
One of those dayz

What day is it and why did I wake up dizzy?
I could understand feeling like this if I was still drinking, but I quit drinking alcohol years ago; but it feels just like a doozy of a hangover.

When the alarm went off this morning I rolled over to shut it off and nearly fell out of bed in the process. "Whoa!
What the heck was that?" I thought to myself. Then when I tried sitting up I felt nauseous and promptly lay back down and let the room spin for a while.
I knew this wouldn't do for driving school bus and thought, "Well, I'll give it some time; maybe it's just I tried getting up to fast and it will go away." By six forty-five I was able to sit up but still woozy, so I worked my way across the room to phone work, and let them know I wouldn't be in today. I checked my bg" like I normally do every morning and it wasn't high or low blood sugar causing this, so I haven't got a clue. It's really weird, because I don't feel sick other than I'm just dizzy as heck, and only get to feeling queasy if I move to fast; otherwise, I only have a headache.

Yesterday, I went to visit my landlady who has been down for nearly a month with double ear infections coupled with morning sickness. Talk about poor lady. Anyway, I don't think I caught any virus from her. She had a mild fever when I got there but it broke while I was there and she's on antibiotics so she shouldn't be contagious; at least not from what she told me was wrong with her. I had made a joke that I'd buy her sickness from her so she could have a break from it (my grandma used to buy people's sicknesses for a quarter) like the old time fold superstition. I didn't have a quarter or any change for that matter. LOL So here I am feeling crappy now.

You don't suppose there is anything to that old superstition, do you? I know my old gramma was dead serious about it. But then, she was serious about putting a lizard in a person's mouth to. It was to let the lizard breath in their mouth for getting rid of a soar throat. She had another good one. If you stepped on a nail, you were suppose to grease the nail, then lay it up on a window sill. "Then your foot wouldn't get infected." She'd say. My Mom always added, "And the nail won't rust any more either." We used to laugh and joke about these two; when gramma wasn't around, of coarse.

I have another two and a half hours before I'll know if I will be able to work this afternoon's run or not.



Knowledge comes when we least expect.

Today, while I was getting my ultra sound in preparation for my up coming gall bladder removal, the technician told me a surprising bit of information about gall stones.

Did you know this? I didn't.

I had asked him if gall stones weren't sort of a cinder type stone. I was under the impression that they were all like assorted sizes of porous, sharp, jagged, rounded stones that develop in a human gall bladder.
He said, " When I was working at Sacred Heart Hospital the Pathology department had a gallon jar they had a collection of gall stones in. They were all sizes: big, little; shapes: round, oval, long and even curly-q'd. Colors: red, different shades of blue, dark and light, and textures. Some were even mushy."

I find that amazing and interesting. I told him I thought it would make a good article in a trade magazine someplace. He wanted to know who'd want to know that kind of stuff?

Am I weird?

He said they don't save them any more; trying to keep up with the modern trend toward technological advances.
My thought was, How would they be able to get the hands on visual impact that they would get by seeing a gallon jar filled with what was actually removed from human gall bladders? Sure there are pictures, and pictures are said to be worth a thousand words, but these are real touchable/ feelable; you know... show and tell stuff.

All I can think is if I didn't know this information, and I read a lot about many different topics, then chances are there are lots of other folks out there that don't know it either. Shoot - kids would find that interesting; I'm sure.
Maybe I'm just going through my second childhood. LOL Oh well, that's progress for you. The average person doesn't get exposed to that sort of thin any more. I guess that's good too in a way. Can't you just hear Johnny coming in the door from school telling you about the marbles in his teacher that was added to the jar.
Or freaking out thinking he was having stones growing in him.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share a thumbnail of knowledge I picked up today. God knows how you could use this trivia, but there it is in all it's grossness.



"Somebody get that womans tongue off the floor...she's messing up the gym!"

