
Hackers - Chicken Little - Homeland Security

C|NET's Senior Editor, Robert Vamosi's "Hacking Anonymity" dated Oct 20, 2006 Here's the link for this most informative and thought provoking article.
He speaks of Hackers methods and Dept. of Homeland Security (Government) wanting to control the internet for security reasons. In his comment section I had to say my piece. You know me and my love of government controlling our lives. NOT! Anyway, it got me to thinking more on this topic and I decided to add another 2ยข here. Feel free to voice your opinions either place; in fact ... please do voice your opinion!

What do Hackers, Chicken Little and Department of Homeland Security have in common?
Hackers are predators.
If they have their way, they overshadow our lives by taking away our common sense reasoning, our freedom, our pleasure, our joy, our fun and replace them with fear, confusion and worry; to promote their own gain for their own reasons.

Department of Homeland Security aka the Government wants to use those excuses to invade more of our privacy and take away more of our rights as Legal U.S. Citizens. They've already used fear for their own gain; their own agenda's and found it worked. Sound familiar? Our Government has become a predator that's draining the life out of a once happy to be free people through the propaganda of fear.

Now what could Chicken Little possibly have in common with these? Well, That's what they both want to turn us into. Chickens afraid of our own shadows running around yelling, "The sky is Falling!"
She was so scared she couldn't function. All she could do was run around filled with fear screaming her fear filled call to everyone in the barnyard. Are we going to permit any more fear to turn us into Chicken Little? If we continue to permit them to use and abuse us by crippling us with fear, we may as well give up all our rights and accept being victumized as our lot in life.

Fear cripples whatever it holds in it's grasp; whether it's real or imagined fear kills.

Frankly, I don't care to die that way. Franklin D. Roosevelt said it best, "We Have Nothing To Fear, But Fear Itself!"



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