a lot of her time and attention. If you can find something that she can get interested in, it with help you both.
I was feeling that way until I decided to do something with my life. Sounds mean but I decided to just say fuck the kids if they don't have time for me. It's their loss. Then I learned to meditate on what is important in my life.
You and she need to come to the same conclusion.
I meditated on these daily and keep a reminder posted on the wall for me to glimpse at even now; they helped me change my way of looking at things. Each one is important in it's own way, but # 5 is the key one and #'s 6 - 7 remind me to be humble. I made this list after listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer's special on a local PBS TV station. Here's the list I use:
1. I can never be separated from my source (God), nor can I give of what I don't have.
2. All my needs are met in overflowing abundance; offered to me by my source (God).
3. I act on what I need.
4. I experience what I believe in my heart.
5. I make a conscious effort to neither give nor receive any resentment, but rather accept
people for who they are; and make people accept me for who I am.
6. I keep an open mind and remember St Frances's prayer.
7. I follow Mother Theresa's loving advice and "Do it anyway; because it's all between God
and me.....Anyway."
I know these will help anyone in some way, because they helped to change my life. If your interested Dr. Dyer gives seminars and has many tapes which he offers through Public television at special times each year. Contact your local PBS television station for more information.
God Bless you
A Personal word from the Comforter
I've had this written down for several days now since receiving these words by the Comforter. His nudging have blessed me every time I've listened to them and acted upon them. The times I have ignored them, I've rationalized them as just my active imagination; has resolved in my own suffering in some way. So, I've learned, over the years and many lessons, to accept them and act accordingly. I hope by sharing these with you that you too can glean something you can use for your own personal benefit.
God gave us the Bible through our ancestors, and we can all still gain benefits from acting upon theirs and God's words of wisdom.
These are the words I received:
God has never set age limits.
His promises of the promised land is for here, while living on this earth.
Stop going around in circles.
He's waiting for you to do something.
Don't make the same mistake as the Israelites in the desert. Learn from their mistakes.
Believe God!
Read His Word!
Worship God!
Follow Where He Leads!
Head for the promised land.
Reach out for it - Posses it!
God said, "It is yours for the taking"!
Here's what they mean to me:
I had been feeling old and worthless, but no more. I had started to buy into the malarkey society's advertising has been brainwashing us with for years. Old is anything over 25. Really old is anything over 40. Ancient is anything over 60. Those that have cheated death are anyone over 75.
The Promised Land of the Bible was spoken of by Moses when he lead the Israelites out of Egypt. It wasn't some mythical place in the hereafter, it was a real live place here on earth; in their time. All they had to do was turn from their corrupt ways that they had learned while prisoners in Egypt. But instead of accepting God was not lying to them and following the leader God had sent to bring them out of bondage to Pharaoh; they decided to worship other gods that they made with their own hands.
God punished them by making them trek through the desert around the same mountain for 40 years.
Each time they came back to the starting point they could have repented and been able to change their direction:
1. Continuing going in circles getting nowhere, and being miserable.
2. Do as God directed them and find the Promised Land of milk and honey, where their lives could be happier and more rewarding.
I've been going in circles for years; because I thought I was suppose to do it all alone. God doesn't expect me to do it alone. He's with me, helping me and guiding me if I'll just accept that fact and get on in the right direction; just like the Israelites choices.
Learn from their mistakes He said.
I haven't been reading my Bible as much as I used to, nor have I been praying as much as I have been told to pray. Pray for others He told me several years ago, and I did for a while, but got lazy and quit.
He told me to get rid of the weight. Quit helping my kids so much. Get more active. Use my talents. Help those in need with what is best for their situation; sometimes that is just a shoulder to cry on or an understanding ear. Sometimes that is a helping hand physically; it isn't always money. Sometimes it's leading someone to the Bible, or a place where they can get the help they need.
All these things He told me about over the years and like the praying I started and quit, so around the mountain I trudged again and again and again.
