
Did You Know?

1. There are an estimated 1.25 million injuries due to fires in the USA every year.
2. 89% of the civil legal needs of the poor are not being met.
3. Heat and heat-related complications caused more deaths in the US than floods, lightning and hurricanes combined in 2001, according to the National Weather Service.
4. About 27% of food in developed countries is waisted each year. It's simply thrown away.
5. Close to 4,000 people were executed worldwide in 2004, more than at nearly any other time in the last 25 years.
6. 132 police officers were killed in the line of duty in 2003 in America, with guns & traffic accidents claiming the most lives.
7. About one in six soldiers returning from the current war in Iraq shows signs of post-traumatic stress disorder or other emotional difficulties.
8 There are more than 550 federally recognized Indian tribes in the US, including 223 village groups in Alaska.
9. I read an estimated 50% of the poor are homeless; the rest are one paycheck away from living in the street. According to the UGM statistics 60% of the homeless are mostly single mothers with 2 or more children. Still another survey shows approximately 41% of the homeless are men; 33% of homeless men are veterans, although veterans comprise only 23% of the general adult male population.
10. 7,462 hate crime incidents were reported in 2002. Of these incidents, nearly half were racially motivated.

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