Boy am I glad I decided to combine my diet journal into Melodrama; put everything in one spot instead of all over the place. Speaking of hanging out all over the place, Adonis has a cartoon on his desk that is a trainer and client. The trainer is telling the client that there's too much there to tuck in any more.
So far everything has been fine in the world of the physical; training that is. I've been there twice, and it's just another page in the drama of my life; just as it is in many others lives. For now it's going to be me and two hundred other women drooling over this personal trainer.
Never mind! He's all trainer! Just #$^&* Never mind! Figures! Damn health fanatics.

I should have known something was up when I heard someone yell, "Somebody get that woman's tongue off the floor...she's messing up the gym!"
Hay! I couldn't help it. I was on my nineteenth rep on the bun buster after already being on six other machines. He'd tell me what to do, then walk away, then back to another machine and repeat this. "What's he trying to do? Sweat it all off in one freak'n day?" There are two floors to this place and machines in every corner; along the walls and several rows in the center of the main floor.
EXccccccuuuuuusssseeme? Am I suppose to do all these suckers in one day? Son of a fatherless mother dog.

To paraphrase Maj. Payne, "He's gonna make me strong!"
And in the process I'll be a lot thinner. This reminds me of when my father was a newly retired drill sergeant from the Army. He'd get the whole family up every morning to do calisthenics in the back yard. He wanted us to get a good start on the day. PHHHHHeew! But you want to know something? I loved it. And, I love this too. Hurts like a mother trucker, but - by God it feels good!

Just before I left the gym, Adonis called me over and said, " You know you don't have to kill yourself. You could break up the machines over the week. It would be better for your body to recuperate between sessions. It will do you more good that way. You really did a great workout today. I'm impressed."
I had misunderstood. I thought I was suppose to do them all, but he was just showing me how they worked. I had not been in a gym in twenty years. Everything's digital now, and fancy gadgetry I'd never seen. He thought I knew them when I started exercising, so he let me go after explaining each new one. I think maybe I'll wait for instructions next time. What could it hurt?

I felt the rain dance in beads around on my skin; reminiscent of a frying pan; when I was on the way to the car. And that was after a shower, inside the building.



Sprig brigs allergies tdo...Sdiffle,

I was in a local department store today; where I usually buy my potting soil and plants. I had stopped to kill some time. I thought it would be a great time to pick up a bag of potting soil I wanted for the big planter I bought for some tomatoes seeds I purchased the last time the sun was out. Last year I had tomatoes well into near Thanksgiving. I liked it so much I thought I'd try again this year with a larger pot that can be moved into the house when the cold starts again.
Well as usual I roamed around and found other things and nearly forgot the potting soil until I got to the counter and noticed the long string of customers with potted plants, packages of seeds, empty pots and gardening stuffs tucked into their arms. Apparently that ray of sunshine was too much for all of us, because we had to get out and get to playing in the dirt.
Lawns have been mowed. Gardens tilled and prepped for planting. Trees have been netted for preventing birds from getting all the fruits. Fences have been painted and repaired. It's just been Spring popping up all over the place. Tulips have taken over the lawn borders where just a month ago daffodils and crocus were on parade. Now the sedum and amaryllis and other ground covers are in full swing, strutting their beauty.
Birds have come back from their winter quarters and now the sun is finally getting with the program.
Hay Washington! Spring has Sprung! The worms are rising and it's time to plant! My marigold seeds will finally be able to get out of the box in storage in the closet. The danger of frost is pretty much over.
God I love this time of year!
Maybe I better give it just another week or two to be on the safe side, considering wind chill factors and all; after all, this is the Northwest. But, Oh how the bug of Spring has bitten us all. It's going to be a glorious, wonderful, magnificent, Summer here in beautiful Washington. Time to dust off the old camera, break out the bug candles, spray and start using the Alavert to battle the not so fun parts of Sprig and Subber.



The Password here is Quicky --- Dream on!

Open minded or just plain nuts?
Aside from everything else concerning my trip to Las Vegas, this tops them all.

My ex-husband was there with his new wife (number 3 since me that I know of); I don't know how long they've been married but she's new news to me. The weird part is I like her.

