
We the People in the Fascist States of America

I read in the NY Times today about the big sanction agreement reached by several countries and about how South Korea and China indicate they will preserve economic ties with North Korea, despite sanctions. Well DAH! They are right next door to the nuts testing bombs. Who has the greatest threat from their neighbor; one who plays nice or one that threatens?
Here's a biggie on the plus side for China. We're in debt to them for millions of dollars. They have been loaning us money because our National Debt is a 258 BILLION dollar DEFICIT. In the Red and growing daily. And... We can't pay our bills without help; thanks to this present regime, in power, in our country.

I say it's time for "WE THE PEOPLE" to fight for our own Democracy that has/is being eroded, and sold out from under us for the past 10 years.

Just to name a few ways ....

1. We have the best government money can buy.

2. No laws for the law breaking politicians who have privatized our government, and sold our rights to the highest bidders. The only ones who have to pay for their crimes are us.

3. Our jobs have been outsourced, downsized and we are no-longer able to make a living wage.

4. The workers of the US have been sold out to illegal aliens now totaling around 2 million, under the guise we US legal citizens won't work. The truth of it is, we won't work for slave wages. We happen to remember; slavery was abolished. But don't worry. If things keep going like they are, everyone will be thrilled to work for 1.00 an hour which will bring business back in droves.

5. Our benefits are being given to people that don't have rights to them as legal US citizens.

6. The politicians are undermining our education system. Ignorant people believe whatever their told... they don't read, write, or think for themselves, which makes them easy to control.

7. The politicians kids aren't fighting and being killed in the war the politicians started based on lies. Their kids are too good to fight and die for our country, but apparently they think ours are just right.

8. Did you know.... The Republican Party is funding The Green Party? Why? Because every vote taken away from the Democrats is a Vote for the Republicans who have lied and cheated their way into office; lied in office to promote their own agenda, and put our country on the road to ruin.

What's that got to do with anything? .......... It takes 2 political parties to insure democracy.

Any more than that promotes Totalitarianism, Fascism, and Dictatorships like what happened in Pre-WWII Europe.

Multi-parties can be sustained in a true democracy ONLY IF the parties receive proportionate % voice in the government equal to the % won in elections. Australia and a few others has such a form of democratic government.

We don't have that system, so when the vote is split in our country. Our entire nation can wind up being represented by less than half the population. That my friends is not representative democracy. It isn't even a republic. When your and my voice is silenced in such a manner, we are on the road to the end of our great nation as we have known it; free, caring, just, and government of, for and by the people.

I'm a history nut. I grew up with the fresh memories of the horrors prior to and during WWII and I see a pattern emerging that scares me. 1938-39 and now are eerily similar to present day USA.

You don't believe me? Read for yourself how Hitler and Mussolini got into power. Here's a link to help you.


From the site: "Mussolini merely emulated Hitler by creating the totalitarian state while removing basic democracy."

I don't remember who said it, but the quote is still true today. "Remember - if we don't learn from history... we are doomed to repeat it!"

Write letters... talk to people.... read..... make your voice heard.... don't just believe everything we are spoon fed on the media news and in the papers.

We aren't getting news; we are being entertained. We aren't getting facts, we are being lulled, controlled and played like children by the media researchers. They are controlled by the big money... the big money controls the government. Use your own brains; think for yourselves. Don't stand for being led like sheep to slaughter.

There are still free speech radio and TV stations in the form of Public Owned and Operated. Get your news there and from the BBC and foreign papers. Compare what's being said about us and what our government is involved in. Check the votes in Congress and the House of Representatives. Who voted what on what; what was sneaked in as a rider? What do you think about that?

It's time to get involved or you might as well lie down, roll over, and play dead. We can no longer permit lies in government. We can no longer permit big business to rape and pillage our environment; poisoning our air and water and fish we eat.

If you and I won't fight for your own freedoms and the future for our children.... who will?



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