
Flog the Memories with boughs of Delbert

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

I enjoyed my visit with my granddaughter, (hubby, and g-granddaughter: both were sick and they toughed it out to come visit gramma on thanksgiving anyway; god bless em.) and my daughter.

Then last evening 2 of my adopted grandsons came over. We decorated for Christmas and cried through the passion of the Christ together. We all still cry every time we see it.

Today we will finish with the decorations outside, making the advent wreath (I'm just a little late this year; advent started last Sunday), and then start on these years’ ornaments.

One of our family traditions is to make a new ornament every year and date them. We start out with 2 or 3-dozen and over the years we wind up with just a couple. The oldest one we have is dated 1920, but of the ones from my branch of immediate family creations date from 1968. It gives us memory floggers for every ornament we hang on the tree each year of times of family gathered together in celebration of the coming of our Saviors birth.

This year we're making them from oyster shells. Should be interesting; Tanner (Russian Inglikut) and Anson (refugee from Montana) are both artists also, so we'll probably be up to our elbows in paint and loving every minute of it.

As a side story to all this nostalgia.....

In my earlier days of taking in strays, I came up with a family name for all of us miss-matched throw-away hurt and broken people; so we could all be members of the same loving caring family. That last name is Delbert. It was the stupidest last name I could think of at the time (1973). Then we all picked our names. Didn't make any difference how weird, crude or disgusting (in fact that is preferable to fit the last name. Its all for fun anyway...LOL)

Anson is still thinking on his name, but Tanner picked Dill Doe Delbert (OMG... LOL)
So to all the Delbert clan...

Granny sez howdy.

Hope yurn-all happy as fleas on a dawg an keepen-up with yer lernen-like-I-show'dya. Always wear your underdraws in polite compny.
Keep the blessins flowin and do the Delberts proud!

Love,Granny Sina Delbert



Feeding Herman

Ever hear of Herman Starter?

I didn’t realize it when I first heard the name, but Herman is another name for Sourdough.  Don’t ask me why, but I’ll check into it and see if I can find out the story behind the name.

I’ve been looking for a starter recipe for years now and stumbled on one by accident yesterday while dunging out closets.  The recipe comes from one of my old cookbooks from when my church made cookbooks to sell to help out with the food baskets we always gave away at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I thought if I was wanting the recipe, maybe others would like it too, so I’m going to bless you as I’ve been blessed; with Bess Clary’s contributions to our Weldon Methodist Church Recipes and Remembrances Cookbook.  I believe it was 1984 when we collected these recipes for our Church cookbook.  If you’d like to get a copy for yourself you can contact the Fundcraft Publishing, P.O. Box 340, Collierville, TN 38027.

Basic Sourdough Recipe
1cup milk (whole not reduced fat, soy or 2% etc)
1cup sugar
1cup flour
1pkg yeast
     In a large 1gallon jar, mix all ingredients and stir well.  Check once a day to make sure it is bubbly.  Do this five days.  Divide into fourths called splits, one for you and three to give away.  DO NOT KEEP AIRTIGHT
     Day 1:  You get Herman.  Herman needs fed and any time he is to be fed, feed him the following:
1-cup milk
1-cup flour
1-cup sugar
Put Herman in a covered dish and stir him once a day for five days.  On the fifth day, feed him again.  Stir well and continue to stir once a day for five more days.
     On Day 10 from the start: make Herman into one of the recipes.  You will have 4-cups of Herman.  Again – Keep one for yourself for starter.  You can give one away if you want or use the remainder to make whatever.  It will take 1-cup of Herman per recipe you make.

Use the one-cup reserved to keep your Herman alive.  Remember to repeat the feeding program, being ready to split up on the tenth day and start over again.  This will be your process every 10 days to start over with one cup of Herman, so plan on baking something every 10 days minimum once your start or give all of your Herman away.  Make sure you give feeding instructions along with Herman when given to the people.

Sourdough Bread Using Herman
1-cup Herman          1 ½-cup warm water     Approx. 6-cups flour divided  
1-pkg dry yeast     2-teaspoons salt   2-teaspoons sugar   ½-teaspoons soda
     Dissolve the yeast in warm water and mix with Herman.  Add 4-cups flour, salt and sugar to yeast mixture.  Stir and cover.  Let rise until double in bulk, about 2 hours.  Add 1-cup flour and soda to risen mixture.  Knead in 1 cup more of flour until dough is smooth and not sticky.  Form dough into large or 2 small loaves.  Place in greased pans.  Cover and let rise until double, about 1-½ hours.  Put in a shallow pan of water on bottom rack of oven.  Bake bread at 400° for 30 to 35 minutes.

