
Flog the Memories with boughs of Delbert

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

I enjoyed my visit with my granddaughter, (hubby, and g-granddaughter: both were sick and they toughed it out to come visit gramma on thanksgiving anyway; god bless em.) and my daughter.

Then last evening 2 of my adopted grandsons came over. We decorated for Christmas and cried through the passion of the Christ together. We all still cry every time we see it.

Today we will finish with the decorations outside, making the advent wreath (I'm just a little late this year; advent started last Sunday), and then start on these years’ ornaments.

One of our family traditions is to make a new ornament every year and date them. We start out with 2 or 3-dozen and over the years we wind up with just a couple. The oldest one we have is dated 1920, but of the ones from my branch of immediate family creations date from 1968. It gives us memory floggers for every ornament we hang on the tree each year of times of family gathered together in celebration of the coming of our Saviors birth.

This year we're making them from oyster shells. Should be interesting; Tanner (Russian Inglikut) and Anson (refugee from Montana) are both artists also, so we'll probably be up to our elbows in paint and loving every minute of it.

As a side story to all this nostalgia.....

In my earlier days of taking in strays, I came up with a family name for all of us miss-matched throw-away hurt and broken people; so we could all be members of the same loving caring family. That last name is Delbert. It was the stupidest last name I could think of at the time (1973). Then we all picked our names. Didn't make any difference how weird, crude or disgusting (in fact that is preferable to fit the last name. Its all for fun anyway...LOL)

Anson is still thinking on his name, but Tanner picked Dill Doe Delbert (OMG... LOL)
So to all the Delbert clan...

Granny sez howdy.

Hope yurn-all happy as fleas on a dawg an keepen-up with yer lernen-like-I-show'dya. Always wear your underdraws in polite compny.
Keep the blessins flowin and do the Delberts proud!

Love,Granny Sina Delbert


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