
Gimme some good "old fashioned" Melodrama

I wondered for years why I didn't like Soap Opera's until it dawned on me that my life was a darned soap.
Back in the days of "Vo dodeo and three skidoo's" Grandma and Grandpa called the now soaps, Melodrama's.
People were nuts about them back in the 30's too. Perhaps it was due to the hard times people lived. Shortages of everything and no work, not security. There were lots of Hobo's or Drifter's then too.
Isn't it strange how the things we call things changes but the situations don't. Life now is pushing the soaps and making them share everyone's attention with all the realism shows. Castaways in the jungle, in the outback, on islands, eating bugs, playing daredevils, con artist bachelors and kissing millionaire's ego's among other things; just to entertain us with life.
I still say, why watch that when I live a real life and face all sorts of dangers every day; just the way every other average citizen does.
We eat food we know isn't good for us and will probably kill us at an early age; filled with chemicals and pesticides, rodent hairs, excrement and god only knows what else. Now that's for real.
We take our lives in our own hands every time we walk in or out of our doors; especially if the weather is extreme.
Then there's the drug companies and the FDA using us as guinea pigs or lab experiments in the live world; and we get to pay for the privilege of being experimented on without being told. Hmmmmm think that's not drama?
How about politicians playing with our lives; taking our sons and daughters and using them like pawns in a world chess game.

Yep, I don't need realism; I need more hope and caring, genuine kindness and honesty. I need truth and real heroes and heroines. Fact is if I get much more realism I'm going to gag.
I don't need to know how many bugs a person will eat to make some money. I don't need to know how far a person will go to humiliate themselves or someone else for the almighty dollar.
I don't want to know who sold their souls to whom or for what amount.
I'm tired of that!

Give me some real old fashioned goodness. I know it's corny.
There's no cussing or sex scenes; no commercialism; no back stabbing.
People believe what others say because they know the person is honorable and trustworthy.

Ya! Whoooyah! In my life....Gimme some good "old fashioned" Melodrama any day.


Tis the Season to Make Resolutions

What is it about this time of year that makes people want to make resolutions? Is it inherent in the festivities or is it just we have reason to feel guilt in some respect for something we caught ourselves doing that we think should be changed? I'm voting for the latter, because it isn't even Christmas yet and New Years is 8 days away and I've already started cleaning my personal house.
I've examined myself and found places I know I can be a better person and have begun my own foggy self-improvement plan.