She's originally from Germany, born and raised, and a surgical nurse by occupation. That in itself says a lot for/about her. She has to be a no nonsense person because, all nurses are natural born bitches when they want to be; in fact everyone in the medical field is that way; they have to be. Being a surgical nurse, she's not only a bitch but can choose the right tool to slice you up into little pieces; she's been working with/for prima-dona doctors for years and knows a lot herself. That's two things she has going for her in my book already, but there is much more in her favor to be with my ex. Don't misunderstand. I wish them both all the love and luck in the world.
Being German she's more easy going most of the time, but bull headed stubborn when she sets her mind to it. How do I know this? Because I'm part German and that's what all my German relatives are like; loveable mules.

From meeting her in person I learned she's a fun loving happy woman that was just as bored with what was going on around us as I was. She loves music and isn't shy about dancing to the music while sitting at a dinner table watching people stuff their faces and carrying on a conversation with those around her table; ever vigilant and watchful (here's the nurse in her coming out again; multi-tasking). She better learn to dance at the table or anywhere else she can, because unless my ex has changed; she's going to have to beg and threaten him onto a dance floor.....IF... they ever go out.

He did seem to be more like the man I originally married. When I suggested we seek counseling he only became more violent and abusive. I took that abuse for 10 years and divorced him after 14 years marriage. It's amazing how good a man can clean up when he gets involved with AA and gets of drugs and alcohol and finds God. His comment to me was, "She's my new enabler." Ya, butt hole, and I expect you'll screw this woman over too, because that's just he way you are.

Hopefully he's learned something over the years to stop him from treating women like objects to be owned, and who must earn him money. I never did understand that part of him; what the hell was he thinking? Were women just prostitutes; he's their pimp?

Here's another little quirk of the man; light switch feelings. I never saw anything like it in anyone else. He has the ability to turn his feelings on and off like a light switch. When they are on; he's loving, attentive, passionate, caring and all those nice adjectives describing the perfect man. When they are off; he's all the adjectives describing the person who is there in physical body only, he shows no emotions whatsoever; cold is a warm word to describe him, when he's shut off. So I do hope things has changed in his head. No pun intended.

I know he was in a quandary watching the two of us hit it off, like we'd been old friends for years and just met again. Every time he'd go looking for her (I guess she was expected to stand by his side at all times; like I did for him- the old jerk is showing fellow) she'd be over with me; involved in whatever conversation was going on at the time: laughing and having fun with whoever.

But he wasn't the only one; I guess you could say we were all surprised by the genuine display of friendship among us all. Maybe we had our party manners on for the wedding couple, but I don't think that was it. Perhaps we all just decided it was water under the bridge; time to move on and be nice to each other again.

That's good, because when I got home I joined a health club and met a hunk that stirs the juices, and I don't mean sweat and drool. Me, with a personal trainer. Sigh! Train me baby doll; but that's a whole nother story.....LOL
You know what the definition of a baby doll is don't you?
Answer: An empty headed play thing.



New Pope Elected

The following is an excerp from the BBC World News, April 19,2005 17:36 GMT announcing "The world has a new Pope!"

Click the link "New Pope Elected" for the full story or cut and paste the following to your browser.

Ratzinger is elected as new pope
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Benedict XVI appeared on the balcony before the crowds
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been elected as the pope - the head of the world's 1.1 billion Roman Catholics.

Taking the name Pope Benedict XVI, the 78-year-old German appeared on the balcony of the Vatican palace.

His arrival was greeted by loud cheers from the many thousands of pilgrims who had packed St Peter's Square as news of his election spread across Rome.

He was chosen on the third round of votes by the 115 cardinals meeting to select Pope John Paul II's successor.



