
Hackers - Chicken Little - Homeland Security

C|NET's Senior Editor, Robert Vamosi's "Hacking Anonymity" dated Oct 20, 2006 Here's the link for this most informative and thought provoking article.
He speaks of Hackers methods and Dept. of Homeland Security (Government) wanting to control the internet for security reasons. In his comment section I had to say my piece. You know me and my love of government controlling our lives. NOT! Anyway, it got me to thinking more on this topic and I decided to add another 2¢ here. Feel free to voice your opinions either place; in fact ... please do voice your opinion!

What do Hackers, Chicken Little and Department of Homeland Security have in common?
Hackers are predators.
If they have their way, they overshadow our lives by taking away our common sense reasoning, our freedom, our pleasure, our joy, our fun and replace them with fear, confusion and worry; to promote their own gain for their own reasons.

Department of Homeland Security aka the Government wants to use those excuses to invade more of our privacy and take away more of our rights as Legal U.S. Citizens. They've already used fear for their own gain; their own agenda's and found it worked. Sound familiar? Our Government has become a predator that's draining the life out of a once happy to be free people through the propaganda of fear.

Now what could Chicken Little possibly have in common with these? Well, That's what they both want to turn us into. Chickens afraid of our own shadows running around yelling, "The sky is Falling!"
She was so scared she couldn't function. All she could do was run around filled with fear screaming her fear filled call to everyone in the barnyard. Are we going to permit any more fear to turn us into Chicken Little? If we continue to permit them to use and abuse us by crippling us with fear, we may as well give up all our rights and accept being victumized as our lot in life.

Fear cripples whatever it holds in it's grasp; whether it's real or imagined fear kills.

Frankly, I don't care to die that way. Franklin D. Roosevelt said it best, "We Have Nothing To Fear, But Fear Itself!"




Fix What's Wrong in our our Country... Editorial

I have some ideas on how to fix what's wrong in our country and sent a long list to the Democrats last year.

I've been working on refining what I think should be done to answer some of the major problems we the people have to solve in order to preserve our nations ideal of democracy and make it truly work for us instead of dividing us in so many ways we loose heart and let some asshole or foreigners take over.

I'm at the age now that I don't have kids to worry about, no husband, I'm broke and have nothing to loose but my life, and I gladly give that for my country's welfare. I've learned to roll with the punches so long I've learned the hard way what works and what don't. So that's where my ideas come from. Lots of reading, listening and watching, sifting bull-shit and using deductive logical reasoning for my attempts at being fair and respectful of everyone involved at all times.

It really bugs me how our voting system has gotten so messed up. I keep hitting the Democrats with my suggestions; because I think they pay attention most. All politicians seem to be crooks, but at least the Democrats seem to share more with the people that put them into office.

My first idea I'd love to get into action is basically concerning voting. One vote from every legal citizen for every measure, person running etc, i.e. No rider bills in the House & Senate ever. That way nothing could be snuck in on something else and no lumping together of a bunch of stuff into a single yes or no. Too many good initiatives, bills and laws get vetoed because of being piggybacked as riders on something else.

No party affiliations, just who is running. Who gets into the office would be determined by who was on the ballots for the position they are running for from the first vote choosing candidates, down to the final election. That way we can pick and choose who we believe will do the best for us as the voter. The big thing this would encourage would be National unity as voters instead of the current them and us mentality.

No voting machines without check and balance system receipts like EVERY store and market has already in play. Voters would get a receipt showing their vote register number, time date etc itemized like a shopping list receipt. Show your identification for submission into the database proving citizenship. Then if your verified okay, vote. if not, get lost!

No throwing out votes or not counting votes for any reason. If this happens.... the country votes again until the vote is right and the peoples votes have determined who and what they voted for in the majority.

No person will be sworn into office until the full count and decision is finalized, even if it takes a year to settle it. If the system can come up with a viable leader and representation for each state by the one-year deadline then and only then would we fall back on a contingency back up plan. The Governors of each state would then be in the running for the leadership positions beginning with the Presidency then vice pres etc. The back up people would serve 4 years only.

We have a system already in operation designating the person who will step into office if the incumbent is removed from office in some way; like breaking the law or death. Those people would automatically be in the running for the next step up just as they are now, but we'd have one full year to get the votes counted and get the people we voted for into office.

Eliminating the Electoral College and need for such as crooked way for politicians and parties to make red and blue separations states dividing the nation into them and us.