Statistics back me on the need for attention to diet, exercise and healthier habits. It sure isn't fun. I've realized I'm the one putting the restrictions on my goals, so I have to change the way I think.
After 3 ½ hours of my mind revealing to me all these things I've not lived up to in my own eyes instead of sleeping, I gave up trying and got up to write them down.
  • How can I expect something of someone else that I am guilty of myself?
My growing resentment of family's conveniently ignoring me and only coming around when they want something, caused me to make the statement "If a person can't find time for me out of 365 days in one year except for when It's gift time, they can do without a gift from me; I'm just not made that way."
I realized my guilt is between my heavenly father and myself. I've been lax in attending church. I haven't prayed for others as I should be doing. And when I look at myself from His parental perspective I stand guilty of my own words judgment. How can I expect blessings from God if I don't find time to spend with Him other than when I want something from Him; after all there are 365 days in a year?
  • Why have I bought into the age limitation crap that's prevalent in these continental United States?
I've never been one to permit excuses for not doing something. I've a crippled foot and never allowed it to hold me back. I've fought against discrimination my whole lifetime and never let the status quo stop me from my dreams of whatever I wanted to do or be. I've worked 'Men's' jobs because they paid better than 'Women's' jobs and worked 2 and 3 jobs at the same time. I guess that's why I was so hard on my daughter and foster kids I took into my home. No excuses; because, like butt holes - everyone has one.
I know when it all started for me too. I can trace my acceptance of my own inability when I got hurt on the job and was laid up for 3 years. During that time I didn't have a strong enough family to stand on their own feet and I was in no condition to work; I needed to recuperate. So during that time I wound up loosing every cent of security I had worked for, my entire life, and wound up living in the street.
Living in the street isn't like camping. And it wasn't my choice to be there; my family threw me out when the money ran out.
I was devastated emotionally and weak physically. I lived in fear; cold and alone. It was then I finally looked up and asked my Heavenly Father what was I going to do?
  • How can you love someone else if you can't love yourself enough to do what's right for you?
Well I'm still working on the list, but I've decided to at least attempt to be a better me than I've been.
  1. I hope to make the 2005 Christian model of myself, one that genuinely cares about everyone I come in contact with. Love my neighbor as myself.
  2. I will do and care about others welfare, doing everything I can throughout the year; not just at Christmas; because, I discovered I received true joy in doing nice things for others and I'm just selfish enough to want to stay happy all year. For it is in the giving that I receive.
  3. I will show love to myself and others by being the best person I can be at all times and to all people; even those I don't like. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; yet He forgave us and loved us in spite of our sins.
  4. I'm going to try to live, eat and be healthier for me because I like me and want the best for me. The healthier I am the more I can do for others, and that will please my Heavenly Father most. For if I speak words as tinkling bells but have not love I am nothing. Actions speak louder than words.
  • So here's to all who make resolutions with good intentions. May we all achieve at least a part of what we hope for and all of what we work to achieve.
There's a saying; I don't know who said it, but it's good. "You will get what you give your time too....What's coming for you?"
Happy 2005



Why is all this bad happening to us at Christmas?