Travel Tips for Las Vegas

Yep, my trip to the place where they will stick the hose when it's time for the country to get an enema was interesting to say the least.
All I can say is if you ever want to go to Las Vegas, here are a few pointers for when you need a shock therapy vacation like mine.
Look at everything painful in a positive way.
It was fun just getting away from home for a while.
The forced march walking was good; even though I hurt like a Mother-Trucker from my neck to my toe nails and I'm still stiff and sore. Good? Yes, because it probably ground down some of the bone spurs arthritus has formed on all of my joints; painful but beneficial.
Now that has to be a good thing, right?
I wonder if that's what they were saying on the "Trail of Tears".
You can use the break from each other.
Leave the kids at home with someone.
Take at least $5,000.00 with you, per person, so you can afford to have some fun.
You don't want to eat from the same boring $10.00 per person and up buffet all the time, even if they are in different buildings miles apart.
Taking in some shows cost anywhere from $75.00 to $200.00 per person.
Cab fares are $3.90 per mile with $1.50 flat extra fee, plus $3.60 gas fee, plus $2.50 mother-in-law tax fee, plus $5.00 having fun tax fee, plus $30.00 just for shits and giggles fee. It cost my son-in-law and grandson $55.00 to go 2 miles on the strip. They had walked the 2 1/2 miles of the strip and 1/2 mile back toward the hotel and got a cab for the rest of the way; Big Mistake!
Stay at the cheapest hotel or motel you can get.
Stay for at least three days. Circus Circus was $39.00 for a regular room.
Don't get suites.
Besides costing more, they aren't as comfy and nice as the regular rooms in the Circus Circus; big - yes! - comfortable - no!
You can't open the windows; they are sealed shut.
Even on the 26th floor the windows were seald shut. Lower levels it's for safety of guests from breaking and entering. Higher levels it's for the safety of guests to keep them from jumping to their deaths.
From our room window we could see the bungy jumping platform and watch as people pulmited down toward the ground and pool with their ankles tied together. They resembled rag dolls being thrown around on a rubber band. My grandson did it 4 times...I would have too if I'd had enough money and a shirt that would stay down without exposing my flesh and bra.
Don't think your going to get any rejuvinating restful sleep.
Set the guage on the wall at the mid point and the fan on low so you only have to get up once or twice during the night.
The air conditioning either freezes you or you have to turn on the heater to thaw yourself out several times during the night.
Don't take purses with you to the casino.
Check all valuables into the room safe for 50¢. Stuff your ID in one side of your bra and take a change purse small enough to stuff in the other. There was a theft at the casino; a purse was snatched while a woman played the slot machines. It was in her posession in front of her at the slot machine.
Get out there and give them all your money before you get the heck out of Dodge like your expected to do.
Loitering is not permitted.
Hang onto your directory, map of the hotel and door tags.
Be prepared to have a maid wake you up at 8:30/9:00 every morning unless you put out the little tag to tell them "Do Not Disturb" The problem was, they cleaned up that tag the first day and we never saw it again.
Learn how to open sealed windows.
When you return to your room after being out for the day the place smells like you fell into a bottle of orange room scent. Did you remember -#6? You can't open the windows? AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Air!!!
I'll even take the dirty, dusty, smog air from outside the hotel; just gimme something I can breathe! Fast!
Now I know why my Mother used to say she didn't trust air she couldn't see.
Mode of transportation.
If you can drive there, your fortunate. If you have to fly; make sure all your metal objects are in one cary-on bag, so you can get through the skin search faster. Remove your shoes and don't wear jewelry. In fact if you aren't shy, go through the scanner with as little clothing on as your modesty, and the law will allow.
Now I understand why women run around in their underwear in public.
Whatever you'll need; buy it there.
Don't bother taking any sewing kits for minor repairs. Because you won't be permitted to take the tiny sissors onboard the plane; the airport SS will confiscate them. You might stab someone with them.
BUT! Take heart, you can still stab someone with weapons the airlines permits you to take on board.
Needles, metal nail files and horned rimmed glasses can still be filed down to sharp points; so when that person in front of you tilts back their seat into your 3" space you have for you legs, you can stab them in the neck, eye or temple; the preferred spot is up to you.
To rent or not to rent; that is the question.
Economy car rental has a deal but if your under 25, don't rent a car. They rape you on fees worse than the cab company; but they smile nicely while doing it.
Now the Paece' de resistance.
When you gamble, use folding money. Coins are a thing of the past; you will be receiving a white peice of paper when you cash out on the one-armed-bandits with a bar code on it for the amount of money due you. I have one for 1¢ which by the way is not accepted in any 1¢ machines.
The read out doesn't recognize anything in denominations other than $1 - $5 - $10 - $20's.
Isn't that precious? I had to go to a casheer so I could continue playing when I cashed out my $5.80.
I learned a little inside dirt from a family member that lives there. Whooo Hoo juicy tid bits rule!
Mr. Wynn's name is all over Las Vegas. He's even more wealthy than Donald the T. Mr. Wynn's trying to buy up all available land in an attempt to keep Mr. Trump from getting his nose in the door. Donald the T managed to buy one property before Wynny the poo-poo could stop him.
The city councel is trying to put a road block in Poo-Poo's path because of this sort of thing he's done all over town. A distant family member lost his job as a window washer, when Poo-Poo took over the distant family member's place of employment of 25 years. He was close enough to retirement at the time to get benefits, but lost them; along with all the other employees; young and old. None of the fired and layed off workers were rehired. He isn't well liked in Las Vegas because of his business practices.
The cast system is alive and well in Vegas; the rich and the poor, and never the twain shall meet. The citizens of Vegas are rooting for YOU, Donald.
There's an old saying that still fits today. "To win in Las Vegas, when you get off the plane; walk into the propellers" (today's planes have turbin engins, but they will still do the same job).

