
Petition President Bush to Lower gas prices!

Lower gas prices Dear Mr. President

Limited income is worse than being employed. At least recognize $430. Social Security income monthly is punishment enough. Can't afford the medical costs, food, and basics... can't you please get the transportation and rippling effect of higher than ever gasoline costs within reason?

We are desperately counting on your decisions for our survival. Born and raised in the US- this should account for something more crucial than overseas issues. We've paid taxes for generations.

Help! Lower gas prices!

Dear Mr. President,
When gas prices goes up so do food and other things. If you are on minimum wages, you can't afford to go to work. If you have to drive far for work, can't afford it even with a decent pay. Some places you have to drive far because of no jobs near where you live. Where's the end?

Lower gas prices!

PETITION FOR PRES. BUSH Presidential Petition Please do NOT let this petition stop and lose all these names. If you do not want to sign it, please forward it to everyone you know. It has reached 1552 names as of August 29, 2005. You can start your own by copying and pasting the petition request to the president and add your name then send it to everyone you know.

To add your name, click on "forward". You will be able to add your name at the bottom of the list and then forward it to your friends. Or, if necessary you can copy and paste and then add your name to the bottom of the list.

President@WhiteHouse.gov mailto:President@WhiteHouse.gov

You can write the president at this address and give him your opinion; that right hasn't been taken from us .....Yet!

Thank you very much.


  1. My name is on the other petition # 425. Janice L. Myers, WA
  2. You ?????



I tell myself:

Praise the Lord, I tell myself; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, I tell myself, and never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He ransoms me from death and surrounds me with love and tender mercies.

Psalm 103: 1-4




A Wee Pause for Good Cause

Hi all,
I won’t be here for a while due to School starting and I’m working on several paintings studying art, and taking some classes; plus I’ll have a visitor with me for about a week.  So…as you can see I have a rather full plate ahead of me.  Factor into all that I have to fit in exercising and I won’t have much time for blogging on a regular schedule.  I will check in from time to time with whatever hits home, so keep checking in or bookmark my page for notification when something new is posted.  Maybe by then I’ll have my camera up and running and be able to post my new artwork.

Once I get into the swing of the new schedule, I’ll be back at the keyboard regularly.  Till then: Bitch and make jokes about politicians for me, look at the beautiful world around you and keep on praying, hoping and dreaming. God Bless you all.




Speaking of Soup

When I was a kid, my Mom used to make me soup when I wasn't feeling up to snuff. (That's an old time expression that I have no idea what it means to be up to something that you sniff into your nose that causes you to sneeze or stick between your lip and teeth so that you ruin you teeth and gums and maybe even cause yourself cancer.) That's just what my old codger parents and grandparents used to say when we looked piqued. LOL There's another one of those words. (This one is supposed to mean your color isn't normal.)
Ah those red herring words are fun, aren't they?   But that’s a whole other topic.Anyway, back to the soup. I always loved my mother's soups; with the exception of small white bean, bean soup. She made this garbage, to me, so thick you could walk on it without sinking; thick with ham chunks, or ham hock chunks and onions; served with a big pan of cornbread.
Now I didn't mind the cornbread, but to get some of the lovely cakes I had to eat some of the slop in the bowl.  Everyone else was oblivious to it's disgusting taste and texture in the mouth. God help the poor ignorant critters. They must have been born with no taste buds.  That stuff was horrible and doesn't get any better even if it's watered down and someone else makes it. Bean soup is just crap in a bowl; to me.But, this disgusting stuff made me do one thing.... If I was faking sickness I was miraculously healed at mealtime, and could probably handle just a glass of milk and some cornbread. If I was genuinely sick I went without dinner, because I felt bad enough without barfing up this mess too. When I became a mother I never did serve, nor will I ever serve bean AKA crap soup. Instead, I use my own.  “Jewish Mama Get Well Soup”; what is that? It's red soup to my Polack friend who adds a splash of elderberry wine to hers, but it is more commonly called vegetable soup. I make it with anything that may resemble beef, using a minimum of 8 vegetables excluding counting potatoes and onions. Those two, to me, don't count as vegetables.  They're just there for filler and seasoning.