    *And here’s a little hint I gleaned from San Francisco Sour Dough Bread Co. I was watching on the Food Network.  They let their bread dough rest in a refrigerator overnight before baking the following day.  The reason given was so it would have that nummy sour dough taste we all love so much.  So I don’t know about you, but I’m going to try it and see if it makes any difference for taste to me.




Bugsy Don't Live Here

Roaches? AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Freak me out!

Recently in my apartment complex people have been scrubbing and cleaning. We all get the urges at the same time apparently, but this time I wound up with unwanted visitors. Creepy crawlers can drive me totally wacky because I HATE BUGS.

Now I'm not talking I can stand some bugs but not others; I'm talking MONK fanatic I HATE BUGS! I was pouring out my abhorrence to Zette of “You Likey” fame and the dear sweet lady she is told me of her one time plight and how she was able to evict the devils using Boric Acid. Well, I got online and checked out the use of the stuff so that when I go to the store to get this stuff; I can talk like I have a clue. Here's what I found: Boric Acid has been used as an antiseptic for years. And guess what else I've discovered it safely kills all kinds of bugs. Check it out!

I heard a scientist on a TV special talking about another thing that's used in swimming pool filters called Diatomaceous Earth that does essentially the same thing as Boric Acid, but instead of them eating it they get it all over their bodies when they clean themselves; according to him; roaches are a clean bug. Ha! According to me, a bug is a bug is a bug!

Anyway, this Diatomaceous Earth doesn't come off; it smothers them and eventually the young as well. And----- guess what else I've discovered it safely kills.... Check this out: Bugs

So-------- I'm off to see the Wizard the wonderful wizard of ...

HEHEHEHEHE I got your number now you little #$%^&*(...rs

All of you are gonna DIE!!

AhHa! "I've got the Power!"




North Dakota Category "5" Blizzard

North Dakota Emergency  This text is from county emergency manager out in the western part of North Dakota state after the storm. Amusing, if it were not so true... WEATHER BULLETIN Up here in the Northern Plains we just recovered from  a Historic event--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" --- with a historic blizzard  of up to 24" inches of snow and winds to 50 MPH that broke trees in half, stranded hundreds ofmotorists  in lethal snow banks, closed all roads, isolated scores of  communities and cut power to 10's of thousands.  FYI:  George Bush did not come.... FEMA staged nothing.... No one howled for the government... No one even uttered an expletive on TV... Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards..... No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.... No one looted.... Phil Cantori of the Weather Channel did not come.... And Geraldo Rivera did not move in.  Nope, we just melted snow for water, sent out caravans to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars, fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Aladdin lamps, and put on an extra layer of clothes because up here it is 'work or die'.  We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out of a mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that trades votes for 'sittin at home' checks.  Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen this early...we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves.  "In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the worlds social problems evaporate."



Don't forget to VOTE!

I've enlisted the help of someone pretty high up to see if I can't get the voter turnout up a little higher.
Click the link. (title or cut and paste http://www.rubberchickencards.com/content.php/action/play_card/id/332/).

You can see from the past few years what can happens when we leave it to others to decide our fate.

Think about it.....There are three states with no polling places and scattered voters due to hurricanes and another state devastated by a tornado and still other states with flooding, and my own state is suffering with land slides.

Are we going to let our rights be shoved aside in the turmoil? Our country needs us voting citizens to get to the poles and say our piece.

So please......Vote your own mind.

You have an opinion........Voice it in the booth where it counts.

See you at the pole.




Dioxins and Cancer........Warning!

RE: Cancer News from John Hopkins this was received from a nursing supervisor at Greenville Memorial Hospital. It was sent to their staff.

Cancer News from Johns Hopkins:

1. No plastic containers in micro.
2. No water bottles in freezer.
3. No plastic wrap in microwave.

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Dioxin chemicals causes cancer, especially breast cancer.

Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic.

Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body.

Instead, he recommends using glass, Corning Ware or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, only without the dioxin.

So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc.

He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.

Also, he pointed out that Saran wrap is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food.

Cover food with a paper towel instead.

This is an article I believe you should forward to your family and friends -- anyone who is important in your life.




I'm a day late getting this man's advice out......Sorry!

Politically Correct Halloween

By Scott Roeben

This year, before you pick a Halloween costume, you'll need to consider whether it's appropriate or not. You may feel your costume is creative, but in these politically correct times, you need to take the feelings of others into account. These formerly popular costumes have now been deemed politically incorrect.

Raggedy Ann. This costume clearly objectifies women.

Werewolf. Offensive to animal advocates and those with male-pattern baldness.

Cave man. The proper term should be "evolutionally challenged"; "man" is overtly sexist; also insulting to those in loincloths.

Cop. Authority figures should not be ridiculed.

Grim Reaper. Trivializes death; may also encourage children to use scythes without the necessary supervision.

Napoleon. Offends the French. (In much the same way deodorant does.)

