
Don't forget to VOTE!

I've enlisted the help of someone pretty high up to see if I can't get the voter turnout up a little higher.
Click the link. (title or cut and paste http://www.rubberchickencards.com/content.php/action/play_card/id/332/).

You can see from the past few years what can happens when we leave it to others to decide our fate.

Think about it.....There are three states with no polling places and scattered voters due to hurricanes and another state devastated by a tornado and still other states with flooding, and my own state is suffering with land slides.

Are we going to let our rights be shoved aside in the turmoil? Our country needs us voting citizens to get to the poles and say our piece.

So please......Vote your own mind.

You have an opinion........Voice it in the booth where it counts.

See you at the pole.



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