My second major change deals with the tax system. I have been fighting for the 10% Tax on everyone in the form of a Federal Sales Tax since 1979, but nothing has happened with it because money people would loose control. Eliminating the IRS, as we know it today would get the government out of our pockets and put the control of spending back into our hands. We don’t spend, they don’t have money to mess us over. It’s that simple… they would be forced to live within a budget including their wages. The government would have to live on the money it got in whatever sales transpired in the entire country.

Think about it... We now have 300 BILLION legally registered citizens add to that all the illegals who have come into this country for any reason: workers, exiles, just plain old border crashers, drug dealers, criminals, big business people who’ve left the country but buy and sell stuff here when they do come back, etc plus all those that currently sneak around without contributing to our economy from one loop hole or another. We know each of those listed people will buy something for at least $1.00 every day of the 365 day year, so we're talking a sales tax income of 109 trillion, 500 billion dollars a year federal sales tax income just on the legal citizens we now know live in our country. Add into that the others at a more realistic daily sales rate and you can see there would be plenty of money to run the government on without taking one cent from our paychecks. They government could afford to help with medical, dental and emergencies of all sorts for all legal citizens. And the nice thing is the undesirables would be paying for their being here automatically.

Do the math. I’m only figuring on the legal citizens at 1.00 a day. All the others would spend as well adding to the tax income over and above this base of 300 billion x 1.00 x 365 days = 109 trillion 500 billion dollars a year minimum to run our government; and that even includes the exorbitant wages we pay our Presidents on down to the congresspersons and representatives.

Think we could have some decent schools, colleges, and medical for everyone, more than adequate police, fire and other service organizations? Secured our borders, space exploration, nurture the environment, and on and on. Get to real research for the good of mankind. And no polluters in charge of the environment as we have now. Put the Native Americans in charge of caring for our planet's welfare in our country, no one would do a better job than those whose cultures have understand her best for centuries.

Just these changes would make all of us be in control of our own lives instead of fighting for the crumbs the way it is now. We'd have time for our families because there would be incentives to create jobs from all these shifts and changes. People with jobs, spend; spending gives the peoples government more money to expand good ways to benefit the people. Where pollution, lies, crooked politicians and squeezing the life out of the people only created destruction. Nothing good ever comes from that. And the best thing of all is we wouldn’t be borrowing from any nation, nor placing ourselves in a position of being indebted in any way to any other country except in the noblest way; because we are kind and generous.

I think I'll refine this and send it to the Democrats again... maybe it will give them something to run on besides throwing mud at the opponents... who by the way scream out to be made fun of. But. We need to be better than that. Stick with issues and solving the problems. Rise above the mud slinging and be united helping our country instead of continuing to tear her apart.

I went to my grandson James' football game Friday His team won... yeah!

I cried throughout the National anthem before the game started, because I remember times when everyone proudly sang. Now we are reminded of the kids we've sent in harms way; 15-20 killed daily. Our babies are dying in a bad war for no good reason. I was the only one singing or even showed any signs of wanting to sing. Our people are ashamed and hurting.

We need desperately to be proud of our country and our people again, instead of having the life ripped out of our souls by bad leadership and traitorous acts of treason going unpunished. We need the laws of this land enforced to protect our people against the invasion taking place in our country. The invasion: of illegals, of blatant law breaking: representatives, INSA officers, sheriff's departments, Police patrols, representatives Motor Vehicles, welfare workers, and every other agency assisting law breakers by either doing nothing or outright helping criminals to break the laws of this land. These acts are undermining our country's stability and future for our own children. They are traitorous acts all!

Helping someone is one thing, but we the people are being forced against our wills to watch and pay for all that is wrong and unjust. I have absolutely nothing against anyone wanting to come into my country and become a legal citizen, but I do have lots against breaking our laws and making demands they have no rights as legal citizens. It is that simple. Become legal, then make demands. I'll be right beside you while your doing it. But not when your doing it illegally.

I no longer care if I've hurt someone's feelings for I am outraged and incensed at the way our laws are being flaunted and broken while legal citizens get the shaft! Every word is from my heart. I want to heal our nation and my people, and with my God's help it will happen or I'll die trying. Please join me in the fight for our country.




Sampling of Opinions

I hope this sampling of opinions helps to give you a little insight into what’s going on in the world regarding our political front. I’ve taken samplings from several news sources and have tried to present what I found without any slant on my part. The links are provided so that you can go there and read for yourselves. I just want to help get the articles to you in a responsible manner. Thank you,


Taken from NY Times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/19/us/politics/19campaign.html?_


“It’s not just the Northeast and the West Coast,” Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said. “It’s places like Virginia and Tennessee. Iraq and foreign policy are to a large extent albatrosses around the Republicans’ neck this year. And they don’t know what to do about it.”

