
Ah! The Good Ol' Days --- Last Year

Remember when the price of gas was around $1.19 a gallon, and a Hershey bar cost you 65 cents? 1999 was a very good year. Heck! So was 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. Even 2004 was better than now; because, a regular sized Hershey bar now costs $1.15 or more, and a lowly pack of gum (10 count)now costs $1.25 or more.

Today the gas price here in South Bend, Washington is $2.73 per gallon. Shoot! It's probably going up as I type. It now costs me the same amount of money to get just 5 gallons of gas as it did to get a half tank of gas just last year at this time. We complained about the price of the gas when it was a whole buck plus cheaper per gallon.

What does all this tell us? Bend over? Or, Just shut the....up!

Well, it tells me I better stop eating candy bars and chewing gum; start walking, give up driving anywhere, and get a bike. It's for damn sure I won't be able to put gas in my car if it goes up over a dollar again, like it did in this last year.

I'll be thinking long and hard before chewing gum, or even contemplating eating a candy bar. Why? Because I need to protect my teeth. Christ help me if I need to go to a dentist. My dentist is in Chehalis which is 130 miles round trip or $37.00 in gas.

My comment sense is also saying to me...
vote out all those money grubbing !@#$^%& politicians!

They seem to have forgotten they are there to work FOR us; they aren't suppose to be working AGAINST us. From the delusional "What Me Worry" President right down to the Representatives and Senators. They all have but one addenda; to pad their own bank accounts. It doesn't matter who they have to screw over, as long as their lives don't get downsized or their jobs shipped overseas to another country; or how about bringing in other Senators and Representatives from other countries to take their jobs; that's what's happening to us? Surely someone in Washington D.C. can find some way to make the lives of the American people, their constituents, better; not worse!

This simple little constant rise in gas will slowly raise all the food and anything else that's shipped by truck anywhere. That's over 90% of our means of shipping in the USA. Sure there are trains, planes, and ships, but not cross country.

I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't being sold to other countries with the profits going into our so called leaders pockets.

Hay! Assholes! Give us a Break!
At least offer us Vaseline.



At 6:19 PM, Blogger Zette said...

I actually found a receipt for gas from 1999 not that long ago, where I paid $0.89 a gallon for gas!!!!! And around that same time, I remember driving to Oklahoma City and being able to find gas for as low as $0.59! That was the LOWEST I've seen in my life! At this rate, I'll have to sell body parts just to be able to pay for gas by the time Char starts driving! Eeeekk!


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