
Isn't He/She/It Cute?

This is a crochet elephant. You can't see the eyes, but they are blue. I've started making toys from my wild animal book. I know it's an unusual art form, but everyone seems to love them. Just thought I'd share.

I made this little guy/girl/critter. It took me almost a week. I wrote down the pattern as I worked so I'd be able to sell them if anyone wants one. Now all I have to do is figure out what my chicken scratches say and voila'. LOL



New Page for my Pictures

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while.

I've been so busy setting up and transferring pictures to my new web page; time just got away from me.

Then Valentines Day came and went and my sister's Birthday. Ahhh! Too little to do and too much time, as Willy Wonka would say. Yes I ate some chocolates too. OMG! I hadn't had any in ages; so long I'd forgotten what it was like...that's how long... and the chocolates too.

Anyway, I now have a site for all my pictures and busy taking more to add; so come visit if your so inclined. You can visit from my link in the sidebar called Jan's Space or copy and paste this link into your browser http://spaces.msn.com/janzspace0/ .... Or.... you can click on the title. How's that for convenience...LOL

If not.... oh well, all this talent will just have to bloom for others to appreciate.

Your loss.... LOL

Speaking of losses......
I got your IQ test results back.......
They're negative.




Still My Heroin! Aunt Ann

My Aunt Ann has been my heroin for years and she's still living up to the challenge.

I just received a newspaper clipping and accompanying letter from her.  She's 89 years young.  Yes young! AND

She's in a wheelchair no longer capable of running, walking or using her legs for much but a lap.  

Does that get her down?  No!

There's a big full color spread in the Valdosta Daily Times. Monday, January 30, 2006 - Page 18; “Love of Painting - Artist finds peace in paints” by Dean Poling.

You can check out some of her paintings:


And the add for her show:


Her show is at the Brooks County Price-Campbell Foundation Gallery Lowndes/Valdosta Arts Commission Gallery.  Annette Howell Turner Center for the Arts, 527 N Patterson St.  Free Admission 10 - 6 Tues - Thurs; 10 - 4 Fridays and Saturdays; 1-4 Sundays.

That is totally awesome!  I'm so proud of her.

This lady was and still is a ball of fun spitfire; soft spoken yet ready for orneriness at the drop of a hat.  She's a deeply devoted Christian whose paintings reflect her inner peace.  She's a country girl that lets the love of nature flow freely into her art.  She's a wonder with critters.  Must be the training of learning muscles and structure from her hair dressing training days; I don't know what it is really but she's good.

Good Onya Aunt Ann.  Keep on slinging those oils!




Pictures of the Flood in Raymond WA January 4 2006

These are flood pictures of Raymond, WA from the Village Green Apts, overlooking 1st street. Someone in Raymond took them on Saturday 4th, 2006.

This is about 10 miles from my apartment. But the entire area floods like this wherever it is low enough to pour in. I live on a hill. LOL So the water would have to be about 30 feet deep to reach me. These pictures show the flood was anywhere from 3 inches to 6 feet deep in town. The flood gates overflowed and were shut until high tide went out again, so people couldn't do anything but wait for low tide.

This flood happened while the power was out Saturday 4, 2006. The power was out for 14 hours here in South Bend, but is still being repaired in some parts of Northern Washington.

Any time there are extremely high tides, and we've had an unusual amount of rain; this happens here in Raymond, WA and occasionally in South Bend. When this happens we are cut off from everyone.

Weirhouser Lumber mill is by the main road (river now); the river on one side borders them and the road crosses the river on another. The picture of one of Weirhouser's parking lots looks more like a boat launch.

These are ocean water flooding times due to the Willapa River being an inlet from the Pacific Ocean. Raymond is the lowest point of the two communities on the Willapa. South Bend usually gets a little flooding but not like Raymond. Some people in Raymond have had to move onto their roofs or into their attics and wait it out. It always goes down when the tide goes out.

This is another shot of Weirhouser Lumber Mill

Why do people live here? It's simple.... there is some sort of natural disaster you will have to contend with no matter where you live on earth. Just be prepared with some things to make you more comfortable and wait it out. Enjoy the little things and don't take things so serious; there's enough in life needing our attention; like a warm pot of soup when the power is out, a good book to read by candlelight, and no phones or
sales people pestering. LOL

We are all fine and we've all rested and gotten to know one another all over again.

One store was open for a while. It is a little neighborhood Mom and Pop store owned by cleaver Asian American neighbors in South Bend. They ran their generator till it ran out of gas so their neighbors could get things they carried in their little market. I got some batteries for my radio, and get this.... I was offered to wait until the next day when there was everything back to normal to pay them. I had enough money, but I was impressed with their trust and I WILL buy from them more often now because of it.

