
My Grandson James

Most kids when school pictures day comes around, they try to look good.....here's my grandson. Shades of Flava Flave? No just his goofy idea of funny.




Happy Keester!



Not so Dangerous

This guy is an alligator I made off one of my cartoon sketches. I love him.. He's so cute that every time I look at him I laugh. Cazz... Kicked back and enjoying life... Way to go dude!



Newest Crochet Updates

Remember this guy... he's finished now. I attached his muzzle and nose. Now he looks more like a hound dog pup.
The nose was tricky. I had to cover a piece of metal and sew yarn all over it. It turned out pretty good for a from-scratcher if I do say so myself. LOL

Here's my pair of clog slippers. I can't crochet them fast enough to supply the demand, so I just took shots of my slippers so you could see them. People are nuts over these things.

Gee, you think I should start selling them? LOL




More Crochet Artwork

I like making this kind of stuff for little kids. They get such a big kick out of them.

Mom's and grandma's like them too. LOL Go figure!

Scarves and hats aren't as much fun to make but I don't turn down the money for them either.

I'll have to take some pictures of the clogs I've been making. There's almost a new craze starting in one of the local schools; wearing clogs (slipper not leather) to school in place of shoes. The kids say they are more comfortable and keep their feet warm in class. (A side benefit is they can slide in the halls between classes too. LOL)


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