
Ever Have One of those Days?

It started out ok: awakened at about 6 am, felt groggy but not bad. Took care of the necessities and promptly returned to bed and my book; "The Face" by Dean Koonz. I've been chipping away at this really strange to describe book for a week now and it's getting to the point where I won't be able to put it down until it's finished.
Anyway, I read for an hour and shut the light off and slept for another hour; when I made myself get up.
That in itself should have told me something, but I guess when your thick, your thick.
Since I've been up all I've done is sneeze, blow my nose, sneeze, wipe my nose, sneeze..... you get the picture.
My birds are screaming at me to come out into the living room again. They know I'm up now and expect me to do the normal routine after opening the blinds for them to see outside. Normally I clean the cage, feed and water them, get their bath water and offer some treats.... they expect to get out too, but that isn't going to happen. Last time I let them out they destroyed a painting which I'm still working on fixing (and it isn't looking right), chewed a chunk out of one of my easel legs, crapped all over the place and bit me when I tried putting them back into the cage. Nuff said!
Up to that time they were getting out every other day for a couple days at a time. No more! They can learn to love the cage. I'm done cleaning up their messes outside the cage that I can control by their living inside the cage.... and .... I don't get bit.
Anyway, today is drizzling rain outside, gloomy and overcast. Looks like a great day to sit in front of a nice cozy fire curled up in a big old chair with my book and tissues.
Now if I only had the cozy fireplace.
Guess I'll go make a cup of coffee and see what's in the fridge for making some soup or chili; perfect blustery blucky day food with minimal work involved.




You Asked my Opinion....

Just so you know, this thing goes on forever. I am giving my soapbox speech... someone asked my opinion.... so.....

I'm simply fed up with politicians in general. There is no honor among them any more. They don't care about the people that vote them in and could care less about the state of the nation. Just so they get theirs.

They don't have their kids fighting anywhere. Just ours.

They make sure their kids get an education and to hell with ours.

They make sure their futures are set and to hell with ours. And on and on it goes.
Not a one of them knows how to tell the truth nor do they seem to care.

All those people in our own country needing help: victums of natural disasters, loss of jobs due to business leaving the country, no more manufacturing here in the USA, outsizing, downsizing, mergers and crooks and their lies get away with screwing the people. Yet they make sure millions of dollars gets poured into a war that was started with lies and now we have the whole world against us.

We aren't the caring nation any more, we're war mongers. We are a nation of business persons with only one thought in mind...how they can make themselves richer.

People in Rwanda have been systematically killed and we never did a thing to stop it and it's still going on, yet we say through the lying teeth of our leaders that we care. Where's the help? There are only 300,000 left until they will have annihilated the whole race of people, and still we don't do anything.

Katrina hit and devastated our own nation. What's being done to help them.
Damn little, and what was done was so poorly managed that help only went into the con-artists hands. What's being done about it.... Nothing!

I'm sick to death with our leaders and I'm voting against everyone in office.
I want my country back. I want criminals to pay for their crimes... all of them, not just the poor. I want cereal-murderers and rapists, all child molesters porn peddlers and smut sellers to be put to death. They are an infection on society that needs removed like any malignant cancer. I want blue collar and white coller criminals: embezzelers, CEO's and politicians to do their time!!! and in the same prisons where we do our time; no special prisons for them. I want them to see they aren't any better than that man or woman in the street.

I want just as much right to my faith as anyone with no faith or different from mine.

I'm sick of being the whipping post for all the special interest groups. Me and my ancestors didn't do a damn thing to hurt anyone, so stop saying we did. It's in the past, get over the hurt and lets move on and solve some of our countries problems; for Christ's sake.

I want our citizens to be able to be proud of our country again. Not just goose step to some fear-spreading war-monger's lies. We have a right to an opinion and it doesn't have to not hurt someone by not being permitted to be said; even the President. Political correctness be damned!

I want my privacy respected and not invaded without cause. If I've done something to warrant spying on me, then fine... but I don't want anyone tapping into any legal citizen's life for any unwarranted reason

We have a right to not have someone constantly touting fear. What good is a panicked nation. Good for nothing but the slaughter. We're no better than stupid animals if we permit such bullshit to rule our lives. I'm a believer in Christ... and I'm not afraid of anything mankind can do.... why? Because MY GOD IS WAY TOUGHER AND CAN BE A BAD ASSED MOFO IF HE CHOOSES TO RAIN DOWN SOME HEAVY DUTY SHIT ON THIS GLOBE WE CALL OURS. It's all through the Bible for them that will take the time to read it and let the truth of it all sink into their souls.

Roosevelt said it best, "We have nothing to fear, but fear but fear itself!"

I want all the illegals out of our country and off our welfare rolls. No more free rides for illegals. No more special language bullshit, let them learn English.

I still believe the definition of "guest" is one who is invited.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary....

