
Some Recent Paintings

This one is "Philidendron"
color pencil and watercolor pencil mix.

"Givens Hot Springs 2000"

If your lucky this might still be there if you go to Givens Hot Springs, Idaho.

You'll see this shed beside the building that houses the olympic size mineral water swimming pool.

I'll have to take this one over again.... see the curtain and my reflection in the glass???


Is a watercolor painting I'm repairing... thanks to my birds being out of their cage.

I discovered too late they liked to perch on it, and crap down the front when it was uncovered.

Once I finish the repairs I'll be able to complete it then donate it to the local Timberland Library.



Bo and Rosey

Here's Rosey posing for her picture. She's a six-year-old Standard Pearl cockatiel. She is extremely small for a cockatiel.

Their door is open all day most days except those days when I need to keep them out of something I'm doing.
Believe it or not they follow me around like kids.
Rosey loves to watch me cooking in the kitchen and Bo took that saying "Wither thou goest" to heart.

I have to be real careful I don't step on them at times, because they are just out for a walk.

This is two-year-old Bo looking up at Rosey.

Poor guy was pinioned when he was a baby by a previous owner, so he can't fly well; he does a rather gracefull fall. God love him, he tries so hard.

Bo is yellow and white specially bred cockatiel from the basic Pearl.

He's not to crazy about her being over his head.

Wonder if it's like us worrying about Seagull's flying overhead???



Crochet White Owl

Here's my funky white owl. I messed up his face when I posed him. LOL It makes him look like he has a mouce in his jaw. LOL

I didn't take a picture of the back, but he has a tail with some feathers on it.

The feet were fun to make. This looks like he's doing a tap dance or something.

Don't mind me, I've got a great imagination. Maybe that's why the kids love these things.

My grandson James has already put dibs on this to go with his collection of Gramm's toys he's saving for his some-day-kids.

Bless his heart. I don't quite know how to take that. Am I not expected to still be alive and able to crochet by the time he ever has a kid?
Oh well, I know he loves his Gramma's wild emagination toys, because he has darned near one of everything I've ever made. LOL You should see his hat collection. I got it..... he's just a pack rat.




The muppets - manamana

The Muppets




Have broken car...get lots done.

Having a broken car sure gets a lot done. LOL
It's a self defense thing to keep from going stir crazy.
In the last three days I've:
1. Moved all the furniture around and set up a studio so I can paint without the hassles of getting everything out and putting it away every time I get the urge.
2. Completed three paintings.
3. Re-potted three plants in preparation to move to the permanent flower bed.
4. Fed and watered all the plants within my hose's reach...about 30 feet.
5. Re-organized my computer desk to facilitate my art projects too.
6. Cleaned both bird cages and finally gotten ALL the bird seed from around the carpet edges where their cages sit. While.... the birds visited outside for the first time this Summer. And get this... it got so cold, they had to come in.
LOL Everywhere in the country the temperature is in the triple digits, here it's 60 outside my door. No sun. Ocean breeze.
7. Washed the windows on the outside. Haven't gotten the urge to do the inside yet.
8. Went through all the reading material for keepers and donatables for the library.
9. Packaged up a HUGH package for the Union Gospel Mission. Sad thing is it's in the car at the garage until the car is fixed to take it to the Post Office.
We don't have home delivery here, so I'm beholden to my son-in-law for picking up my mail for me. Bless his tater hole.
10. Gotten the car to the mechanic to get the ahem! Sweetheart! fixed.
11. Cleaned out the utility closet. I found a set of tire chains I can't use anymore. Know anyone that needs a pair of chains for a small sized economy truck? Free... come get'em.
12. Finished another crochet checker board and stuffed rooster.

Well, I guess that's it. Can't think of anything else right now.

Goals while the car is kaputz..
If: I get the ink cartridge in the mail ... I want to print out copies of some paintings, and crochet stuff for a catalog.

Also, I want to make sure I get a photo of a landscape I do from memory of a real place, so I can enter it into a contest by October.

If: I get the yarn from an order for a Cheshire cat and bumble bee I'll have time to get them done and packaged for when the car is available again. Hopefully the hands won't wear out in the meantime, from pushing it. Tedium and hand strain takes it's toll on the hands and wrists. But... I've been doing this for over 5 years, so I learned how to rest them and keep on going.

Crank out some more stock for getting into the Flea Market at the Farmer's Market in Raymond before the end of Summer.

Well looks like the pictures will get done, I just got the color cartridge. Yeah!
So... till next time.
Stay cool. Just remember... truck + tarp + water = fun place to cool off in the heat. Take it from an old desert rat from the Mojave.


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