
I Missed Work Bus Witch; BECAUSE I WAS SICK!

I sometimes wonder if when I call in sick if they believe I'm sick. Take today for instance.

This morning I got up when the alarm finally went off, after being awake most of the night with a fever or freezing or having to run to the bathroom for a potty stop or to get an anti acid for the horrible acid stomach I had since dinner at about 5:30 the previous evening.

Yesterday I spent the whole day feeling like death warmed over. Freezing and fever off and on taking turns. I think I might have felt like I might feel better around 2 or 3 in the afternoon, but then I wasn't sure so I couldn't have been feeling that good.

Anyway, back to this morning.
I got dressed and it took me about 20 minutes to slap myself together. Then I laid back down on the bed. I felt like I was going to vomit. I got back up and checked my BG's like I do every morning and took my prescribed medications and vitamins. My stomach was giving me fits so I took a longer lasting anti acid pill.

It got to be near time to leave for work and I just couldn't drag myself up the stairs to the car. I was flat out sick and it wasn't smart for me to try to drive 60 kids in the rain feeling like crap. So I called my boss and told him I wasn't doing to well this morning and would try to come in this afternoon if I got to feeling better.

Along about 2:15 in the afternoon when it was time to go to work for the second run of the day, I still was freezing and had made some veggie soup to try to make me sweat the sick out, but still wasn't feeling any better than I did this morning. So I called work again to let the boss know I wouldn't be in this afternoon. Instead of the boss I got one of the bus drivers; the one that is all puffed up with herself. She grilled me and then made the remark that I should call if I wasn't going to feel like coming in tomorrow.

Excuse me? How do I know how I'm going to feel tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. so I can tell them this evening before I go to bed if I'm coming in tomorrow? This is what makes me think the asshole didn't believe me.

This woman drives me crazy anyway. Why? Because she thinks her way of believing is the ONLY way of believing; Her opinion is the ONLY opinion that counts.
1. She's one of those women that think only men know how to lead, yet she is the biggest bossy assed bitch there is and does it with a saccharine foney smile. (God forbid she use real sugar!)
2. She's a Republican that gives Republican's a bad name. ( I was one once and changed just because of her.)
3. She's a pompous self-righteous puffed up Christian that gives Christian's a bad name.
Are you getting the picture yet? ( I am a Christian and the Christ I follow sure isn't the same one she keeps spouting; I think her's wears a red hooded robe and burns crosses)
4. She has been loosing weight and has conned and cudjoled everyone in the place to go on diet; except me and it's killing her that I won't goose step to her inferred orders and innuendoes, or snide remarks said when no one else is in ear shot.
5. She's a suck up, kiss ass, brown noser. ( She can't stand dogs yet she took the bosses dog into her home for the summer. Say What?)

A few years ago she was the lead driver; now she's just one of the drivers. She tried getting the boss to make her lead driver again and when he didn't she tried sucking up to the lead driver. Now she's conniving and thinks she's going to lead that way. And most of the girls are buying her innocent crap; most that is except me.

I never was one to be lead around by a ring in my nose. I only wore one when I was married to make a joke that my husband tried but could never lead me around. It was a nose clip and popped out easily when pulled on. He learned the hard way and so will she. Enough of the bus witch of South Bend. I'm sick and if she or anyone else don't believe it. F--- them!


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