Once you've browned your meat in tiny bite sized pieces the way they do it for canned soups; my reason being someone sick needs smaller pieces; then add all the other jillion small cut veggies and season it to taste. Once it's simmered for about a half hour, get out the Tabasco sauce and give the big pot of cooking veggies about 8 good shakes of Tabasco and add your stood tomatoes. Tomatoes tend to burn easy so I add them last then re-season after about another half hour of simmering. You want this soup to be warm enough to make your eyes sweat, but not burn your mouth. A pinch of dried red chilies helps, but go easy on them.  You have to still be able to taste everything. It isn't supposed to be just hot in a bowl.
Once in a while I leave out the potatoes and add a handful of barley in their place; makes a nice change, and you can make it as thick or thin as you like it to be by how much you add. Now that's soup for a sick soul. All they need besides this soup is being held and maybe sing to them while rocking in an old rocker. Mothering love is strongest when applied in a rocker, no matter who's administering the rocking.  But the healing effects are just as miraculous when administered in bed on a tray.  It’s just plain love in a bowl.
Stay well, and be blessed.


Worth Another Look

I must preface this by explaining: anyone who knows me knows what I think of politicians and what they are doing to the American people; if you don’t know you will shortly.  

My source: It was sent me via my equally intelligent and fed up baby sister; whose friend wrote, “ My very conservative cousin took serious umbrage over Bush jokes.  Enjoy!”

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington.  And they tracked her calves to their stalls.  But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give them all a cow.

They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq.  Why don't we just give them ours?  It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore.

The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse?  You cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shalt Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians!  It creates a hostile work environment!

AMEN to all!




I Hate Ketchup

Ketchup Rant

I don’t know about you, but I hate ketchup. I rarely if ever use the stuff!

I can honestly say the only times I can actually like having the disgusting condiment on my food is on COLD macaroni and cheese, and COLD meat loaf sandwiches. Other than that you can burn the stuff and I’d never miss it.

Go to any fast food joint and all they want to do is drown everything they make in the filthy red stuff. It ruins the taste of the tiny meat patties that are half breading anyway and the other half is salt and grease. Those combinations just don’t appeal to me when they are smothered in this disgusting red stuff and slapped between two pieces of white paste bun where you get a surprise bite of mustard and pickle.

Now I find the red stuff is unhealthy for us to eat. It’s almost all bad HFCS sugar. Check out the link Ketchup Rant for more details.

Is it any wonder we are all getting sicker and fatter? Our government loves that, because the drug companies run them all now. Sick people don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them. They are too busy eating fast food drowned in ketchup, and taking drugs to make them skinny or healthy again.

Hay fools! Throw away the ketchup and eat the tomatoes raw; they are better tasting and healthier for you. Or, you can smuggle it in from Canada where they don’t get the unhealthy kind of ketchup. We here in the US of A are being fed high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), check our labels and you see this HFCS in everything. What is HFCS? Sugar…. made from corn. Pigs are fattened on corn. Pigs don’t need sugar; corn don’t need sugar and tomatoes don’t need sugar on them! Connect the dots people. Diabetes…sugar…everything we eat has sugar in it………..therefore diabetes…Hummm…ya think there’s a connection?

Ok! I’m done….for all of you who like ketchup (my whole family) poor sick fools that they are, I love you anyway. BUT I STILL DON’T LIKE THE STUFF!





Brittany Nicole Abbot was born today at
12:34 P. M.  She weighed in at 4 pounds 8 ounces, and 18" long.
She has a full head of dark brown hair.  Haven't seen her blue eyes yet; clear skin no blemishes, or marks of any kind.  She's just the most beautiful premature baby girl the hospital has ever seen; according to the nurses in the family center.  Of coarse she's just a healthy, well-developed, lightweight beauty like her mother. Her feet are 3 inches long.  Newborn clothes will fit her till she's a year old.  LOL  I bought cabbage patch clothes for Jasmin when she was a newborn that fit perfectly.  LOL
She will have to stay in the hospital for about a week or two, but Mommy can go home probably tomorrow, but will be staying at the family center guest housing for a while so she can be breast-fed and held daily.
Her delivery time took 4 1/2 hours after 30 1/2 hours of labor.  She only had to be snipped a little.  Other than that she said the delivery was no problem.
Daddy is doing fine.  He got 1-hour catnap throughout the whole time.  Other than that he was at her side throughout.
Grandma and Grandpa is button popping proud.  We are all exhausted after driving to Olympia and back twice in two days.  James couldn't be there today due to his football coach; but that's another story.
A special thank you to my landlady for donating gas money for the second day's trip.  Without her help we wouldn't have been able to go.
Thank you for all your prayers.
And a heart felt thank you to an awesome God for all His help to all.




