
Snarky Snit over the Pledge of Allegience

The following is a re-posting of an incident in September of this year, 2k10.  A Facebook friend had posted this and wanted to see who agreed enough to re-post it.  Well being myself I had to add my 2¢ and riled one person’s feathers. 

I thought it might be a good topic to bring up here where others could join in with their opinions: yea and nay.

Here is the posting from my home page on Facebook September 19, 2k10 (I think that was the date)


 I guess I'm one too. lol "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all." I grew up reciting this every morning in school; it is a shame we no longer do that for fear of offending someone. Now, let's see how many Americans will re-post this and not care about offending anyone.

Frankly, I really don't care how it sounds.
If it's a legit question; what's the problem? I for one believe in only 1 God and He is called by many names; in fact hundreds of names.

I don't see what the problem is about pledging one's all...allegiance to this nation and the symbol of this nation is the flag.

United we are a great nation; divided we are nothing but a bunch of miss-fits and will never get anywhere; because, we are to busy with semantics instead of genuine devotion to our people.

We are a diverse nation and I see no problem with celebrating each individual's culture. I do however bulk at one culture being given special rights over others. This isn't a nation of who's the most popular this minute. And yet that is snarky and meaning to be so.

I say kudos to
Menphis City School! God Bless each and every person who is willing to stand up for what they believe right here in this United States of America; where we are at least trying to give people the right to equality, and free speech, and the freedom to pursue happiness.

There aren't any guarantees in this life, but we can be pretty damned proud of our country for what she stands for and for that reason alone; I will show the respect due our nation and her flag by singing the National anthem, putting my hand over my heart, removing my hat when that flag is run up the stanchion, and I will pledge my allegiance to this country and her flag with my last breath if necessary.

God Bless her and her people... every single snarky one of them. And if this offends anyone.. tsk tsk.
Dam computer ; It crash in the middle of my commits . Oh ! well ; it was not to important ; Just I agree I miss the pledge . Our country seems to went to the dogs ....
Joe Long

Randi Marx commented on my post:
Randi wrote:
"Just wondering.  God bless every person who is willing to stand up for what they believe?  Next week is Mabon, do the children of Pagans get off for that holiday?  How about Ramadan?  Rosh Hashana? Yom Kippur? Ram Navami? It's easy to pledge allegiance to something when you have all your rights and protections are part of the status quo and/or have never been arrested for something you didn't do, or beaten to a pulp because you dress differently.  It's so easy.  And in my opinion, you do sound snarky and angry.  It's ironic.  Very ironic."


Randi wrote:
"Not every one has equal rights.  I for one, in a same sex relationship, have no rights.  Yet I'm expected to pay taxes to a government who does not protect me or my partners rights, or millions of others who are just like us--when nothing is given back to me in the way of partner equal rights, tax breaks, legal protection, medical insurance, rights to my 30 year-partner's pension, etc.  We share property, bank accounts, a house, a car, pets, and a life.  Yet what do I say when asked "and how are you related to the patient?"  Her fourth cousin whom she's never met has more rights.  And one of the reasons we are denied human rights is certain religions.  What do you say to us?"


I have no clue what happened to Randy's remarks, but here is my answer to you Randy.

You don't even know me or my past history; if I was or wasn't arrested unjustly, or ever beaten; you just automatically lump me into "those people that are ...against what I want" .

Grow up Randy! The world does not revolve around you and what you want. The world does not owe you a damn thing. Get over yourself.

Quit walking around with a chip on your shoulder and maybe, just maybe things might turn around for you, and your life become happier.

You aren't the only one who has ever suffered, nor will you be the last.
We all have our sore spots, our injustices, but does that mean we have to go around with hate in our hearts? I don't believe so.

If you don't like how things are; do something to change it.
Bitching at me over your issues does nothing to change your situation.

I wish you all the best in your quest for justice and your idea of equality; even when it infringes on my rights. Why? Because I can get off my ass and fight for what I believe in too.

Have a nice day.
That's my opinion and you can do with it whatever you want.

Now would anyone like to comment?  What do you think?


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