
Tracking Programs and Lazy People

This is something I've told email friends for over a year now and even showed them how to clean up the stuff they did want to forward,  but do they do it.... NO!  Will they do any of the suggestions in the attached information at the end of my commentary... probably not.... why?   Because it's to easy to just hit fw.  Face it, you don't care; otherwise most of you would have cleaned up the email before sending it on with all those names them. 
People have gotten to lazy to do anything but fart around.  If that wasn't true we wouldn't have time to complain about everything, because we'd be busy doing something constructive besides emailing tons of crap to our entire mailing lists.
Caring about what happened to people we called friends stopped when we cut out that personal touch with cards and letters.  Anonymity is the order of the day anymore, right up there with lying and cheating, and conning someone for personal gain; be it a better self image or for profits.
Don't believe me; start paying attention to the commercials on TV.  They are degrading to people's intelligence and focus heavily on lying to whoever and making it like it's a joke.  That it is... a sick joke on the impressionable younger audience, and low self esteemed, out of work, lots of time on their hands public. 
It's a form of brain washing that drones on day after day, with one commercial after another, reinforcing the same messages:  take drugs, ignore warnings, hate the government, don't trust anyone, lie, cheat on your significant other, and it's bad to believe in something that expects higher moral standards from you. 
Is it any wonder society is in the toilet?  Remember the old saying lie down with dogs; get up with fleas?  Well swim in shit; come out with it on you.

So here is the message that started this rant.  Try to take it to heart and do something constructive.

E-Mail Tracker Programs !

The man that sent this information is a computer tech.  He spends a lot of time clearing the junk off computers for people and listens to complaints about speed.  All forwards are not bad, just some.  Be sure you read the very last paragraph. 

He wrote:
By now, I suspect everyone is familiar with snopes.comand/or truthorfiction.com for determining whether information received via email is just that:  true/false or fact/fiction.  Both are excellent sites.

Advice from snopes.com   VERY IMPORTANT!!

1) Any time you see an email that says "forward this on to '10' (or however many) of your friends", "sign this petition", or "you'll get bad luck" or "you'll get good luck" or "you'll see something funny on your screen after you send it" or whatever --- it almost always has an email tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and emails of those folks you forward to.  The host sender is getting a copy each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of 'active' email addresses to use in SPAM emails or sell to other spammers.  Even when you get emails that demand you send the email on if you're not ashamed of God/Jesus --- that is email tracking, and they are playing on our conscience.  These people don't care how they get your email addresses - just as long as they get them.  Also, emails that talk about a missing child or a child with an incurable disease "how would you feel if that was your child" --- email tracking.  Ignore them and don't participate!

2) Almost all emails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in Florida who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most cards.  All it was, and all any of this type of email is, is a way to get names and 'cookie' tracking information for telemarketers and spammers -- to validate active email accounts for their own profitable purposes.

You can do your Friends and Family members a GREAT favor by sending this information to them.  You will be providing a service to your friends.  And you will be rewarded by not getting thousands of spam emails in the future!

Do yourself a favor and STOP adding your name(s) to those types of listing regardless how inviting they might sound! Or make you feel guilty if you don't! It's all about getting email addresses and nothing more.

You may think you are supporting a GREAT cause, but you are NOT!

Instead, you will be getting tons of junk mail later and very possibly a virus attached!  Plus, we are helping the spammers get rich!  Let's not make it easy for them!

ALSO:  Email petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress of any other organization - i.e. social security, etc.  To be acceptable, petitions must have a "signed signature" and full address of the person signing the petition, so this is a waste of time and you are just helping the email trackers.


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