The $30.00 Blessing
The story begins the Friday before Christmas. My son-in-law, daughter, grandson and myself went to Aberdeen to do some last minute Christmas shopping. None of us had much money, but Robin had lay away to pick up and James, my grandson, had to do his Christmas shopping yet. Tim and I were broke, but along for the ride. We just wanted to spend some family time together, since we don't see each other much.
We'd been to one store and was pulling out of the lay away store's parking lot when we saw a man along side the road holding a sign.
"Traveling had trouble
need help to get home
gas and food."
He was dressed in clean clothes and by his appearance was just like us or any other shopper at the stores where we had just been. He didn't look down and out or like a bum.
James was fidgeting with his shopping money and said, "Here gramma, give this to that bum."
We were in the far left lane at the time, so I held my arm out the window and yelled, "Can you run over here fast?" He flashed a beautiful smile and ran, taking the money, and said, "May God Bless you, thank you."
After turning left we resumed talking about where we still had to go and where did James want to go. He frantically began searching all his pockets and seat. "I can't find my $30.00!" he says "All I have $2.00."
"I had the money separated to give that bum the 2.00. I must have given him my money by mistake."
After much grousing and complaining we decided to head back home that there was no reason to look any further when non of us had money to shop. James made the remark, "I probably just gave a drug addict his drug money."
Robin commented, "No, he didn't look like a druggy, you probably just helped a man get his family home for Christmas. God probably used you to help them have a good Christmas. You should feel happy for them."
James wasn't placated. I added my slant with, "How do you know he wasn't an angel? Or God? Maybe you just paid for something wonderful that's going to happen in your life. Yep, something wonderful is going to happen, you'll see."
The very next day Tim, James and Chris, James' friend, were going to clean the chimney to prevent a house fire from the creosote buildup in the chimney. James was on the roof and slipped, " Don't come up here Dad, It's too slippery."
Tim stepped off the ladder onto the roof and within 2 steps, fell grabbing the gutter pipe to try to break his backward momentum. The cover on the gutter came off, his hand slid sideways down the broken gutter which slashed his hand open to the bone diagonally. Reflexively he let go and grabbed again trying to save himself.
"Mom, can you come get me?" Tim just left in the ambulance......
"Tell me about it when I get there, I'm on my way." and I hung up.
That was at 11:00 Saturday morning.
We waited at the emergency waiting room until 4:00 when Tim was life flighted to the medical center in Seattle. All that time they were trying to see how badly he had been hurt, but he was bleeding out and they couldn't do anything but give him blood to keep him from dying. He had severed the main nerve running down the center finger which controls all hand movement, and
the 2 main arteries in his hand. He could die if they couldn't get the bleeding stopped.
After he was air lifted to Seattle, we got changed for the long drive to follow him to Seattle. He would get there in an hour; we were facing a 3-4 hour drive on a normal weekend. This was the last Christmas shopping weekend of the year.
I said to James before we pulled away from a very worried son who wanted to come along, and was feeling like the accident was his fault, "It sure couldn't hurt non if you'd pray; and as an after thought "for all of us."
Robin and I left. I had never been to Seattle in my life, never drove anywhere near there. She had no idea where to guide me, but had been to Seattle a couple times as a passenger.
I felt totally calm; in my mind I knew Tim would be out of surgery by the time we arrived at the hospital. He would be released and we could drive him home, without any incidents of alarm to any of us.
Robin was uncertain, but thought it would be okay; at least she was hoping like crazy.
Strange incident of note: My car registered ½ tank of gas when we went to my apartment so I could get ready before getting gas money and driving the boys home. Chris, James' friend, saw it and made the comment when we noticed the gas gage read full. "Wow! See, God's helping us already I said, your angel must be with us for your Dad, James."
Traffic was heavy but moving nicely.
We arrived at the medical center at 9:20 pm and Tim had just come out of surgery and was doing well.
The surgeon told Robin they attached the arteries together again and the nerve was repaired. He is to do nothing with that hand or he could loose all use of it.
Sad thing is he had just recuperated partially from a bad near fatal trucking accident which laid him up for a year without working. Robin has been supporting the family without help. L&I (worker's compensation) ran out and he couldn't work, but he kept trying to do something.
He's been made disabled and receives no compensation to help his family. He's feeling useless and worthless; now this happens.
They were all asking why this? What had they done to disserve this?
What were they suppose to learn from being constantly abused in one way or another? They were questioning God; hurt and angry.
Robin is wearing out from all the extra load too. She's working 80 hour weeks to try to compensate and those hours are taking their toll on her.
All I can reply to all of these questions is...
"If we learn nothing else from this, let it be that we should treasure each loved one while we have the chance to tell them we love them; because, this just shows how quickly we can loose someone we love. One minute everything is fine and the next they could be gone, so tell the ones you love that you love them; it may be the last chance you get."
I think James got his $30.00 worth.



The Chinese New Year

I asked my buddy, Jeeves, what sign I was born under in the Chinese New Year, and discovered I was born under the sign of the Horse.

The sign of the horse is suppose to have a capacity for amazingly hard work. Horse people are supposed to be their own person, very independent. We are also intelligent and friendly, but have a strong streak of selfishness and a sharp cunning. We are warned against being egotistical. This sign’s success areas say we make good adventurers, scientists, poets and politicians. Basically we are cheerful and popular, impatient, know our way around money and will always wind up a winner.

Wow! I think I might like me, but then again I don’t care for the innuendo of egotistical politician. EEWW! Icky! Don’t want any of that on me. Now that I think about it, I have written in my own name several times in Presidential elections over the years.

Horse people are supposed to be compatible with Tiger and Dog people.

Tiger people are said to be sensitive, emotional and capable of great love. They also have a tendency to get carried away and be stubborn when they think they’re right, to the point of being a hothead or rebel. Tiger people are said to be excellent in four main categories: bosses, explorers, racecar drivers, and matadors. Now this makes me wonder if my second husband, a crusader, was in this category, or if it was my third husband, the lunatic mechanic.

