
More New Pictures

This one will get painted again only larger next time, and I'll find out what kind of flowers they are for the title... those details are minor. LOL

Here's my second dragon. This guy has hugh wings and is prickly all over. I like the other one better # 3. I haven't taken his picture yet.

This is a sketch of a canal. All the houses actually do lean toward the water. Weird huh!

Here's another sketch of some Tiger Lillies. I love star lillies and will probably try doing a picture of each kind.

This is just some sketch doodeling. The dog was running around alongside the boat launch to the river. Every time I'd look at my paper, he'd move out of sight. I finally gave up on him and started looking for other things.

lips, eye and brow and a fast sketch of a nude. I'm trying to use as few lines as possible in this one. Makes her look deformed... don't it. LOL

"Old Boots"

"Night Caller"

These are some Lighthouses. I have no clue where they are other than in my mind.

These are some sketches I did from some magazine pictures. I suck at people, so I've been trying to practice on them. Now if I just knew how to take pictures you'd be able to see these better. LOL

Pencil doesn't show up as well, but I can't paint until I've drawn... well... not on some pictures anyway.

This little girl I thought turned out fair for a first try at people.

This one is called "Visitor". It reminds me of the little girl next door.
She's always bringing me something.

Well that's it for now. I go on binges sketching, then coloring, then painting, then crocheting.

Now that I have a tiny studio set up I hope to be able to do more painting, but I know me... I get bored doing the same thing all the time. LOL

Well, hope you've enjoyed some of these things. Maybe I'll get a nice camera someday that can take pictures of pencil better, then I can offer my coloring books like I want to do. Till then... Suffer along with me. LOL



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