How much more plain does it have to be?
It's mine for the taking if I just quit being lazy and do what He has led me to the path several times.
This time around the mountain I'm accepting His help, because I can't go it alone. So far I'm loving life and I don't feel worthless any more.
I see my life in a completely new light.
I'm happy to exercise. I'm reading my Bible and I'm praying for people. I'm helping those in need with whatever I'm lead to do. I listen to those who need an ear and I tell it like I see it to those who need to hear the truth.
So I hope this helps you find your path in the right direction instead of following the same old drudgery road around your own personal mountain.
Your not alone.
Time Frittering
I've been home since 8:45 AM and it is now 10:07 AM. Where the heck did that time go?
I exercised and that only took up 15 minutes and I sent a letter to my server asking what the heck was going on with the service. Then I marked on the calendar what my routes are for the year that are set until school is out in the Summer. I also keep track of when I exercised, dates from the school calendar that are important to remember and personal appointments I need to remember. Usually if I do this at the beginning of the year I can keep better track of what's important. Like family birthdays, anniversaries, who's graduation is when and weddings, funerals, stuff like that.
I've found a calendar with larger boxes for entries works better for me; I guess I'm too long winded for smaller boxes.
Anyway, where the heck did the hour go? I still have to check my mail before my next run.
This is Friday and a busy day for routes for me, but not as busy as some seniority drivers who manage to get over 4 hours driving a day. Of coarse they've been there for eons and I'm just a measly 3 years person.
I'm amazed that I get so much done in one day when I realize how much time I actually throw away. I guess I answered my own question didn't I. I'm a long winded Fritterer. Surely I'm not alone in this affliction; am I?
If it's Not One Thing, it's Two.
I've been trying now for several months, feels like decades, to get a picture on my profile page. I managed to get two crappy copies of a self snap using my digital camera on the posting page but none on the profile section yet. As you can see, I deleted both of them as quickly as I could. EEEEEEEEWWWwwwwwww!
It's not really a bad picture if I could just get it to show up right. But! First I had to figure out how to get Picasa and Hello and then how to make them work with my pictures on my computer. Which by the way, Picasa even copied the pictures from some games into an album and included some very strange pictures that apparently were left on the computer from the previous owner. Now that's scarry! These two snapshots show 2 guys in biohazard suits or space suits/ who knows now days? Anyway they are moving something that looks like a body bag.
Does this sound a little like the Twilight Zone to you; it does to me. But I kid you not that's what this thing looks like. Remember the old Star Treck movie where Spock gets killed or dies and they bury him in space? Or in the movie Enemy Mine when the container coffins are jetisined into space. Well that's what this thing looks like. A metal coffin fit for space and two men in space suits.
Hummm, makes one ponder one's navel doesn't it? Tune in next time and see what else this new service comes up with from the "Computer Zone".
Partnering in Kindness
The latest disaster has taken the attention off horror shots on the news of the war, and has focused instead on the relief efforts for the Tsunami devastated victims. I'm so glad to see coverage of our military doing something to save lives. They are happy to be true ambassadors of our country instead of being viewed only as a war machine. They can't volunteer fast enough to suit them. Now, that's true Americans that the world should see more of, like we used to be know for throughout history.
Here in Washington, we have our own local heroes. The Union Gospel Mission sends out reports on the relief efforts for our area's victims of poverty, broken homes, ravages of drugs, runaways, stranded travelers and whatever other reason a person finds themselves in need of help. I wrote before about making hats, scarves and stuff for the homeless and how happy I was that a local store volunteered to sell some of the hats for food money at Thanksgiving time.
Well check this out:
As Gary T. Rowell, Executive Director Aberdeen, WA UGM says" Lives once filled with despair are being transformed."
- 38,417 hot, nutritious meals were served.
- 10,728 nights of safe shelter were provided.
- 30,000 lost and hurting souls participated in UGM chapel services.
