
Ice Ice Everywhere

Ice! Arg!
This morning I awakened refreshed and ready to return to work after being on Christmas vacation from driving my school bus.
The hustle and bustle of the holidays is over and now it's time to settle in for another 3 months of work till Spring Break in April.
Well: I got up, dressed, brushed teeth and hair, did the morning ritual full tilt; got the news channel going to tell me what the weather conditions would be, so I'd know what I'm going to be facing and decided since they were saying it was icy, I better get my buns up the stairs and start scraping my windshield.

Normally I don't have to throw rock salt around until later in winter, but this morning I had to start at my door and scatter salt all the way out, up the stairs, around the landing, across the bridge and around my car. Whew!
As if that wasn't enough.
Lo and behold.... I couldn't get into my car. The hoarfrost was so bad my car looked like it needed a hair cut. I couldn't get the key into the key slot in the driver's door at first.
I put the key in the trunk and retrieved the jug of de-icer. I thought I'd be ready for this day when it came; I bought the de-icer in October. Ha! Laugh's on me!
I dumped the stuff from the jug onto the windshield and side windows; down the key hole slot and part of the back window. I was thinking that stuff could be working while I continued to try to get into my car. I had come out 25 minutes early, thinking that would be plenty of time; that's a whole 10 minutes more than normal. Should have been enough.
Ha! Again, laugh's on me!
I managed to get the passenger side door open finally after much cussing and complaining to myself. I crawled in, put the key in the ignition and started the motor, cranked up the heater and defroster to high and tried opening the driver's side door from the inside.
Still no luck.. So I gave it a good old fashioned Karate kick which didn't work either.

Now let me tell you, by this time I was so hot I didn't need my coat or the new isotoner gloves my boss gave me for Christmas. My body temperature alone should have defrosted the windows; but alas no such luck. Why your wondering? Well ... excuse me while I scream here.


Sorry if I hurt your ears there. Yep, I have one of those @#$%^&* cars that need new rubber around the doors. I replaced the rubber on the trunk but never was able to afford new rubber for the doors; and I don't have a garage to work in so lining up a garage and the goop and the rubber is a major feat. Living in the state of Washington..... you know the rain forest state.....where it rains so much we don't need to worry about getting a tan; we just rust.

Hay it's the same color. What do you want?

Anyway, I have to scrape the frost off the inside and outside before I can go to the terminal and warm up and inspect my bus before I drive my route; which by the way I'm now late for work.

The roads were like my car; icy fur coat over black ice. Pretty but very dangerous; so I crept along to the terminal and finally arrived 10 minutes late.
Bless his heart; my boss was understanding and my buss had been pulled out of the barn so it was waiting for me. All I had to do was inspect it and warm it up; no ice to scrape and it was warm inside from being used for the band run this morning....WhooooPeeee!

If your wondering what I learned from all this, it's that I'm not locking my car doors any more until Spring or until I get another vehicle or until I get new rubber installed on both doors and the inside of the car dried out completely. Heck I don't even know if I'll lock them then; maybe I'll be lucky enough that someone will steal the darned thing and I can get a newer piece of junk that's hopefully dry inside and runs good too. Wouldn't that be something to write home about!


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