
Gathering up Loose Ends

I have DSL:
Oh sweet Mother of God. I have DSL now and I can actually get through to my Blog without waiting for hours. I'm so in love I'm swooning. The phone rings.... I pick it up. I want to work online.... I just click and I'm there; and the great thing is I can do them both at the same time. I'm having a party and I'm all alone. LOL
The Tecky was her for about an hour and Mother of Pearl my machine acts like it's new.
LOL I guess a little servicing never hurt the old girl...LOL DELL Optiplex is her name. Get your minds out of the gutter. LOL

On another front the plot thickens!
My daughter #1 called me Friday morning. Jazz, her daughter; my granddaughter, is on a forced get-up, your-done-being-sick! She said to Jazz, "If you can roll around on the floor with your intended, like two dogs in heat you can go to school; you don't see your father and I do things like that in public, and I damn sure won't tolerate you two doing those things in my house! You make me want to go get the hose and hose you both down!"

The mandate was given when Jasmin and Leif first got engaged. "No messing around sexually; I'm being nice letting you two even think your engaged, since Jazz isn't out of high school yet, and you've been out for how many years? Don't press your luck.....Fellow!" A mother is a terrible thing to stir up. It can get messy and she has several people for back-up, because non of us like this new arrogant judgmental condescending ass hole Jasmin had decided she wants to marry. Okay, so the jerk has money. Big F'n deal! He's a jerk that don't fit in this family. We all want to take him out and give him a back alley lesson. He's wrapped up in himself and is constantly reminding people of his high IQ; little does the jerk know that the whole family has high IQ's. The lowest in the family is Jasmin at 147 on her last testing. If he wants to suck up to numbers fine; we don't!

I'm prejudiced against only one kind of human being; assholes!
"Assholes come in all colors, sexes, races, wealth, stature, creeds, religions, sizes, weights, and IQ's and they are found all around the globe." I said it and I'm not at all sorry.

Now that brings up another question. "Why is it that all ex's are assholes?"

On another home front:
I discovered I have some other sisters and brothers I didn't even know I had. 4 brothers and another half sister for a total of 11 full sisters, and 2 half sisters and 4 half brothers.
Now here's the real goony part. Of the 11 full only 2 are still alive. Of the 6 halves, 5 are still alive; but, they all live on the other side of the country and I've only spoken to the sister about a total of 20 minutes over 14 years. During that time, I might add, I never heard anything about brothers. So I don't think I'm going to be to excited over the new relatives.

I heard from one of my full sisters, Melody. Last week she e-mailed me telling me she was going to "Dealer's school". A Casino Dealer she works with said he would teach her 3 games for $1250.00. That is normal price for teaching, but since he also works with Dee's husband Pete, he's dropping the fee to $800.00.
Now if you knew my sis Melody... Well let's help you out here a bit. She's a lot like Roseanne Barr but she's only 5' 2" , olive complexion, exotic features and chunky small. She has the Irish/German box build, but the box was always classy and well stacked. She's the dark one; the other sister Jill is the only fair one, and the only tall one of the family, other than our mother was 6'. We three girls are all the same but strikingly different; Jill more than Dee and I.

LOL One time I asked my mom which one of us was the adopted one, or did she have an accident. I nearly got killed. I never did learn to control my bluntness. I'm still straightforward and blunt honest. Beatings didn't help.

She came flying at me like a banshee. Arms flailing, smoke coming from her nose and mouth. I knew any minute she'd blow fire at me and singe my eyebrows. I couldn't run fast enough to get out of harms way. She had those long gorilla arms; long and quick too. Phew! I'm surprised she didn't kill me. With every slap I heard a word...
slap... DON'T!
....and it went on till she finished a whole paragraph; complete with a side bar of the do's and don'ts of etiquette on the proper behavior of good girls. I got the gist of the lesson the hard way. Good girls don't sleep around, and she was a virgin and proud of it when she got married.

My mother was so good at speeches and lecturing that we girls put labels on her lectures, speeches, bitches, complaints and woe-is-me's. We three would look at each other with a deadpan blank face and say, behind her back of coarse, Routine number 865 or whatever number popped into our heads at the time.

As my sister Melody, "Dee", likes to say "The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." I think she learned that lesson way back then; along with my other sister, Jill, while watching me get the crap slapped out of me for opening my mouth at the wrong time at a tempting moment. LOL


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