
Ever Have One of those Days?

It started out ok: awakened at about 6 am, felt groggy but not bad. Took care of the necessities and promptly returned to bed and my book; "The Face" by Dean Koonz. I've been chipping away at this really strange to describe book for a week now and it's getting to the point where I won't be able to put it down until it's finished.
Anyway, I read for an hour and shut the light off and slept for another hour; when I made myself get up.
That in itself should have told me something, but I guess when your thick, your thick.
Since I've been up all I've done is sneeze, blow my nose, sneeze, wipe my nose, sneeze..... you get the picture.
My birds are screaming at me to come out into the living room again. They know I'm up now and expect me to do the normal routine after opening the blinds for them to see outside. Normally I clean the cage, feed and water them, get their bath water and offer some treats.... they expect to get out too, but that isn't going to happen. Last time I let them out they destroyed a painting which I'm still working on fixing (and it isn't looking right), chewed a chunk out of one of my easel legs, crapped all over the place and bit me when I tried putting them back into the cage. Nuff said!
Up to that time they were getting out every other day for a couple days at a time. No more! They can learn to love the cage. I'm done cleaning up their messes outside the cage that I can control by their living inside the cage.... and .... I don't get bit.
Anyway, today is drizzling rain outside, gloomy and overcast. Looks like a great day to sit in front of a nice cozy fire curled up in a big old chair with my book and tissues.
Now if I only had the cozy fireplace.
Guess I'll go make a cup of coffee and see what's in the fridge for making some soup or chili; perfect blustery blucky day food with minimal work involved.



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