
Gimme some good "old fashioned" Melodrama

I wondered for years why I didn't like Soap Opera's until it dawned on me that my life was a darned soap.
Back in the days of "Vo dodeo and three skidoo's" Grandma and Grandpa called the now soaps, Melodrama's.
People were nuts about them back in the 30's too. Perhaps it was due to the hard times people lived. Shortages of everything and no work, not security. There were lots of Hobo's or Drifter's then too.
Isn't it strange how the things we call things changes but the situations don't. Life now is pushing the soaps and making them share everyone's attention with all the realism shows. Castaways in the jungle, in the outback, on islands, eating bugs, playing daredevils, con artist bachelors and kissing millionaire's ego's among other things; just to entertain us with life.
I still say, why watch that when I live a real life and face all sorts of dangers every day; just the way every other average citizen does.
We eat food we know isn't good for us and will probably kill us at an early age; filled with chemicals and pesticides, rodent hairs, excrement and god only knows what else. Now that's for real.
We take our lives in our own hands every time we walk in or out of our doors; especially if the weather is extreme.
Then there's the drug companies and the FDA using us as guinea pigs or lab experiments in the live world; and we get to pay for the privilege of being experimented on without being told. Hmmmmm think that's not drama?
How about politicians playing with our lives; taking our sons and daughters and using them like pawns in a world chess game.

Yep, I don't need realism; I need more hope and caring, genuine kindness and honesty. I need truth and real heroes and heroines. Fact is if I get much more realism I'm going to gag.
I don't need to know how many bugs a person will eat to make some money. I don't need to know how far a person will go to humiliate themselves or someone else for the almighty dollar.
I don't want to know who sold their souls to whom or for what amount.
I'm tired of that!

Give me some real old fashioned goodness. I know it's corny.
There's no cussing or sex scenes; no commercialism; no back stabbing.
People believe what others say because they know the person is honorable and trustworthy.

Ya! Whoooyah! In my life....Gimme some good "old fashioned" Melodrama any day.


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