I can't afford my gasoline......

Can't Afford my Gasoline You have to go check out this site. Atom films, there the same folks that did the spoofs on the elections, has made a parody on the gas prices that go hand in hand with my posting Ah the Good ol Days...Last Year.  




Don't Ask!

Must have been one heck of a party....

Even had a never ending keg.

Fun in the sun.........
I spent the night in a dumb waiter once, but never a dishwasher....wow!

Morning after breath...eeeewww!

Ohm! Manipadmi Barf!

Think anyone would notice?

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty.....

He gets more handsome with each drink.

Ever just want to hide till he leaves.

After ......He's not the same guy.

And there's only how many days left of Summer?



What do you believe in? Anything?

Do we then make the law of none effect through faith? God forbid: nay, we establish the law. Rom 3:20-31   We are justified (dik-ah-yo'-o ) Rom3:24-26  through faith (dee-ah'pis'tis) in Jesus  (ee-ay-sooce'): by faith pis'-tis in (ee-ay-sooce') Jesus; the annointed one (khris-tos') Christ.  Annointed by (theh'-os) God.  All have sinned (pas -ham-ar-tan'-o) and come short (kahee  hoos-ter-eh'-o) of the glory of God (ho,hay,to dox'-ah theh'-os).   
Rightousness (dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay) meaning virtue and godliness: pureness, pure-heartedness, Christlikeness, believer, truster, accepter, receiver, devotee, disciple, follower, devotionalist, Christian.
We Christians are no better than anyone else, and we certainly aren't any worse for trying to be the best human being we can be.  We don't all believe the same way, study our Bibles the same, nor even believe the same things, save one: we believe Jesus Christ was/is the son of the living God when he walked this earth over 2000 years ago and we believe that same Jesus Christ is returning one day to this earth to save his followers who still believe in him when he returns.  What else he does when he returns is in constant debate; we each must decide for ourselves what we believe and if be believe or not.
I pray you are one of the believers when he returns.  I am/will be a believer.




Ah! The Good Ol' Days --- Last Year

Remember when the price of gas was around $1.19 a gallon, and a Hershey bar cost you 65 cents? 1999 was a very good year. Heck! So was 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. Even 2004 was better than now; because, a regular sized Hershey bar now costs $1.15 or more, and a lowly pack of gum (10 count)now costs $1.25 or more.

Today the gas price here in South Bend, Washington is $2.73 per gallon. Shoot! It's probably going up as I type. It now costs me the same amount of money to get just 5 gallons of gas as it did to get a half tank of gas just last year at this time. We complained about the price of the gas when it was a whole buck plus cheaper per gallon.

What does all this tell us? Bend over? Or, Just shut the....up!

Well, it tells me I better stop eating candy bars and chewing gum; start walking, give up driving anywhere, and get a bike. It's for damn sure I won't be able to put gas in my car if it goes up over a dollar again, like it did in this last year.

I'll be thinking long and hard before chewing gum, or even contemplating eating a candy bar. Why? Because I need to protect my teeth. Christ help me if I need to go to a dentist. My dentist is in Chehalis which is 130 miles round trip or $37.00 in gas.

My comment sense is also saying to me...
vote out all those money grubbing !@#$^%& politicians!

They seem to have forgotten they are there to work FOR us; they aren't suppose to be working AGAINST us. From the delusional "What Me Worry" President right down to the Representatives and Senators. They all have but one addenda; to pad their own bank accounts. It doesn't matter who they have to screw over, as long as their lives don't get downsized or their jobs shipped overseas to another country; or how about bringing in other Senators and Representatives from other countries to take their jobs; that's what's happening to us? Surely someone in Washington D.C. can find some way to make the lives of the American people, their constituents, better; not worse!

This simple little constant rise in gas will slowly raise all the food and anything else that's shipped by truck anywhere. That's over 90% of our means of shipping in the USA. Sure there are trains, planes, and ships, but not cross country.

I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't being sold to other countries with the profits going into our so called leaders pockets.

Hay! Assholes! Give us a Break!
At least offer us Vaseline.




Speaking of Jury Duty and Verdicts

The Stella Awards

It's time once again to review the winners of the Annual "Stella Awards." The Stella Awards are named after 81 year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled hot coffee on herself and successfully sued McDonald's (in NM). That case inspired the Stella awards for the most frivolous, ridiculous, successful lawsuits in the United States.