That's a great record for such a small place. If you've never been there; it's your basic run down building in great need of fixing. Yet out of a tiny hole in the wall office, peoples lives are being helped by eager caring volunteers who see the hunger, loneliness and suffering in the eyes of people right here in our area. If you have ever wondered what you could do to help your neighbors in need; volunteer at your local Union Gospel Mission. As far as I know, there is one in almost every city and state in our country.
As a final thought: You won't see advertisements for our starving children or struggling American mothers and fathers, because the world doesn't see U. S. A. as a needy country. From the State dog catchers to Nationwide authorities, Non of our political leaders want attention drawn to our street people. Authorities have gone so far as to herd these people up and chase them out of areas where the news might see them; when some convention or some other important display was being planned. But the fact is these people are there in your city and state and here in mine and they are all in need of food, clothing, shelter, guidance but most of all hope.
When you see the pictures of the devastated people on the TV think of your own neighbors that have their own personal devastation they are dealing with and won't you please....reach out a helping hand to them. Whatever you can do either physical or financial will change lives for the better. Without caring people like you and me, those in need would never know anyone cared.
Chapter 2 of the Roof Adventure.
Tim.....well, he and family are now about $30,000 and climbing, in medical debt due to the fall.
The helicopter flight alone cost 12,000 and 6,000 just to lift off the ground.
Then there is a specialist and 5 hours of surgery and 2 hospitals and an 2 ambulances and nurses and x-rays and whatever else I forgot for the 2 hospitals.
It's cost me $40.00 emergency money and $30.00 for gas to drive to Seattle and back and another $20.00 for gas for their car and another $16.67 for gas in my car to run them around to doctor appointments and to grocery stores and to Tokeland and other errands. And to top it all off another $10.00 for a stinking gas cap that I dropped and broke when getting gas.
Then there's the payment on the electric bill for them trying to help my daughter out a little; it wasn't necessary but that's a whopper to face alone. Thank God he's healing nicely so far.
Of coarse there's a little side drama going on. The prescription for the therapist and when to start therapy plus what was done and prescription for medications and how to take care of the wound and another paper for when to return to the hospital to see the surgeon for a follow-up ; these papers were all left at the hospital in Seattle. They got handed to Robin then she handed them back to the nurse so she could help Tim get dressed. The nurse laid them on the rolling bed table and joined in helping prepare him to leave the hospital; getting him into a coat and wheel chair to go to the pick up area where I was waiting with the vehicle.
When Robin and Tim tried to get the hospital in Seattle to fax the papers to their family doctor, they got flack; no! So they had to have the doctor raise hell with the hospital so he'd have instructions on how to take care of the wound.
Now I understand that anyone could call and say they were someone else; but what good would papers for care of the wound do them? What good would what was done do them? What good would the prescription for who to see for therapy and when to go do them?
Especially when the family doctor's name and fax was given to the hospital to send the documents to, not theirs; and the hospital was given the family doctor's name, address, phone and fax number when they transferred him from the paramedic on the helicopter to the paramedic in the second ambulance to the admitting person at the hospital. In other words that information followed along with Tim from the original ambulance ride from his house to the final destination so the surgeon would have all pertinent information and access to further information as needed. To me if that person that refused to fax the paperwork would have just checked the file, they would have found that out and should have had proof enough that the doctor was their family doctor they referred to from the beginning.
Some people just don't like to help anyone.
So as it stands now, I don't know if they got the papers or not yet. I know he's got his oral meds and the family doctor has been telling him when to come in and get the external stitches out; the internal will dissolve in time.
Talk about an ugly mess. I saw it Christmas Day and gagged. He has to air it out for periods during the day to help it heal, otherwise it gets to looking like cream cheese that's been whipped frothy and decorated with liver that's set in the air till it turns a funky green around the edges. Like I said, "I wanted to puke just looking at it, but was able to hold it to a gag."