Till next time.....Sick'em Donald



There's no Place Like Home.......

Tortured in Tinsel town or How to have fun in spite of it all.
I just got home and threw my suitcases down the flight of stairs to my apartment entrance way. It's nine thirty at night, and I'm too pooped to pop, as the expression goes.
These last six days have been an exercise in pure self-torture.
I went to Las Vegas to see my granddaughter get married. Her new hubby paid for the flight over and the room at Circus Circus and many of the meals to and from Sin City.
Sin City is a perfect name for the place. My God how that place has changed. It's more Sex than any one person should have to endure; especially if your planning on taking your children there for a family vacation.
Jesus! In our room (my 3 room mates and mine) there were books advertising places for gay and lesbian party places, night clubs, meeting places, rates for mates, escorts, and many shows. This one book had visuals that I was offended by, let alone my 15 year old grandson being exposed to in our rooms.
One can expect that on the strip and when walking down any sidewalk on the strip, or anywhere in Nevada for that matter, but in our rooms? I have news for you.... I'm not a prude; not by any stretch of the imagination, nor am I prejudiced, but this is a bit much. Now if your on drugs, a nymphomaniac or some other sex driven person, then this place is for you, and you won't be bothered by the constant barrage of sex!
Okay, I knew it would be smutty, but for Christ's sake, do we have to have our noses rubbed in it 24/7? I felt dirty the whole time I was there. I can only imagine what my grandkids and other smaller children, in the extended families there for the wedding, were thinking; let alone the hundreds of parents that took their small children there on vacation. I wouldn't be surprised to find clubs offering sex acts with small children on the show marquee; it's gotten that raw.
Well that was the first impression. Now lets get to the supposed "FUN" part.
I was locked out of my hotel room twice due to only two keys for four people and all four people were going in four different directions most of the time.
Ever been so exhausted you just wanted to go flop on the bed and sleep for days? Well that's how I felt after walking for miles in one airport getting crammed into tiny seats for three and a half hours then walking in a parking lot to a bus. Then after the shuttle to the car rental place, lugging luggage to a car. Then driving through unbelievable traffic to the Circus Circus hotel, where we drove around looking for a parking place to check into our rooms.
Thank God for small favors; by this time I was running on auto pilot due to only a four hour nap (10 p.m. Thursday and another hour nap on Friday) prior to the 62 hour torture-a-thon from South Bend, WA to Circus Circus room number 647 (11 a.m. Sunday).
The rest of the party were on separate floors, which sucked for the wedding reception; if they had all been on the same floor and connecting, we could have had room for the unexpected family that flew in from all over the country for the wedding on Tuesday.
The Wedding was teary for the mother and grandmothers and groom.
The chapel ceremony was beautiful and filled with brides and grooms being video taped and photographed every 7 minutes. Attendee's were advised to smile when entering the chapel for the video would be going and the bride and groom would want a bunch of smiling people on their keepsake.
Jasmin's grandfather (my ex-husband) requested the right to offer a blessing on the bride and groom, so after the minister asked if there was anyone with objection and found no takers, he announced a blessing would be given.
