
If it isn't one thing it's 20!

I’m asking for prayer for myself.

I just received a call from the department of health and social services. The representative informed me that I’m not permitted to un enroll in the medical program they have me in where I am to pay $99.00 a month for insurance from them. I have no option but to pay it. I didn't ask to be signed up to it either. I am being billed just under $300.00 come October 31st, 2005.

In August I called this same representative and asked if it would be all right if I skipped paying the $99.00 because I had started paying the $99.00 one month too soon. At that time he said, “No problem!”
In September I wrote him and requested to be dropped from the program since I could no longer afford to pay $99.00 a month for medicine and be able to eat too.

I explained all this to him in August and again in September and again just now over the telephone.

He said, “ Don’t worry about it.” Then turned around and told me I’d receive a bill for just under $300.00 on October 31, 05. That I could just pay whatever I could. I said to him, “don’t you hear what I’m saying? I was one month ahead. I missed one month that you Okayed. That should have made me even”.

“I missed September…. After notifying you to drop me from the program. At best I should only owe you for one month; two by the end of October. Now your telling me I owe $300.00? And…. I have no option to drop out of the program. I have to pay it. Any clues where I get the money? I don’t have it! I live on disability and I’m only permitted to earn $3-400.00 a month. They will take that out of my check if I earn that amount steady. If I earn over that my rent will go up. I can only earn what hours I can get in rotation at the school. If they deduct the $400.00 from my disability then I will be forced to try to survive on $400.00 a month. I can’t make it on what I’m getting now!
Doesn’t anyone have a heart any more? What’s happened to our country? Forced slavery? The Government won’t help anyone anymore, so why don’t they just legalize euthanasia so they can just get us to hell out of the way? No one cares anyway”.

After about a half hour on the phone and me finally breaking down and crying (I hate it when I cry because it never solves anything) I finally just said, “I give up. Do whatever your going to do. The worst that can happen is I wind up in the street, get pneumonia and die; because it’s for damn sure I can’t afford medicine”.

His parting words were, “Don’t give up!” Like that’s going to change what they do. Honestly! If I didn’t have my Lord, I would have given up years ago when I was raped at 19. Forced to give up my dreams to support my sick family. Used and abused by men throughout the years until finally being abandoned with a nine-year-old-child to fend for ourselves. Then another sick-o-bastard husband molested my daughter and put us both in a tail spin emotionally.

It goes on with after devoting years of my life to keeping my grandkids from winding up in the street; wiping out all of my retirement savings trying to pay off all the industrial accident bills I got stuck with resulting in my being disabled; I get thrown out of the house I paid all the bills on to move us into by my daughter and son-in-law. Not once but twice. They never offered to pay me back any of the money I forked over to them to help them out over the years, so I’m living in subsidized housing on a fixed income and left with nothing and no way to help myself.

I can’t get anyone to help me consolidate my bills and make it easier on me to live.
When I went to one of those lawyer places to help me go bankrupt, I wound up paying $175.00 to find out I don’t owe enough, then they kept my $175.00 because I used one of my credit cards.

Now this….Isn’t life wonderful?

So…. if anyone has any clues how I can get out from under all this I’d sure appreciate knowing. In the mean time, please pray for me.




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