
My messed-up Three Day Weekend

Boy this past three day weekend has been something else.
I hear of others out going to the snow to play and taking driving trips; motels with pools, fancy dinners out and stuff like that.

Me, Ha! I sat here for nearly one whole day trying to get my personal profile picture posted to my personal profile, then finally gave up and wrote help a letter. I got the reply today stating they have been having trouble. No kidding!

Second day I fritter farted around crocheting and playing with my birds.

This morning I still felt sick when I got up finally at 10:30 a.m.
I had all kinds of great plans and didn't do a single one of them.
I accomplished exercising and doing my laundry and cleaning my apartment and writing a couple letters, besides spending some rare time with my birds. They were happy to get the attention, so I guess it wasn't a total waste.
I also contacted a computer geek about getting another monitor. I was suppose to pick it up this morning, but felt sick so I postponed getting it until tomorrow between my school bus runs.

I did discover that I have 4 more half brothers and sisters that I didn't know I had. I guess that branch of the family wasn't interested in associating with the main branch of the tree but preferred to remain a grafted branch. I now have 2 grafted branches of the main family tree. One that keeps in contact and one that only associates with one of my blood sisters through the step mother.

Can anyone explain to me how this can happen if we are all suppose to be the same family?
It just reminds me of when I got my divorce from my oldest girls father. His family (mother and father and brother) all divorced my daughter at the same time. Like it was her fault he was an ass hole. I don't understand this mentality at all. It just goes to show how stupid mankind can be to expect to have world peace when they can't even show love and caring for children in their own families.

Ya, this three day weekend sucked. I'm ready to leave it in the past with all the jerk relatives that have grown in numbers.


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