1. One who receives hospitality at the home or table of another.
2. One who pays for meals or accommodations at a restaurant or hotel.
3. A visiting performer or contestant, as on a television program

Guest worker n. A foreigner permitted to work in a country on a temporary basis.

Illegal (i-le'-gal) adj
1. Prohibited by law.
2. Sports & games. Prohibited by official rules.
3. Comp. Sci. Not performable by a computer.

immigrant (im'-i-grat') n.
1. One who immigrates.
2. a plant or animal that establishes itself in a new area or habitat.
Immigrate (im'-i-grat) n
1. To enter and settle in a foreign country.

To migrate (mi'-grat') v grat-ed, -grat-ing
1. move from one country or region and settle in another.
2. to move periodically from one region or climate to another [Lat. Migrare.]
mi-gra'-tion n mi'gra-to'ry (gra-tor, tor-e) adj.

Migrate sometimes implies a lack of permanent settlement, especially as a result of seasonal or periodic movement.

Emigrate and immigrate imply a permanent move, generally across a political boundary. Emigrate describes the move relative to the point of departure, while immigrate describes the move relative to the destination.

Ok, so I'm not so stupid. Here's the whole ball of wax in a nut shell:
Uninvited foreigners are sneaking across OUR legal borders the boundaries of OUR country... making them uninvited illegal emigrants. Making them by our countries language definition....(same dictionary)
Criminals (krim'e-nal) adj
1. of or involving crime
So as I see it they are rather like a plague(same dictionary) A widespread affliction or calamity.
2. a cause of annoyance; nuisance.
3. highly infectious, usu, fatal epidemic disease, esp bubonic plague. v
plagued, plagu-ing.
To harass, pester, or annoy.

So if we citizens want to stop this plague from afflicting our country further, we better do something to stop the criminals plaguing our country.
They aren't guests, they are vermin infesting our country and like vampires, sucking the life out of our country.
AND they are getting the help of traitors (politicians) within our own government who are too chicken-shit to do anything to stop it; because their crony's (business) won't have slave-labor-wages and scared, abused people to do their work for them (making them money).

There, now aren't you sorry you asked my opinion? I'm sorry if you are offended by any of what I've said, but it's my opinion.... you don't have to like it. Just give me the respect I give you and let me voice my opinion even if at times it gets a little colorfull, you hear much worse on TV and movies.

So there it is... my opinion... I hope to God you have one and you have the courage to speak it at the poles.




I have a brand new Greatgrandson Whoooo hooo!

Joseph Bonner Healthy and happy!

Mother and Daddy are trying to recuperate. LOL

Joesph was born on Thursday Sept 7th at 7:28pm. Early that morning labor was induced and 12 1/2 hours later he was here. He weighted 9 pounds and was 20 1/2 inches long.

Welcome to the family big guy.




More New Pictures

This one will get painted again only larger next time, and I'll find out what kind of flowers they are for the title... those details are minor. LOL

Here's my second dragon. This guy has hugh wings and is prickly all over. I like the other one better # 3. I haven't taken his picture yet.

This is a sketch of a canal. All the houses actually do lean toward the water. Weird huh!

Here's another sketch of some Tiger Lillies. I love star lillies and will probably try doing a picture of each kind.

This is just some sketch doodeling. The dog was running around alongside the boat launch to the river. Every time I'd look at my paper, he'd move out of sight. I finally gave up on him and started looking for other things.

lips, eye and brow and a fast sketch of a nude. I'm trying to use as few lines as possible in this one. Makes her look deformed... don't it. LOL

"Old Boots"

"Night Caller"

These are some Lighthouses. I have no clue where they are other than in my mind.

These are some sketches I did from some magazine pictures. I suck at people, so I've been trying to practice on them. Now if I just knew how to take pictures you'd be able to see these better. LOL

Pencil doesn't show up as well, but I can't paint until I've drawn... well... not on some pictures anyway.

This little girl I thought turned out fair for a first try at people.

This one is called "Visitor". It reminds me of the little girl next door.
She's always bringing me something.

Well that's it for now. I go on binges sketching, then coloring, then painting, then crocheting.

Now that I have a tiny studio set up I hope to be able to do more painting, but I know me... I get bored doing the same thing all the time. LOL

Well, hope you've enjoyed some of these things. Maybe I'll get a nice camera someday that can take pictures of pencil better, then I can offer my coloring books like I want to do. Till then... Suffer along with me. LOL




Most Recent Sketches etc.

Bonnie and Clyde Mobile (minus the bullet holes)

Thy Will Be Done (Ya he has dark skin and hippy hair)

Outhouse in Need

Left to Right


Owl Woman



My Left Hand

Misty Mountains

Light House

Flowers 1

Prized Posession

Flowers 2
[ Suppose to be Poppy]
Flowers 3
[Not sure but think these are
called Amerillis]


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