Taken from WorldPublicOpinion.Org article: http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/home_page/250.php?nid=&


“A new WPO poll of the Iraqi public finds that seven in ten Iraqis want U.S.-led forces to commit to withdraw within a year. An overwhelming majority believes that the U.S. military presence in Iraq is provoking more conflict than it is preventing and there is growing confidence in the Iraqi army. If the United States made a commitment to withdraw, a majority believes that this would strengthen the Iraqi government. Support for attacks on U.S.-led forces has grown to a majority position—now six in ten. Support appears to be related to a widespread perception, held by all ethnic groups, that the U.S. government plans to have permanent military bases in Iraq.”

International Trade in General
Americans' views of international trade are complex and cannot be explained as a simple preference for free trade or protectionism. A strong majority of Americans views trade, in principle, as something positive and as having significant benefits for the US economy. However, the majority also has major reservations about how trade has been put into practice: Americans show strong concern that, though trade has benefited business and the wealthy, it has not benefited American workers and has widened the gap between rich and poor.

Is Time Magazine cover comment on Republicans chances?

From Evote.com http://www.evote.com/?q=node/5016

Time Magazine has an elephant’s butt on the cover this week. And no, it’s not because the circus has left town.

From the Washington Post today:



Struggling NBC Cutting 700 Jobs


The Associated Press
Thursday, October 19, 2006; 3:31 PM

NEW YORK -- NBC Universal announced Thursday it will cut 700 jobs, abandon MSNBC's New Jersey headquarters and shift spending from traditional broadcast TV to digital entertainment, reflecting both hard times at the network and changing times in the media world.

From The Telegraph.co.UK:



Blair: Troops will be out of Iraq in 16 months

Tony Blair has set a 16-month limit for keeping troops in Iraq as he admitted for the first time that they would be a "provocation" if they stayed too long.

And don’t miss the political cartoon in the Telegraph. Lady Liberty as exposed to the world by Bush presidency. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/index.jhtml

Check this out:

CBS News has a juicy tidbit they discovered.

(AP) Orange County Republican leaders on Thursday called for the withdrawal of a GOP congressional candidate suspected of sending a letter threatening Hispanic immigrant voters with arrest.


Also from the page:

The letter, written in Spanish and mailed last week to an estimated 14,000 Democratic voters in central Orange County, tells recipients: "You are advised that if your residence in this country is illegal or you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that could result in jail time."

In fact, immigrants who are naturalized U.S. citizens can legally vote.

It is illegal to threaten or intimidate voters, though, and the complaints about the letters that began surfacing this week prompted state and federal investigations.

Want to be a Legal US Citizen?


Social Security Inflation Adjustment lower in 2007


(AP) Updated: 10:50 a.m. PT Oct 18, 2006

WASHINGTON - Social Security checks for nearly 49 million Americans are going up by 3.3 percent next year, which will mean an extra $33 per month in the average check, the government announced Wednesday.

The cost of living adjustment means that the monthly benefit for the typical retired worker in 2007 will go from $1,011 currently to $1,044 next year.

Just between you and me…. I’d like to know who’s getting $1,044 a month. I sure don’t. I get $834.00 a month and I worked 3 jobs at the same time over most my lifetime to qualify for that; after much hassling and reviewing. And to top that off, I pay for my own deductibles and co-pays and I have to answer regular reviews to keep receiving my disability payments. So who gets the amounts they say Social Security recipients receive? Can anyone answer that one for me?

I’ll be updating more often as time permits on issues facing US voters.

Thanks again.





We the People in the Fascist States of America

I read in the NY Times today about the big sanction agreement reached by several countries and about how South Korea and China indicate they will preserve economic ties with North Korea, despite sanctions. Well DAH! They are right next door to the nuts testing bombs. Who has the greatest threat from their neighbor; one who plays nice or one that threatens?
Here's a biggie on the plus side for China. We're in debt to them for millions of dollars. They have been loaning us money because our National Debt is a 258 BILLION dollar DEFICIT. In the Red and growing daily. And... We can't pay our bills without help; thanks to this present regime, in power, in our country.

I say it's time for "WE THE PEOPLE" to fight for our own Democracy that has/is being eroded, and sold out from under us for the past 10 years.

Just to name a few ways ....

1. We have the best government money can buy.

2. No laws for the law breaking politicians who have privatized our government, and sold our rights to the highest bidders. The only ones who have to pay for their crimes are us.