See what I mean.... good things happen all around us even in the bad; we just need to look for them and appreciate them when they happen. Thank God! They still had chocolate! LOL




Stand Up For America! Now!

Last night I sat and listened to two Representatives in the House discussing their positions of moral duty to the voters and how they plan to do all they can to make all the Representatives realize they are working for that voter and not the special interest lobbyists that have taken over our government.Rep. Kendrick Meek D-Florida and Rep. Tim Ryan D-Ohio gave their email address at the house so that everyone, not just Democrats, can write them and give their opinions, advice and speak their piece. So - I'm posting it for all you other voters who are fed up with what's going on in our government. I also heard Rep. Lynn Woolsey D-California speaking about freedom of speech.That E-mail address is 30somethingdems@mail.house.govI have a list of things I'm going to write them about and give my ideas. Make up your own list and send it to them. Here's my list:
  1. Bring jobs back into our country. Fine all companies that moved out of USA from 1970 on.

  2. Wages of our leaders; their health benefits paid by us while we get the shaft; their pensions paid by us while we get the shaft; equal punishment for all law breakers including them. Lie to us in office, break the law and your out of office; immediately.

  3. Tax reform; flat 10% tax on every person in the country; no exemptions rich or poor. I even like the idea of doing away with the IRS and making a flat Federal Sales tax on all goods; including food. That way anyone that buys anything will pay the tax: Illegal foreign visitors, terrorists or friends, drug dealers and politicians, big businessmen and women and mom and pop around the corner; yep and you and me.

  4. If the country can't live on the money from the sales tax, then cut your own wages and benefits and borrow money from big businesses instead of foreign countries. We shouldn't have to pay high interest rates to other countries when the government has to live within their allotted means just like we citizens have to do every day. This should level the playing field for all citizens.

  5. Definitely make term limits on all elected and appointed officials. State and Federal Judges included. No exceptions. No lifetime jobs.

  6. No welfare benefits for illegal aliens in this country. No more free medical care, welfare money, food, clothes, school, housing; whatever.

  7. Anyone not paying taxes in this country can't sell in this country.

  8. Kill the Patriot Act

  9. Stop spying on innocent people.

  10. No more automated elections. No more split up country for Electoral College. One vote per citizen counts in all elections. No majority winner but still loosing the election. All votes will be counted even if it takes a year to do it. No more throwing away votes. If there is a dispute, holed the whole election over again.

  11. No more rider bills added to anything. Each item will be voted on individually, and if Congress and the House can't vote what the constituents want, then we voters will settle the matter at the polls. End of discussion.

  12. Bring all troops home to rebuild & protect our own country.

  13. Put into operation around our borders a Star Wars Early Warning System similar to the Double Doper Weather Satellite system we have here in Washington for predicting weather fronts. With Star Wars technology to blow up any incoming threats; including commercial airlines that have been hijacked. (I still want to know why it took so long for our defense planes to react to the planes used on 9-11 for the attacks)

  14. Return our freedom of speech; we are not being unpatriotic by disagreeing with our leaders. We are concerned citizens; nothing more, nothing less.

  15. Anyone that wants to pray can; anywhere they want, at any time they want provided it does not endanger anyone’s lives to do so.

  16. Anyone who wants to get married can; they have a right to pay through the nose for divorces just like the rest of us.

  17. No more abortion mills. If someone has been raped then they can get an abortion, otherwise if the child isn't wanted they can be put up for adoption. The mother of that child will have her tubes tied so there will be no second unwanted child.

  18. Anyone on welfare will be retrained to work some job that will pay equal to the amount they receive on welfare. They will only be permitted to be on welfare for 5 years max. to give them ample time to learn a trade. They will be cut off welfare at the end of 5 years weather they have completed their trade school or not. If parents can't care for their own children due to drugs, etc. they will be placed into foster homes until such times the parents show their desire to provide properly for their own children.

  19. Sex offenders will be neutralized. If they are proven to be predators they will get the death penalty. No more providing for the care and feeding and housing of predators against society. We will not be victimized for life by being forced to foot the bill to provide for such proven predators against society.

  20. Put all our Senators and Representatives on the Social Security System and do away with our General Funded plan they now are in. They will pay into Social Security and will receive the same benefits as any other common citizen. If they want to pay extra for their own welfare in their Golden years, that comes out of their own pay. Not from the General Fund.

  21. Same with the Health care. No more special treatment for any of them; including the President and Vice President.
This is what I intend to send them. I'm sure you can come up with some of your own or even elaborate on these. I know I can still think of more: How about the hurricane victims, FEMA, Police, Firefighters, EMT's, Doctors, Nurses, Prescription Drugs; what about getting away from our dependence on oil? There are loads of places to add opinions and suggestions. We have the opportunity to voice them. Don't just sit back saying there's nothing we can do; because, there is...if we get off our lazy asses and do it.Stand up for America! Now!


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