Dog people will never let you down, or so the Zodiac says; because people born under this sign are honest, and faithful. Sad thing is they are only faithful to those they love. They are plagued by constant worry, have a sharp tongue, and tend to be a faultfinder. The suggested fields for dog people suggest they make excellent business people, activists, teachers and secret agents. On second thought my second husband has to be a dog. He has the talent of being able to turn his affection on and off like a light switch. The energy is there or isn’t, it’s that simple. Rather tough for the people around him though. I wasn’t able to explain that to a parakeet that got thrown to the curb when the power was shut off, and I didn’t understand it myself when it happened to me either.

Never associate with a Rat.

Rat people are imaginative, and truly generous to the person they love. Rats are quick-tempered and exceedingly critical; prone to be somewhat of an opportunist. If you are under this sign, you should be happy as a writer, critic, or publicist; definitely in sales.

E-Gads! Here we go again with the second husband. Salesman, entrepreneur and con- artist with light switch emotions.

The Chinese New Year starts with the second New Moon after the winter solstice, occurring between Jan 21 and Feb 19, and is a 12-year cycle; each year is named after a different animal that imparts individual characteristics to its year.

The Chinese New Year is celebrated for 15 days. The 15th day of the New Year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.

In the 12-year cycle, each year is named after a different animal that imparts individual characteristics to its year. Beliefs are that the year of a person's birth is the primary cause in shaping that person's character traits, physical and mental attributes and extent of success and happiness throughout his or her lifetime.

You may like to check out my main sources for information yourself. www.educ.uvic.ca/faculty/mroth...





Your Chinese name and what your name stands for in the Chinese Zodiac.


As always, please remember this is just for fun; nothing is etched in stone.

According to http://www.afk.com/ ,
The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese insert an extra month once every few years (seven years out of a 19-yearcycle). This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.
New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.
The sacrifice to the ancestors, the most vital of all the rituals, united the living members with those who had passed away. Departed relatives are remembered with great respect because they were responsible for laying the foundations for the fortune and glory of the family.
The presence of the ancestors is acknowledged on New Year's Eve with a dinner arranged for them at the family banquet table. The spirits of the ancestors, together with the living, celebrate the onset of the New Year as one great community. The communal feast called "surrounding the stove" or weilu. It symbolizes family unity and honors the past and present generations.

Chinese tradition distinguishes the creation of the signs to the Yellow Emperor in 2637 BC; a semi mythical figure in Chinese history, while other legends endorse Buddha (c.563-c.483 BC) with the creation of the 12-animal cycle.

The legend:

Buddha of the sky decided to hold a competition for the animals' places in the zodiac sequence. What would happen is that the first animal that reported to the Buddha would be placed first in the sequence and so on. Originally, the rat and the cat were friends, and agreed that they would wake each other up on the day of the competition so that they would have a head start ahead of the other animals. However, the rat was rather conniving, and decided to sleep in the ear of the ox. The rat knew that the ox was accustomed to waking up early. The next morning, the ox woke up very early, traveled across ponds and charged through valleys and just before they arrived in front of the Buddha, the rat jumped out of the tired ox's ear and gained first place in the sequence. The other animals followed, and you can see that the laziest animal, the pig, won the last spot in the sequence. The reason that there is no cat in the zodiac sequence is because the cat never woke up. This is the reason the cat and rats are enemies to this day.

The Chinese Zodiac does become much more interesting. For instance, the aspect of every other year is either Yin or Yang and is also one of five elements being water, metal, fire, wood and earth. This year, the year of the Monkey, Aspect is Yang and Element is Wood. This combination only happens every 60 years. The Zodiac is also divided 12 times a day, which would make a total of 8640 combinations. (12 animals x 5 elements x 12 months x 12 times of day)

2004 is The Year of the Monkey, which started on Jan 22, 2004, Lunar Year 4702.

Monkey people are intelligent and a very clever wit. Your extraordinary nature and magnetic personality make you always well liked. The Monkey people, however, must guard against being opportunistic and suspicious of other people. This sign promises success in any field you try.

The next Chinese New Year begins on January 21, 2005 and will be the year of the Rooster.