3. Our jobs have been outsourced, downsized and we are no-longer able to make a living wage.

4. The workers of the US have been sold out to illegal aliens now totaling around 2 million, under the guise we US legal citizens won't work. The truth of it is, we won't work for slave wages. We happen to remember; slavery was abolished. But don't worry. If things keep going like they are, everyone will be thrilled to work for 1.00 an hour which will bring business back in droves.

5. Our benefits are being given to people that don't have rights to them as legal US citizens.

6. The politicians are undermining our education system. Ignorant people believe whatever their told... they don't read, write, or think for themselves, which makes them easy to control.

7. The politicians kids aren't fighting and being killed in the war the politicians started based on lies. Their kids are too good to fight and die for our country, but apparently they think ours are just right.

8. Did you know.... The Republican Party is funding The Green Party? Why? Because every vote taken away from the Democrats is a Vote for the Republicans who have lied and cheated their way into office; lied in office to promote their own agenda, and put our country on the road to ruin.

What's that got to do with anything? .......... It takes 2 political parties to insure democracy.

Any more than that promotes Totalitarianism, Fascism, and Dictatorships like what happened in Pre-WWII Europe.

Multi-parties can be sustained in a true democracy ONLY IF the parties receive proportionate % voice in the government equal to the % won in elections. Australia and a few others has such a form of democratic government.

We don't have that system, so when the vote is split in our country. Our entire nation can wind up being represented by less than half the population. That my friends is not representative democracy. It isn't even a republic. When your and my voice is silenced in such a manner, we are on the road to the end of our great nation as we have known it; free, caring, just, and government of, for and by the people.

I'm a history nut. I grew up with the fresh memories of the horrors prior to and during WWII and I see a pattern emerging that scares me. 1938-39 and now are eerily similar to present day USA.

You don't believe me? Read for yourself how Hitler and Mussolini got into power. Here's a link to help you.


From the site: "Mussolini merely emulated Hitler by creating the totalitarian state while removing basic democracy."

I don't remember who said it, but the quote is still true today. "Remember - if we don't learn from history... we are doomed to repeat it!"

Write letters... talk to people.... read..... make your voice heard.... don't just believe everything we are spoon fed on the media news and in the papers.

We aren't getting news; we are being entertained. We aren't getting facts, we are being lulled, controlled and played like children by the media researchers. They are controlled by the big money... the big money controls the government. Use your own brains; think for yourselves. Don't stand for being led like sheep to slaughter.

There are still free speech radio and TV stations in the form of Public Owned and Operated. Get your news there and from the BBC and foreign papers. Compare what's being said about us and what our government is involved in. Check the votes in Congress and the House of Representatives. Who voted what on what; what was sneaked in as a rider? What do you think about that?

It's time to get involved or you might as well lie down, roll over, and play dead. We can no longer permit lies in government. We can no longer permit big business to rape and pillage our environment; poisoning our air and water and fish we eat.

If you and I won't fight for your own freedoms and the future for our children.... who will?




Did You Know?

1. There are an estimated 1.25 million injuries due to fires in the USA every year.
2. 89% of the civil legal needs of the poor are not being met.
3. Heat and heat-related complications caused more deaths in the US than floods, lightning and hurricanes combined in 2001, according to the National Weather Service.
4. About 27% of food in developed countries is waisted each year. It's simply thrown away.
5. Close to 4,000 people were executed worldwide in 2004, more than at nearly any other time in the last 25 years.
6. 132 police officers were killed in the line of duty in 2003 in America, with guns & traffic accidents claiming the most lives.
7. About one in six soldiers returning from the current war in Iraq shows signs of post-traumatic stress disorder or other emotional difficulties.
8 There are more than 550 federally recognized Indian tribes in the US, including 223 village groups in Alaska.
9. I read an estimated 50% of the poor are homeless; the rest are one paycheck away from living in the street. According to the UGM statistics 60% of the homeless are mostly single mothers with 2 or more children. Still another survey shows approximately 41% of the homeless are men; 33% of homeless men are veterans, although veterans comprise only 23% of the general adult male population.
10. 7,462 hate crime incidents were reported in 2002. Of these incidents, nearly half were racially motivated.

Want to find out more and what you can do to help?





Making a kid smile

Here is something I stumbled on that is a fantastic idea.
This group provides a way to send cards to children that are in desperate need of encouragement, prayers and just a word of hope letting them know there are people who care that they are sick and that they haven't been forgotten.
From the site: " How can you help make a child smile??? It's as easy as 1,2,3".
Find out for yourself at.... http://www.makeachildsmile.org/featured_kids.shtml


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