Obama's Got Guts!
As many of you know very well, I have opinions on just about everything. Well, here's my personal opinion on the Rev. Wright/ Obama hornet's nest and resulting speech given by Senator Obama yesterday.I feel it took great courage to give his honest opinions to the world, after thoughtful consideration on the problem.
Thoughtful consideration.. what a unique new experience for a politician in comparison to what we've been living with Bush's way of open mouth insert foot and take it in the rear American People leadership.
To put it in blunt American terms, "It took Guts!" Guts I want in a leader representing me. Someone who thinks things through, makes a decision speaks the truth, and then stands by what that decision is; whatever the consequences.
And we all know what Senator Obama was willing to throw away for his honest opinion and beliefs.
We've all said, the damned government at one time or another, so what's the big deal over a black preacher saying it? What's the big deal?
Obama's right and I thought so before his speech... Rev Wright, like any preacher, is speaking through what they believe Christ would be saying. No, they aren't perfect, ever! No, they don't always say things like it was meant to mean.
I know that feeling because many people have misunderstood my honesty, but I never... EVER... mean to harm anyone. I just try to live my life as I believe Christ wants us to live. And it sure a hell don't include mincing words to keep from hurting someone's feelings. Say what you mean and then people can know you for who you are; not what Political Correctness allows you to be.
I've been skeptical up to this point, but now I feel Senator Obama will be a great President, if given the opportunity. I for one will vote for him... now! I hope you do the same.
Thanks for listening, and feel free to voice your own opinions; always.
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