Here are this year's winners:
5th Place (tie):
Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, was awarded $80,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving little toddler was Ms. Robertson's son.
5th Place (tie):
19-year-old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord! Mr. Truman apparently didn't notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when he was trying to steal his neighbor's hubcaps.
5th Place (tie):
Terrence Dickson of Bristol, Pennsylvania, was leaving a house he had
just finished robbing by way of the garage. He was not able to get the garage door to go up since the automatic door opener was malfunctioning. He couldn't re-enter the house because the door connecting the house and garage locked when he pulled it shut. The family was on vacation, and Mr. Dickson found himself locked in the garage for eight days. He subsisted on a case of Pepsi he found, and a large bag of dry dog food. He sued the homeowner's insurance claiming the situation caused him undue mental anguish. The jury agreed to the tune of $500,000.

4th Place:
Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas, was awarded $14,500 and medical
expenses after being bitten on the buttocks by his next door neighbor's beagle. The beagle was on a chain in its owner's fenced yard! The award was less than sought because the jury felt the dog might have been just a little provoked at the time by Mr. Williams who had climbed over the fence into the yard and was shooting it repeatedly with a pellet gun.

3rd Place:
A Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, $113,500 after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her coccyx (tailbone). The beverage was on the floor because Ms. Carson had thrown it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument.

2nd Place:
Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware, successfully sued the owner of a night
club in a neighboring city when she fell from the bathroom window to the floor and knocked out her two front teeth. This occurred while Ms.Walton was trying to sneak through the window in the ladies room to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge. She was awarded $12,000 and dental expenses.

1st Place:
This year's run away winner was Mrs. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mrs. Grazinski purchased a brand new 32-foot Winnebago motor home. On her first trip home, (from an OU football game), having driven onto the freeway, she set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the drivers seat to go into the back & make herself a sandwich. Not surprisingly, the RV left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mrs.Grazinski sued Winnebago for not advising her in the owner's manual that she couldn't actually do this. The jury awarded her $1,750,000 plus a new motor home. The company actually changed their manuals on the basis of this suit, just in case there were any other complete morons around.

Personal comment:
I can't believe how stupid the people of our nation have gotten. Maybe we better close all borders and slap some sense into our citizens. Get real people...someplace.. sometime.. you.. have to take accountability for.. your.. own actions. Lawsuits don't smarten the people who need a lobotomy. Where is Dr. Kavorkien when we really need him?

"Thank God! Stupidity isn't painful." And you can quote me.




Oh Swell! Jury Duty!

Well I guess the other shoe finally hit the floor. I've been waiting for the past 2 months to be called for jury duty and it hits for me on the 18th at 9 a.m.

I have mixed emotions about serving as a juror. On the one hand I'm proud to do my duty as an American citizen; being a part of the justice system in place for our liberties. But on the other hand I don't really believe there is such a thing as justice any more. Perhaps more so in my little community than we see depicted in the trials of OJ and Jackson; just to name a couple recently farced justice trials that shows if you have enough money, you don't go to jail.

But here in my small corner of America there might still be real justice at work for the little person who's gotten tangled in the web of law. So for that reason I'm proud to serve. I've served before and it is interesting whether I serve as a forperson or not. I've been picked once and turned down once and showed up but wasn't needed once. Hum...Wonder what will happen this time?

See, a person just never knows when it comes to lady justice. That's why she's blindfolded.




Sixty Uses Of Salt

Although you may not realize it, simple table salt has a great number of uses other than simply seasoning our food. The following list will give you sixty uses of salt, many of which you probably didn't realize:

1. Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.
2. Sprinkle salt on your shelves to keep ants away.

3. Soak fish in salt water before decaling; the scales will come
off easier.
4. Put a few grains of rice in your saltshaker for easier pouring.

5. Add salt to green salads to prevent wilting.
6. Test the freshness of eggs in a cup of salt water; fresh eggs
sink; bad ones float.

7. Add a little salt to your boiling water when cooking eggs; a
cracked egg will stay in its shell this
8. A tiny pinch of salt with egg whites makes them beat up fluffier.

9. Soak wrinkled apples in a mildly salted water solution to perk
them up.
10. Rub salt on your pancake griddle and your flapjacks won't stick.

11. Soak toothbrushes in salt water before you first use them; they
will last longer.
12. Use salt to clean your discolored coffee pot.