Rooster people are hard workers, shrewd and definite in decision-making. Because they often speak their mind, they tend to seem arrogant to others. Monkey people are dreamers, flashy dressers, and excessive to an extreme. If you are born under this sign you should be happy as a restaurant owner, publicist, soldier or world traveler.

Oh well, only 10 more years to wait for my year again. “Dong Hoy Fat Choy!�

Hope I spelled that right. Happy New Year!


If anyone knows the correct spelling, please let me know, Thanks.



Some Facts about Christmas for the new Virginia

My friend wrote a blog about her child asking the question all parents dread answering. Transition from childhood to the real world questions are always the hardest to answer, so rather than just answer her, I thought it would be a good idea to put it out there for other parents who find themselves in the same situation at this time of year. Here is how I answered this question.
Yes lil Miss... Santa and Jesus are both real! That's historical fact!
My Friend: "Out of nowhere, she asked me if I believed that
Santa was real!!!"
We all know it's coming but are never ready for them to grow up. Sad thing is they are growing up too fast now days; they hardly have a childhood to look back on because everything and everyone is in such a hurry.

My Friend: "Well, what do you believe, honey? And why do you ask?"

Spoken like a true parent. Er stammer stammer, I wish my brain would work fast enough to make the words come out of my mouth, but instead the kid is hearing.... Well what do they know; if they don't want to be a believer, then it's their choice. Myself, I'd rather believe in the old fart and believe me; when I get my hands on him he'll wish I hadn't. He forgot me last year after I said I was going to set a roaring fire in the fireplace so it would singe his ass for the present he left me the year before.
I'm the wrong one to ask that question sweetheart; I have a running feud going on with that old Buzzard. Each year after I quit believing in him; you know the ho ho ho stuff and reindeer and all that, not Christmas, he's left me one rotten gift after another. So I keep trying to catch him and give him a piece of my mind. The nerve of that dude. Nah sweetie, you believe what you want. I'm hunting Santa myself; he's just lucky I don't carry a grudge.

My Friend: "Well, the Santa you see at the stores and on TV isn't real. So we do pretend in that way. But as long as you think he's real, that's all that matters."

Well darlin both men did walk this earth; history proves that, so they are exactly the same. If you want to know a little Christmas history...

Her Child: "Yeah, kinda like Jesus and GOD, huh?"

Jesus of Nazareth is the reason we have Christmas. He is known as the Christ. The anointed one of God. That's where the word Christmas comes from. It's a celebration of Christ's birthday by all the believers in Christ Jesus.

How Santa got involved started a few centuries ago; when a kind hearted priest named Nicolas Klous, left sweets in the shoes of the good boys and girls in a village in Germany. He became known as Father Christmas.
It was their custom to leave their shoes outside and still is in some places of the world. So it was easy for the "Father of Christmas" to have a place to leave the treats for the good children. He knew who was good and bad.
Father Christmas soon became known as Santa, a nickname for Saint Nicolas. The story of St. Nick spread all over the world, along with the Yule log and Christmas tree, because everyone loved the idea of Christmas being celebrated in such a loving way, so Santa took over the job and to my knowledge is still doing it this very day.
Father Christmas will live as long as there are believers in the Christ; believers will celebrate Jesus birthday every year and Santa helps us all celebrate, just as Father Christmas helped the children so many years ago. Christmas is a celebration of goodness.

I told my kids and tell any kids that question, some of the historical facts. I even have a video of the history of Santa which was a PBS special one year that I taped. I'm sure it would still be available if anyone else was interested.
These truths put everyone's minds at ease and everyone can get on with enjoying the celebration of Christmas. Down deep inside.. everyone believes in both men and what they represent; each believer has their own way of believing in the messages of both.