He's out driving now and isn't suppose to be. He has to drive one handed and wound up in the raspberry bushes the other day.
I was called to give him a jump start; the car was dead. He wound up pissed at me because I wouldn't drive down into a muddy pot hole driveway to give his car a jump after driving him to the parts place where he got parts and told James how to do what he thought needed done to fix the problem. He found out later that night that he needed a new battery.
I don't care how upset he gets, or anyone else for that matter. It's my car and I'm the one that will wind up having to help myself out of the jam I allow myself to get into. Plus, my car slips and slides too much to take chances on breaking something, or me getting stuck in their driveway too. I just won't do it when I feel it's not a good idea; if that means I'm an ass hole. No problem! I'm an asshole; so what else is new?
Ice Ice Everywhere
Ice! Arg!
This morning I awakened refreshed and ready to return to work after being on Christmas vacation from driving my school bus.
The hustle and bustle of the holidays is over and now it's time to settle in for another 3 months of work till Spring Break in April.
Well: I got up, dressed, brushed teeth and hair, did the morning ritual full tilt; got the news channel going to tell me what the weather conditions would be, so I'd know what I'm going to be facing and decided since they were saying it was icy, I better get my buns up the stairs and start scraping my windshield.
Normally I don't have to throw rock salt around until later in winter, but this morning I had to start at my door and scatter salt all the way out, up the stairs, around the landing, across the bridge and around my car. Whew!
As if that wasn't enough.
Lo and behold.... I couldn't get into my car. The hoarfrost was so bad my car looked like it needed a hair cut. I couldn't get the key into the key slot in the driver's door at first.
I put the key in the trunk and retrieved the jug of de-icer. I thought I'd be ready for this day when it came; I bought the de-icer in October. Ha! Laugh's on me!
I dumped the stuff from the jug onto the windshield and side windows; down the key hole slot and part of the back window. I was thinking that stuff could be working while I continued to try to get into my car. I had come out 25 minutes early, thinking that would be plenty of time; that's a whole 10 minutes more than normal. Should have been enough.
Ha! Again, laugh's on me!
I managed to get the passenger side door open finally after much cussing and complaining to myself. I crawled in, put the key in the ignition and started the motor, cranked up the heater and defroster to high and tried opening the driver's side door from the inside.
Still no luck.. So I gave it a good old fashioned Karate kick which didn't work either.
Now let me tell you, by this time I was so hot I didn't need my coat or the new isotoner gloves my boss gave me for Christmas. My body temperature alone should have defrosted the windows; but alas no such luck. Why your wondering? Well ... excuse me while I scream here.
Sorry if I hurt your ears there. Yep, I have one of those @#$%^&* cars that need new rubber around the doors. I replaced the rubber on the trunk but never was able to afford new rubber for the doors; and I don't have a garage to work in so lining up a garage and the goop and the rubber is a major feat. Living in the state of Washington..... you know the rain forest state.....where it rains so much we don't need to worry about getting a tan; we just rust.
Hay it's the same color. What do you want?
Anyway, I have to scrape the frost off the inside and outside before I can go to the terminal and warm up and inspect my bus before I drive my route; which by the way I'm now late for work.
The roads were like my car; icy fur coat over black ice. Pretty but very dangerous; so I crept along to the terminal and finally arrived 10 minutes late.
Bless his heart; my boss was understanding and my buss had been pulled out of the barn so it was waiting for me. All I had to do was inspect it and warm it up; no ice to scrape and it was warm inside from being used for the band run this morning....WhooooPeeee!
If your wondering what I learned from all this, it's that I'm not locking my car doors any more until Spring or until I get another vehicle or until I get new rubber installed on both doors and the inside of the car dried out completely. Heck I don't even know if I'll lock them then; maybe I'll be lucky enough that someone will steal the darned thing and I can get a newer piece of junk that's hopefully dry inside and runs good too. Wouldn't that be something to write home about!