The minister was only a little taken aback when he asked who gives this bride and was answered by the bride's father, "No-one! I don't give away my daughter, but I take Leif as my son." This custom was started when I took my daughter's husband (the bride's father) as my son at their wedding, and I guess it's a new keeper tradition now. It makes perfect sense to us.
After the bride and groom were married and off to their hummy noon in another room for the remaining 2 days; the rest of us went out playing in the Circus and down the strip. This was the only fun part of the whole time there.
We went to Freemont street and watched a really talented artist paint pictures with spray paint; had seafood dinner buffet at the Freemont ( by the way,,,, if you want to pick from the menu....keep to the right when you get in line; otherwise you'll wind up spending $75.00 for dinner buffet too by mistake instead of $20.00 off the menu). NO! There are no free buffets anymore, so don't look for them.
No! There is nothing free in Las Vegas anymore, not even water. A small bottle of water from a vending machine is $1.75. If you go to a shop and purchase water your looking at prices of $1.75 - $2.25 - $3.95. You won't be able to find Coca Cola in very many places; Pepsi is everywhere (our family can't stand Pepsi products).
I sprang for dinner at the Pink Pony (prime rib dinners) and gave everyone 10.00 to go gamble with on our last night there. I had given James money to bungy jump and prodded others to chip in. He bungy jumped and was video taped four times; two on each video. The initial jump was $89.00 then $25.00 and $20.00 and the fourth time was free. That's what my grandson did on HIS vacation; and is now qualified to jump anywhere (he's hooked). Their motto is "Why live on the edge, when you can jump off?"
We got a straight through flight back with Southwest and made the connections to our cars without problems, but the long drive home was in super slow motion. So by the time I hit my place I was ready for bed. My birds didn't take too long to make up to me after I gave them some pretzels. They are both pretzel junkies.
Now today I've unpacked and semi settled back into my home routine.
So that was the great excursion to the land of Oz....
News Flash! The Wicked Witch of the South has taken over Oz....head for the Emerald City and have some good clean fun....
Where's the Emerald City?
Seattle, Washington
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.


The Joke's on us.

The Joke's on us, but at RubberChickencards.com they help us laugh about it. Here's a perfect example I received today in my email. After the trip I had to Las Vegas, it's great.
The following is quoted from the newsletter:

Dear overtaxed and under-represented fowl ones;

Since we can’t really throw tea or gas ‘n oil into Boston Harbor to protest government tax silliness, we can try to laugh… To giggle and snort about having to shell out hard earned work money to the IRS, we have…

…A Tax Day Joke starring those two musical jesters, TWO FOOLS, as they strum and warble a tax day ditty and tell a few horrible tax day jokes.

To Watch this TAX DAY Cardtoon Now:
Copy & Paste the following Address into the window of your Internet browser:



Wish me luck Auntie Em

Well I'm off to OZ, the city of green; money that is. Lost Wages, the city that never sleeps.

At last report it was sultry, no pun intended, and around 75°. That sucks! Being in a rain forest, that's pretty much our normal summer temperature, only sticky, sweaty, humid, wet heat. Oh well, we don't have those big casinos: with all the glitz and glamour, show girls, lounge shows, extravagant buffets, circus shows every few hours; lions and tigers and bears. Oh My!

Jasmin and Leif's wedding will be on the 12th; smack dab in the middle of our 5 days there.