I hope this helps to answer the question for you and anyone that asks. Enjoy the celebration and may we all carry on the good messages of both the reason for the season and the joy we can all know because of a celebrated birthday.
At all times throughout the coming year, let us remember to show the ones we love that we love them; by our actions not our words. And let us all "Celebrate the Goodness" in ourselves and in others by showing our Love, Peace,and Joy toward everyone on earth. We can then be a contributing part of that which began over 2000 years ago; in a manger.
Merry Christmas



Gifts for 30...... Coming Up!

I thought I was done making hats for a while. Hah! Settle back and enjoy this one; I have to set the mood first.
Kara, another school bus driver, worked until a week before she was due to deliver her baby. Well joked with her that she'd have to have the kids either deliver it for her or call the ambulance to get her and for someone to finish driving the kids to or from school.
During this time I was busy making hats for the UGMission and for the kids here at the apartment building and for my own bus load of kids. Now myself, I would have preferred to give the kids an ornament filled with Christmas candies like I gave them the last 3 years. Simple, easy, cheep, and they loved them. But when our terminal manager decided to stop all giving of sweets of any kind to the kids, we all were left deflated and faced with going broke to give the kids something or look like Scrooge and give them nothing.
I really can't afford to see to it they each get a measly 1.00 for Christmas; I tried McDonalds gift certificates and nearly had to take out a loan. My bus transports 35 kids most days, so that tallies to 35.00. Problem is I think it's a putzy gift compared to what I used to be permitted to give them that was much cheaper, and when I have to double up my load and drive two routes on one bus load, that 35 becomes 57-62 kids.
Now for what happened. Remember those hats I was making? Well I was finished. 35 hats plus 5 just in casers all wrapped and ready to give out on the 17th, four days before Christmas break.
Yesterday, Wednesday, there was a big sign written on the board. "We had a baby! 9½ pounds and her name" (sorry can't tell)
I found out when I arrived to drive the afternoon route home that I would be driving both routes indefinitely. Mother and child are doing fine.
Now if that don't give you mixed emotions, what does?
I need another 25 hats in 8 days. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhh!
I was all set to panic and did a pretty good imitation of one until I remembered I hadn't mailed the remaining hats to the UGMission yet.
I had set back 50 hats to mail to them near Christmas if the lady in the store didn't ask for any more to sell for them.
Voila' I have the hats; now all I need to do is wrap them and find some way to separate them from my bus kids stuff.
Why? Because there are names and grades and sex to consider. How do I give them what I had for each of them if I just throw them all in a bag and tell them grab one. Heads like the rest of the bodies are different sizes.
I have kids from K through 12th on each route.
I can see it now; little pre-schooler Johnny gets a hat that fits his head like the kid on Fat Albert. All he has to do is cut eye holes in it and he can wear it. Then his hat winds up in the trash because the teen that got it couldn't wear it.
What's a driver to do?
Hay kids, I wish you a Merry Christmas and I wish I could give you a candy cane and I wish I could manufacture a larger bus so you all aren't crammed in there like sardines in a can, waiting to have the eyes closed. God love ya, your all good kids and disserve something good to say thanks for being good; I appreciate your efforts and enjoy being your bus mom/driver. Yes, even you kids I yell at for messing up all the time. I love each and every one of you assorted sized little shits. It the gift don't fit- trade with someone that it does fit or see me after Christmas and I'll fix it.
Merry Christmas... We have a new baby. I wonder what bus she will ride on in 4 years? I better start making her a hat, just in case. Cancel that! I already made her one. LOL