13 Mix salt with turpentine to whiten you bathtub and toilet bowl.
14. Soak your nuts in salt brine overnight and they will crack out
of their shells whole. Just tap the end 0f the shell with a
hammer to break it open easily.

15. Boil clothespins in salt water before using them and they will
last longer.
16. Clean brass, copper and pewter with paste made of salt and
vinegar, thickened with flour

17. Add a little salt to the water your cut flowers will stand in
for a longer life.
18. Pour a mound of salt on an ink spot on your carpet; let the salt
soak up the stain.

19. Clean you iron by rubbing some salt on the damp cloth on the
ironing surface.
20. Adding a little salt to the water when cooking foods in a double
boiler will make the food cook faster.

21 Use a mixture of salt and lemon juice to clean piano keys.
22. To fill plaster holes in your walls, use equal parts of salt and
starch, with just enough water to make stiff putty.

23. Rinse a sore eye with a little salt water.
24 Mildly salted water makes an effective mouthwash. Use it hot for
a sore throat gargle.

25 Dry salt sprinkled on your toothbrush makes a good tooth
26. Use salt for killing weeds in your lawn.

27. Eliminate excess suds with a sprinkle of salt.
28. A dash of salt in warm milk makes a more relaxing beverage.

29. Before using new glasses, soak them in warm salty water for a

30. A dash of salt enhances the taste of tea.
31. Salt improves the taste of cooking apples.

32. Soak your clothesline in salt water to prevent your clothes from
freezing to the line; likewise, use salt in your final rinse to
prevent the clothes from freezing.
33. Rub any wicker furniture you may have with salt water to prevent

34. Freshen sponges by soaking them in salt water.
35. Add raw potatoes to stews and soups that are too salty.

36. Soak enamel pans in salt water overnight and boil salt water in
them next day to remove burned-on stains.
37. Clean your greens in salt water for easier removal of dirt.

38. Gelatin sets more quickly when a dash of salt is added.
39. Fruits put in mildly salted water after peeling will not

40. Fabric colors hold fast in salty water wash.
41. Milk stays fresh longer when a little salt is added.

42. Use equal parts of salt and soda for brushing your teeth.
43. Sprinkle salt in your oven before scrubbing clean.

44. Soaked discolored glass in a salt and vinegar solution to remove
45. Clean greasy pans with a paper towel and salt.

46. Salty water boils faster when cooking eggs.
47. Add a pinch of salt to whipping cream to make it whip more

48. Sprinkle salt in milk-scorched pans to remove odor.
49. A dash of salt improves the taste of coffee.

50. Boil mismatched hose in salty water and they will come out
51. Salt and soda will sweeten the odor of your refrigerator.

52. Cover wine-stained fabric with salt; rinse in cool water later.
53. Remove offensive odors from stove with salt and cinnamon.

54. A pinch of salt improves the flavor of cocoa.
55. To remove grease stains in clothing, mix one part salt to four
parts alcohol.

56. Salt and lemon juice removes mildew.
57. Sprinkle salt between sidewalk bricks where you don't want grass

58. Polish your old kerosene lamp with salt for a brighter look.
59. Remove odors from sink drainpipes with a strong, hot solution of
salt water.

60. If a pie bubbles over in your oven, put a handful of salt on top
of the spilled juice. The mess won't smell and will bake into a
dry, light crust which will wipe off easily when the oven has

And you thought the salt in the ocean didn't have a purpose...Hummmm, maybe the reason God put salt in the ocean water was to preserve and flavor all the food we can get from it. Now that's thinking ahead.

Have a great day!



History ???........Boring ???.....NOT!

These are interesting...

The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the 1500's:

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides! carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.

Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."

Houses had thatched roofs-thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and off the roof. Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying "dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until when you opened the door it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entranceway.
Hence the saying a "thresh hold."

(Getting quite an education, aren't you?)

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while. Hence the rhyme, "Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold,
peas porridge in the pot nine days old."

Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could "bring home the bacon." They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and "chew the fat."

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or "upper crust."

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up.
Hence the custom of holding a "wake."

England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a "bone-house" and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the "graveyard shift") to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be "saved by the bell" or was considered a "dead ringer."

And that's the truth... Now, whoever said that History was boring ! ! !

Educate someone...Share these facts with friends; bet you won't hear these in school.



World's Most Dangerous Creature

Here's my comment on the world right now.....

Keep your cursor out of the picture until you see the shark.

Check out World's Most Dangerous Creature

Look and see the shark under the water.