Frankenstein's Monster. Pokes fun at those with psychological or emotional problems, as well as those with identity crises.

Bride of Frankenstein. Extremely offensive to women—they should not be known by, or valued more, merely because of their husbands.

Skeleton. Exhibits an insensitivity toward those with eating disorders.

Angel. Mocks religion and the religious.

Hunchback of Notre Dame. Ridicules those with physical deformities, as well as those suffering from "ligyrophobia," a fear of noise.

Dracula. Endorses the irresponsible practice of transmitting bodily fluids.

Sigmund Freud. Insults those with the lifelong opinion that a cigar is just a cigar.

Flapper. Demeaning to women and tassel salesmen.

Gladiator. Insensitive to cross-dressers.

Cowboy. Encourages violence, cruelty to animals and spontaneous "whooping."

Mafioso (mobster, "wise guy"). Unfairly stereotypes Italian-Americans. OK, actually, fairly stereotypes Italian-Americans, but it's still stereotyping.

Tarzan. Condones mistreatment of minorities and animals. Again, hurtful to those in loincloths.

Ghost. Glorifies the occult.

Witch. Religious persecution. Also pertains to warlocks, Gnostics, conjurers, chiromancers, shamans and Druids.

Leprechaun. Shows contempt for the Irish-American community, as well as the diminutive.

Presidents. Encourages scorn and contempt for authority figures, at least half of whom have no criminal record whatsoever. (See also "Cop.")

Characters from Star Wars. Offensive to Star Trek fans.

Characters from Star Trek. Offensive to Star Wars fans.

Mummy. Offends Egyptians, embalmers and the undead.

Genie. Objectifies women; subjects those who may be "buxom challenged" to ridicule. (Note: Same applies to wenches.)

Pirate. Distasteful to those with hooks for hands and the vision impaired (wearers of eye patches), not to mention parrot owners.

Zombie. Disrespectful of the dead.

Princess. Contributes to myth that women must be "rescued" to live happily ever after (same goes for Snow White); also insulting to certain Jewish-Americans.

Gorilla. Condescending to our friends in the wild kingdom.

Medusa. Exploits animals; sends the wrong message to young girls by implying women are defined by their physical appearance.

Gumby. Ridicules those with disfigurements (especially of the head).

Knight. Offensive to dragons, I imagine.

Baby. Promotes a lack of respect for youth, human life and those who drool voluminously.

Biblical Figures. Religion is no laughing matter, except for that part about Noah fitting four million species of animals onto one boat.

Ballerina. Cruelly mocks the short, not to mention the waif-like.

Indian. Native-Americans have been oppressed, slaughtered and persecuted—imitation buckskin and feathers are the final insult.

Devil. Affront to demons and those currently possessed by demons; Satanists are people, too, all right?

Sports Figures. Belittles our heroes.

Convict/Prisoner. See "Sports Figures"—the groups often seem to overlap.

Fairy. Offensive to interior designers and choreographers. (Note: The same guideline applies to sprites and pixies.)

Priest. The Catholic church has enough to worry about without being the butt of jokes (if you'll pardon the expression).

Bandito. Racial stereotype; subtly condones handlebar mustaches.

Headless Horseman. Blatantly sexist; wrongfully pigeonholes equestrians; also involves another physical deformity—offensive to amputees and the headless.

Viking. Endorses razing; in addition, glorifies pillaging and ravishing.

Porky Pig. Insensitive to members of the Jewish-American community (as well as members of Weight Watchers).

Klingon. Unjustly hurtful to illegal, as well as resident, aliens. (See also "Characters from Star Trek.")

Hobo. Derides the economically and hygienically disadvantaged.

Professional wrestlers. Offensive to just about everybody. (See also "Sports Figures.")

Mermaid. Slights women and aquatic life simultaneously.

Daffy Duck. Unkind to those with speech impediments. (Same goes for Elmer Fudd and Barbara Walters.)

Phantom of the Opera. Unfeeling toward those with physical malformations; shows contempt for those committed to ridding the civilized world of musicals.

Ninja. Perpetuates stereotype of Asians; also promotes "lurking."

Albert Einstein. Insulting to those who have a problem comprehending the particle nature of light.

Chinaman. Sexist; racist; upsetting to immigrants and honor students.

Clown. Deeply offensive to Geraldo Rivera.

Aunt Jemima. Racially inflammatory; serves to exacerbate the already incendiary "pancake vs. waffle" debate.

Robin Hood/Merry Men. Suggests an intolerance for those with alternative lifestyles.

Aside from those costumes, you should be just fine. Get out there and enjoy your Halloween! Oh, and don't use the phrase "trick or treat." Hookers are people, too.

It's lonely at the top,
But at least you eat better.
Maybe not candy....LOL
Isn't this a hoot!
This guy's funny...


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Enjoy.... Have fun.....Play.....Make friends.