The Odd Family

I live alone except for my birds: 4 year-old, Rosey, and 1 year-old, Popeye. We are a family of mix origin: I'm Pennsylvania Dutch, Scotch, German and Irish and a drop of Cherokee, Rosey is a pearl (gray & white with rosy cheeks) cockatiel. Rosey's new hubby; Popeye, is a bred white cockatiel (white with some tuxedo gray patches).
Rosey is half normal size, because her breeder's didn't feed her properly when she was a hatchling. To help fledgling birds attain their natural size and be healthy, breeders should allow the parents to feed their young and supplement with extra food when handling the young getting them accustomed to human touch; Rosey missed out on all this. As a result, she is mean to most and claimed me as her mom; in fact she didn't accept him for almost a year, then finally decided he might be okay. She had difficulty adjusting to his machismo attitude. Like most males, he wants to dominate the supposed weaker sex; however, Rosey is far from being weak. She may be a midget Pearl, but like dynamite, she can pack a wallop when overheated. Don't get me wrong, she isn't a total bitch all the time; just while she's awake, and to everyone except me. She is nice to poor, unsuspecting, gentle, one-eyed Popeye. I say unsuspecting because she seems to delight in choosing the most peaceful moments to get angry with him. I don't watch them constantly, so he might have been hogging the best treat, seed cup or hanging treat; or for that matter some favorite perch at the moment or he wants in the tent I made for them; (he isn't all innocent either).
Popeye was maimed by a rather large Macaw of the previous owner, (thus the reason for his name change from whatever it was to Popeye.
Sometimes I think they act like an old married couple and other times, call the attorney, there's a divorce in the offing. I believe they do love one another though, and tempers will flair; but they always make up in the end.
Theirs is one of those Spring and Winter romances. LOL He's been madly in love since they met (he was all of 5 months old), but she wouldn't have a thing to do with him until October of this year. I have the nursery all fixed up if and when the little egg(s) get laid. Rosey may be to small and then again, she might just be a holding her eggs.
Hay, I can relate, the fun isn't taking care of kids, it's the messing around; especially if she's got a young stud hot to trot all the time. He doesn't have a bit of problem with the one eye other than at night, and she guides him around. He is learning to trust me in the dark; Rosey walks anywhere in the apartment in the dark, unafraid. (street tuff) LOL
They have the run of the house except when they are nasty to each other or me, then they do cage time for a couple days. Straightens them right out. For the most part they share a very large cage and until recently the large door was always open so they could go anywhere they wanted.
I finally put my foot down to the open door policy when Popeye decided to start climbing the curtains to the top of the traverse rods. He was able to coax Rosey to join him and the two of them march back and forth across the top of the drapes; crapping down the drapes, sheers and vertical blinds. Too much cleaning for me, thanks; now they come out when I'm ready to allow them to crap on me. Hay what's a little bird droppings among family.
So every evening they get their personal time out with mom and run over to the edge of the chair, look down at the bag of stick pretzels and wait to be fed their nightly ration.
Popeye wolf whistles, whistles for a dog, kisses and says "Good Morning and watcha doing, huh". Rosey says,"Sweetie, please and thank you and laughs"
They both choose the times they want to do or say these things; neither will do them on request. EXCEPT for a stick pretzel once in a while.
Rosey likes to run up my chest, place her face almost against my nose and laugh when I least expect. Makes me jump about four feet every time. Ornery cuss!
Each evening I put them back in the cage I tell them good night when I shut the lights off and like most mothers when leaving the children's rooms I say I love you, see you in the morning.
Maybe one day they'll surprise me and say those things back to me; it worked with good morning, so I'm hopeful.
I'll keep you posted if there's any new additions to the odd family. Maybe in the Spring she'll feel like being a mommy.