From what I hear there is family flying in from all over and the family that lives in Las Vegas is ecstatic. It's turning into a mini family reunion, which is normally held on Thanksgiving at one of their homes. So I guess it isn't going to be a little affair after all. Dang! Now I have to wear my good clothes. LOL I wanted to dress like one of the Ma and Pa Kettle clan for the something ol
All seriousness aside, it sounds like it might turn out to be a fun time after all. I have my bag of pennies, quarters and fifty-cent pieces. I've been hoarding them for a while now just for the heck of it. I haven't a clue how much is there, but that's for playing the slot machines. Robin had told me she was saving change for the trip and I thought it was dumb at first, but then it just sort of started, and then I was committed. It just started gathering. Hummm, maybe she's not so frumpy after all.

I'm not looking forward to the 4 hour drive to the airport at one a m Sunday morning. Standing in lines checking in, tolerating nearly strip-search humiliation, then the long trek to the docking area, then being sandwiched into an airplane that leaves at 6:00 a m, for another 1-2 hours...gasp...then the car rental place, and THEN, since we can't check into our hotel until 3:00p m, we get to roam around with our luggage checking out tux rental places. Doesn't that sound fun? NOT! Because we get to go through the same thing in reverse to go home.
Someplace in the five days I'm sure we will have some fun; I know I intend to. If I'm staying at the Circus Circus for five days, I should be able to find something fun to do. I brought my swim suit just in case there's a body of water large enough for swimming. I don't care if people do throw their hands over their faces and scream, "OH! My eyes! My @#$%^ eyes!"
So until I return; take note, I am overlooking the fact that their could be a hijacking, terrorist threat, bomb scare, mechanical failure before or during the flight, or any number of hideous events that can befall travelers. I'm going and I'm going to look upon it as an adventure; perhaps of my lifetime, because I could......win......BIG!



Update on the school incident.

I went to the school with my daughter today and got the full story. They did take the kid out of school and didn't allow him back until the counselors and the police agreed he would be alright to return. He is still receiving counseling.
All the boys apologized to one another and they all seem to be getting along fine now.
After speaking with the Principal I feel much better about the situation or any that might come up in the future. They (the school) allow the police to handle the initial investigation and go along with their advice, which involves extensive ongoing counseling.

The counselors, police and school review the individual incidents or problems, then determine what is the best coarse of action. Only when they all agree is the student permitted to return to school.

As to notifying the parents and bus terminal: the principal said THEY DO NOTIFY all parties WHEN they have reviewed and found it warranted alerts to parties other than parents.
The bus barn does receive notification when they (all of these reviewers) determine there may be a possible follow-up incident.


Words, meanings; it's all in how you say it.

The following are ways our family used to clean up foul language around small children; back before it was cool to be a trash-mouth. Some of us still try to keep it clean around kids.... at least some of the time. Now it's just a little bus driver humor. LOL

Elef-rhino: Definition....elef ; short name or nickname for elephant. rhino; short name or nickname for rhinoceros

When put together they spell elef-rhino. Now for the meaning: It's slang, or a polite way of saying; HELL IF I KNOW!

Another similar polite insult definition I may as well add here.

What it means to call someone a Richard Edward (generally used in reference to a male, but can be applied to either sex when appropriate):

Definition...Richard: shorten the name by applying the usual nickname for Richard, which is Dick. Edward: shorten the name by applying the usual nickname for Edward, which is Ed.

Now when you put the two together you get Dick-Ed. Meaning :say it really fast several times and it will come to you.



Strange news articles from Associated Press

Here are some off beat news articles I came across visiting the King5 News web pages. It just goes to show how many wierd things go on in our world while we're living our so-called normal lives. All I did today was talk with a Principal about a threat on my grandson's life while he was at school. Heck! What could be more normal than that?

AP Top Strange News At 5:33 p.m. EDT

Deliveryman Stuck in Elevator Four Days
NEW YORK (AP) -- A deliveryman who vanished after taking Chinese food to a Bronx apartment complex was found alive Tuesday after apparently spending four days trapped in an elevator that had become stuck between floors....

