
Some Facts about Christmas for the new Virginia

My friend wrote a blog about her child asking the question all parents dread answering. Transition from childhood to the real world questions are always the hardest to answer, so rather than just answer her, I thought it would be a good idea to put it out there for other parents who find themselves in the same situation at this time of year. Here is how I answered this question.
Yes lil Miss... Santa and Jesus are both real! That's historical fact!
My Friend: "Out of nowhere, she asked me if I believed that
Santa was real!!!"
We all know it's coming but are never ready for them to grow up. Sad thing is they are growing up too fast now days; they hardly have a childhood to look back on because everything and everyone is in such a hurry.

My Friend: "Well, what do you believe, honey? And why do you ask?"

Spoken like a true parent. Er stammer stammer, I wish my brain would work fast enough to make the words come out of my mouth, but instead the kid is hearing.... Well what do they know; if they don't want to be a believer, then it's their choice. Myself, I'd rather believe in the old fart and believe me; when I get my hands on him he'll wish I hadn't. He forgot me last year after I said I was going to set a roaring fire in the fireplace so it would singe his ass for the present he left me the year before.
I'm the wrong one to ask that question sweetheart; I have a running feud going on with that old Buzzard. Each year after I quit believing in him; you know the ho ho ho stuff and reindeer and all that, not Christmas, he's left me one rotten gift after another. So I keep trying to catch him and give him a piece of my mind. The nerve of that dude. Nah sweetie, you believe what you want. I'm hunting Santa myself; he's just lucky I don't carry a grudge.

My Friend: "Well, the Santa you see at the stores and on TV isn't real. So we do pretend in that way. But as long as you think he's real, that's all that matters."

Well darlin both men did walk this earth; history proves that, so they are exactly the same. If you want to know a little Christmas history...

Her Child: "Yeah, kinda like Jesus and GOD, huh?"

Jesus of Nazareth is the reason we have Christmas. He is known as the Christ. The anointed one of God. That's where the word Christmas comes from. It's a celebration of Christ's birthday by all the believers in Christ Jesus.

How Santa got involved started a few centuries ago; when a kind hearted priest named Nicolas Klous, left sweets in the shoes of the good boys and girls in a village in Germany. He became known as Father Christmas.
It was their custom to leave their shoes outside and still is in some places of the world. So it was easy for the "Father of Christmas" to have a place to leave the treats for the good children. He knew who was good and bad.
Father Christmas soon became known as Santa, a nickname for Saint Nicolas. The story of St. Nick spread all over the world, along with the Yule log and Christmas tree, because everyone loved the idea of Christmas being celebrated in such a loving way, so Santa took over the job and to my knowledge is still doing it this very day.
Father Christmas will live as long as there are believers in the Christ; believers will celebrate Jesus birthday every year and Santa helps us all celebrate, just as Father Christmas helped the children so many years ago. Christmas is a celebration of goodness.

I told my kids and tell any kids that question, some of the historical facts. I even have a video of the history of Santa which was a PBS special one year that I taped. I'm sure it would still be available if anyone else was interested.
These truths put everyone's minds at ease and everyone can get on with enjoying the celebration of Christmas. Down deep inside.. everyone believes in both men and what they represent; each believer has their own way of believing in the messages of both.

I hope this helps to answer the question for you and anyone that asks. Enjoy the celebration and may we all carry on the good messages of both the reason for the season and the joy we can all know because of a celebrated birthday.
At all times throughout the coming year, let us remember to show the ones we love that we love them; by our actions not our words. And let us all "Celebrate the Goodness" in ourselves and in others by showing our Love, Peace,and Joy toward everyone on earth. We can then be a contributing part of that which began over 2000 years ago; in a manger.
Merry Christmas


At 1:11 PM, Blogger Jan myrz said...

Yes I do believe in love and peace.
I feel sadness from your comment and pray you too can know peace.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Because I believe also that thoughts are the seeds of new realities which can bring
great joy and happiness to many people.
That child in the manger came into a miserable world bringing
a seed of never ending goodness which was a new reality at the time, but we still can experience the joy and happiness, love and peace if we just believe.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Zette said...

Thank You Jan, for all your kindness and helpful words, here. I'd never thought of it like you described, but that really hits the nail on the head. Awesome!


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