Healing Scars by Helping Others

How sweet of you my friend; thanks for your comments. Yes I've made that many hats. What I didn't add was the story behind the yarn that started it all. A dear friend died (she was the worlds greatest pack rat yard sale queen). She bought so much yarn that it filled a small storage unit here in South Bend. When she died, her grandchildren knew I'd use it so they gave it to me. I had 1/4 of my bedroom filled from floor to ceiling with yarn. I started making hats, scarves, slippers, mittens, small lap blankets, and sweater vests for the UGM in February of 2001. It was slow going and I didn't think I was getting the stuff to the homeless fast enough, so I started making hats and slippers. Nothing fancy just something I could whip out fast and keep heads and feet warm. slippers without balls can make warm sox and the lack of balls on hats and slippers accumulate enough to make more hats. So it's been since then and the tally is still going; I have 3 liquor boxes full left, which is enough for quite a few more, and the UGMission sends me yarn whenever it is donated.
I buy yarn as I can, and have expanded to our school. ECAP is early learning for families in our financially distressed area. Our school is not wealthy either; not enough income for families to promote booster clubs and such for the kids. So I'm making hats for the school (in school colors) for the sports, band and teachers; so that when they attend activities they have something with the school colors to set them apart from the other teams and fans.
I got that idea when attending the football games watching my grand-son, James. If it wasn't for the crate paper and balloons, you couldn't tell who was which in the stands.
Being raised by a pair of Christian, grown-up depression kids, I learned to look for ways to solve problems that I could see. The doing it myself comes from God. "How can I look at myself and see any worth if I don't do what is in my power to do, especially calling myself a child of God"? So it's my way of saying thank you to God (Dad) for all he's done and is doing in my life. No fanfares are necessary; He already knows. As I said in the piece; my life was saved from a head on collision, so He isn't finished using me here yet. "I love it"! Doing things like this fills my spirit will such overflowing happiness that I don't even miss not having family around me. I go out and collect family and shower them will all the love God gave me to give them.
I don't want great praises for doing what I should be doing with the gifts God has given me. I just wish more people would reach out to our hurting homeless instead of trying to hide them so they aren't seen, or look down on them for being in that position.
I've been there three times in my life. "It's scary"! "It's miserable existing that way"! "It's humiliating and degrading and leaves scars that can never heal completely"!
The healing process for me is ongoing; God brought me the yarn and the need and gave me the skill I needed to begin my own healing, while being a blessing to others in need. That's the way my precious Dad is and I love Him with all my heart and soul. But then, He already knows that. May you be blessed this Christmas as I am.



A Geeves by any other name is still Great!

Pick a topic any topic and ask Jeeves. It is the coolest search and answer site there is in my book. Google and the others all have their own good points but man o man Jeeves rules.
Who said, Once in a while you gotta take a chance.
What's the origin of St. John's Wort?
What is Zurtek used for ?
What is a blog?
What's the address of the Social Security office for Aberdeen, WA?
Where can I find pictures of US Sailing Vessels?
Where can I get plans for building a functional alcohol still?
Where can I get a recipe for making French bread?
Where can I get a recipe for making brandy?
How do I build a nesting box for cockatiels?
These are just some of the topics I've requested from Jeeves in the recent past, and each one I got just what I needed without having to do extra searching and hours of reeding to find what I wanted.
Now I should cop to it that my favorite dog was named Geevers. He was a my super dog. His lineage was English Sheep dog (standard), Great Dane (BIG standard Dane), Rhodesian Ridge-back and Russian Wolf Hound. This guy grew big enough my daughter could ride him like a pony. I'm not tall but at my
5 foot 2 1/4 inches he could almost look me in the eye, and did look down on me when he put his front paws on my shoulders. He was my woods dog (my companion while I worked in the woods). His breed was bread originally for hunting bear and wolves; however, he made an excellent companion and protector for a single female tramping around in the wilds of the mountain wilderness areas.
Oh, Geevers we had some good days didn't we.
I think about him most over the Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.
You are probably wondering why I brought him up with a search engine. I guess it's just a tweak of the name; maybe it's just that like the search engine Jeeves, my Geevers was always ready, waiting eagerly and capable of getting me what I needed or wanted. Willing to go with me wherever I was going; and saved my ass more than once.
I'll have to tell you about this magnificent animal sometime, but then I'd have to reminisce of my other dear furry canine friends. Chea, my endangered species red Wolf friend. Geevers, my woods Horse dog friend. Louigi Giovanni the Tooth, my vegetarian black Coyote friend, and Crown Jewel, my Lassie double Colly friend. Until then if you haven't experienced Jeeves first hand; by all means ask a question your curious about and see if you don't get a great answer, quickly.
Happy questioning.

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