Artist Hopes Pierced Glasses Catches On
DALLAS (AP) -- Artist James Sooy proudly displays his piercings and metal jewelry, from the two captive bead rings in his upper ears to the thick stainless steel rings on each of his fingers....

Suspect's Phone Tips Police to Burglary
ROGERSVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Hawkins County authorities were waiting for two would-be burglars after a cell phone in a suspect's pocket accidentally dialed 911 and dispatchers overheard them plotting the crime....

Police in Idaho Say Strippers Aren't Art
BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- Art night at Erotic City apparently wasn't artistic enough. Police raided the Boise bar Monday night for violating the city's nudity ordinance, which requires that dancers wear at least pasties and a thong unless they are engaging in a performance with "serious artistic merit."...

Crash Spills Lunch Meat, Closes Interstate
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) -- Talk about fried baloney. A truck hauling lunch meat hit a barricade and careened out of control Tuesday on a Syracuse highway, causing its trailer to catch fire....

New Ms. Wheelchair Crowned After Dispute
MILWAUKEE (AP) -- A new Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin has been crowned after pageant leaders stripped the original winner of the title when she appeared in a newspaper photograph standing up....

Norwegian Job Ad Seeks Friendly Vikings
OSLO, Norway (AP) -- Help wanted: Vikings. Must be friendly, tourist-oriented and interested in ancient Norse traditions. Crazed, bloodthirsty pillagers need not apply....

Police Offer Reward in Horse Tail Thefts
TOWN OF LEON, Wis. (AP) -- Some horses in central Wisconsin may still be bright eyed, but no longer bushy tailed. Waushara and Portage county sheriff's departments are trying to figure out who is cutting off the tails of some horses....

Police: Teacher Starts Brawl in Class
DALLAS (AP) -- A high school teacher faces an assault charge after police say she walked into a middle-school classroom, grabbed that teacher's hair, yanked her out of her chair, and dragged her across the room while punching her in the face and kicking her....

Woman Drives SUV Into Jail in Washington
EVERETT, Wash. (AP) -- A woman who said she was being chased by someone and needed to get into the Snohomish County Jail got her wish after ramming a pair of doors at the lockup with her sport utility vehicle....



What do you think?

Recently I discovered that my grandson's life was threatened at school.
Another student decided he was going to shoot several students at school. This student made out a hit-list which he carried and another was found with more students names on it at home.

My grandson's name was at the top of the list this student carried around with him at school. It also had the names of several other friends and team mates of my grandson.

This student with the list and the intended shooting spree also wore a hat with a sign on it that said, "X X is the first to die!" My grandson's name was where I have placed the X X on the sign.

When my daughter and I learned of this my daughter contacted the school to see what was being done about this and why she hadn't been notified. She got a run around song and dance about we have to be understanding that this student needs help. The kid got suspended for one day for this.

No Shit!
He's running around threatening to kill kids and he only gets a slap on the hand and one day suspension?
There was a kid that got a 3 day suspension for chewing (chewing tobacco); another got 3 days for punching someone; yet this kid only gets 1 day?
Give me a stinking break!

We still haven't gotten any reason why the parents of the students on the list weren't told of the threat. And... I want to know why the bus garage wasn't told of the possible threat either. We could be transporting a student that is carrying a gun, who could open fire on a bus. Why weren't we at least told to keep an eye open for trouble?

We were notified when a kid made a bomb threat. Why not this?

We have tried to meet with the Principal twice now, and he's either in a meeting all day or been on a field trip. We are set for another appointment tomorrow at 10:00 A.M.

I wonder if it was his kid on the list; would he have been so blasé about it? His comment was,"It's neither apple or oranges". Excuse me? What the hell is that suppose to mean? Can someone explain that comment to me?

I've checked into school policy and this type problem isn't shown anywhere that I can see. Why not? Didn't they ever hear about Columbine? In fact just last week, in a school 25 miles away, a student stabbed another student. What's wrong with these people? Don't they believe the news? I've got a news flash for them. Yes! It can happen! It does happen! No! We don't like it! But.... The only way to get over a problem is to admit there is one! What do you think?

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