
A Personal word from the Comforter

I've had this written down for several days now since receiving these words by the Comforter.  His nudging have blessed me every time I've listened to them and acted upon them.  The times I have ignored them, I've rationalized them as just my active imagination; has resolved in my own suffering in some way.  So, I've learned, over the years and many lessons, to accept them and act accordingly.  I hope by sharing these with you that you too can glean something you can use for your own personal benefit. 
God gave us the Bible through our ancestors, and we can all still gain benefits from acting upon theirs and God's words of wisdom. 
These are the words I received:
God has never set age limits. 
His promises of the promised land is for here, while living on this earth. 
Stop going around in circles.
He's waiting for you to do something. 
Don't make the same mistake as the Israelites in the desert.  Learn from their mistakes.
Believe God!
Read His Word!
Worship God!
Follow Where He Leads!
Head for the promised land. 
Reach out for it - Posses it!
God said, "It is yours for the taking"!
Here's what they mean to me:
I had been feeling old and worthless, but no more.  I had started to buy into the malarkey society's advertising has been brainwashing us with for years.  Old is anything over 25.  Really old is anything over 40.   Ancient is anything over 60.  Those that have cheated death are anyone over 75.
The Promised Land of the Bible was spoken of by Moses when he lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  It wasn't some mythical place in the hereafter, it was a real live place here on earth; in their time.  All they had to do was turn from their corrupt ways that they had learned while prisoners in Egypt.  But instead of accepting God was not lying to them and following the leader God had sent to bring them out of bondage to Pharaoh; they decided to worship other gods that they made with their own hands.
      God punished them by making them trek through the desert around the same mountain for 40 years. 
Each time they came back to the starting point they could have repented and been able to change their direction: 
1. Continuing going in circles getting nowhere, and being miserable.
2. Do as God directed them and find the Promised Land of milk and honey, where their lives could be happier and more rewarding.
I've been going in circles for years; because I thought I was suppose to do it all alone.  God doesn't expect me to do it alone.  He's with me, helping me and guiding me if I'll just accept that fact and get on in the right direction; just like the Israelites choices.
Learn from their mistakes He said. 
I haven't been reading my Bible as much as I used to, nor have I been praying as much as I have been told to pray.  Pray for others He told me several years ago, and I did for a while, but got lazy and quit.
He told me to get rid of the weight.  Quit helping my kids so much.  Get more active.  Use my talents.  Help those in need with what is best for their situation; sometimes that is just a shoulder to cry on or an understanding ear.  Sometimes that is a helping hand physically; it isn't always money.  Sometimes it's leading someone to the Bible, or a place where they can get the help they need.
All these things He told me about over the years and like the praying I started and quit, so around the mountain I trudged again and again and again.
How much more plain does it have to be?
It's mine for the taking if I just quit being lazy and do what He has led me to the path several times.
This time around the mountain I'm accepting His help, because I can't go it alone.  So far I'm loving life and I don't feel worthless any more.
I see my life in a completely new light. 
I'm happy to exercise.  I'm reading my Bible and I'm praying for people.  I'm helping those in need with whatever I'm lead to do.  I listen to those who need an ear and I tell it like I see it to those who need to hear the truth.
So I hope this helps you find your path in the right direction instead of following the same old drudgery road around your own personal mountain.
Your not alone. 


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