Keep your cursor out of the picture until you see the shark.
Then move your mouse cursor onto the picture.

Click on the link World's Most Dangerous Creature.




Where have I been? Pull up a chair.

I got tired of windows 98se always needing some kind of upgrade and not being able to get it. Sooooo, went to my neighborhood computer guy (since my new teckie grandson in law wouldn't help me...weird dude)
Anyway, talked to my friend Red and it only cost me 48.00 to get 2000 put on mine after completely reformatting my computer.
I've been getting accustomed to the new OS; finding things and stuff like that.
It's a much more powerful OS than what I had and lots of differences, so it's like going to school all over again.
I've loaded and reloaded programs since I got it and it was in the shop for 4 days, so that pretty much kills 7 days. I finally got fed up with Norton and shit canned it again just a few minutes ago.
My Server has a fantastic screening for junk mail and viruses and Firefox is the ONLY way to fly for the net. They have their own firewalls etc and pop-up blocking tools and add ons that make it great.
Problem was, I've done that 3 times now too.
It's a lot like getting a brand new computer and all the shit you have to go through to get it set the way you like it.
I need a new DVD disk drive (it will cost me 50.00 and he'll come here and put it in in about 15 minutes) Now all I need is the 50.00 bucks. LOL
Tough to do when I'm handing out 20.00 every other day to my son-in-law to help him keep gas in his gas guzzling truck. We're paying 2.70 now for a gallon of gas. Food is skyrocketing too because of the higher fuel costs for trucking. Man, I tell you I'd like to croak something. Wish I still had my 4/10 so I could go out and shoot plastic lids. Helps immensely when you get pissed and can't do anything about the problem. LOL Use to blow off a couple hundred rounds and go home and reload them for another blow off some stink. Great therapy; it would work good for computer frustrations too. LOL
I haven't posted anything because of all the crap I'm swimming through right now. School starts here on 29th and I won't get paid till September 30th. Skinny way to live....My poor credit cards are getting slim.
Wish I could say the same for me.
That sitting around not being able to do anything for over a month and a half didn't do a damn thing for my waistline..well, ya it did; it got more pear shaped. LOL Mmmmmmmmmmmm pizza!!!
Well hope this fills you in.
Thanks for keeping in touch; saved me typing in all those addresses phew!!! I had 114 e-mails when I finally got back on line again. I'm still wading through them.
Talk to you soon,

Money, if it does not bring you happiness,
will at least help you to be miserable in comfort
A quote from Lord Mancroft.





Just in case You didn't Know

My two other blogs:
"Home Made Soup for the Soul"
We all have hurts and problems we need help with at times. A place to find hope, strength and love when our world seems to be crumbling around us. It is my hope to be able to offer just such a place here at Home Made Soup for the Soul.
"Share Your Light"
This is a place for Christians and about Christians. A place to share: epiphanies, miracles, great happenings, praises and prayer requests to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Come visit and "Let Your Light Shine: Glorify the Lamb!" Matthew 5:13-16

Join in with prayer requests and definitely share with fellow Christians, especially when you hear of something good God has done for someone you've heard about. The Holy Spirit moves us to honor our Lord God Almighty with our every day lives. We honor Him best when we encourage, uplift and praise. Let the Spirit work through you for someone else, and for yourselves. You will be blessed; I know I am.



Hope for Ourselves and the World

When I heard [how things were going in Jerusalem], I sat down and wept. In fact, for days I mourned, fasted, and prayed to the God of heaven. Then I said, "O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps his covenant of unfailing love with those who love him and obey his commands, listen to my prayer! Look down and see me praying night and day for your people Israel. Nehemiah 1:4-6

We need to mourn, fast, and pray for United States of America, for Israel and our world. So much sorrow in so many places caused by mankind's greed, hatred, and unforgiving attitude; it does no good to point fingers of blame, but heart felt prayer to the one true God can work miracles.

The king asked, "Well, how can I help you?"
With a prayer to the God of heaven, I replied, "If it please Your majesty and if you are pleased with me, send me to Judah to rebuild the city when my ancestors are buried." Nehemiah 2:4-5
The next time your feeling down because you don't have a job, think about Nehemiah. Do what he did: first pray to the God in heaven for courage. Then ask for that job of a lifetime in your interview. Have your eyes and ears open to the opportunities when someone asks, "What can I do for you"? Your job of a lifetime could be just a prayer away.


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