
Crochet Artwork n Stuff

Hound dog puppy is house broke and ready to lick and play, all he needs is hugs

Friendly bumble bee and Easter dinner on the hoof.

Here's a lazy rooster and toad ready to strike at the bug on his shoulder.

Klunky scarfs are boring to make but I don't turn down the money....

Sponge Bob rules!
Puppy dog and turtle back packs.

Brittny's first teddy...OK so Gramma's a sucker.. this is what got me started on all the kid toy and stuff.
Pig back pack and wooly lambs... Must be Easter!

Lions and tigers and elephants ... oh my!



What I do while I'm sick beside sketch and cough!

Here's what I've been doing while I've been sick.

I've made two different lambs

An elephant, teddy bear, 2 lambs, a frog, a rooster, severl scarves and hats, and 3 back packs: a puppy dog, a pig and a turtle. Most of the stuff has found homes already. But if your interested in seeing the crochet artwork, go to my other site, they are all there.




Life is what you make it!

I discovered through recent events how much I still value my God's council, and stand up for what I believe is the right thing to do no matter what anyone else says or does.

I've taken the leap once more into the void, believing in God Almighty's words to me during my deliberation of quitting my driving job.

I've been down extremely ill with pneumonia for about a month now. Prior to that I was sick but I didn't know what the label was for that illness; I just knew I was sick and had been for nearly 2 months.

I tried getting into the doctor's office several times, but there is now a scarcity of doctors in our area, so we have one clinic and only 2 other practicing doctors in our area; both of which I've been to and didn't like. So I'm stuck with trying to get into the clinic along with all the others in this area.
Anyway, needless to say I've been feeling super crappy and once again I got into trouble trying to work when I was sick. So while I was out trying to get well I did some heavy duty thinking.

The answer came in several forms actually. I prayed about it and asked for guidance.
Here's what I got:

Don't worry, I'm with you. Stay in this country and I will continue to help you. I haven't let you down yet! (I had been looking for a job upstate, wanting to leave the area and my current job.)

The next reply was through a television minister Dr. Robert Schuller. I get his daily devotional and in this one devotional he was asking the questions. Do you feel like your in a dead end job? Stuck in a rut going no where? Well even God can't guide a stalled vehicle; you have to get it going by doing something first.... then God will guide you.
These words popped out to me like they were written specifically for me, now.
So, I typed out a letter of resignation and put it in the mail.
The very same night, I was able to sleep peacefully all night, for the first time in ages.

Today, I was informed my requests will be met here at the apartment complex,
and when I went out to get some much needed groceries (second time I'd been out in 2 weeks) I was wondering how I was going to get them down the stairs and into my apartment without passing out and falling down the stairs.

God answered with having the back chain open. I was able to drive up to my back door, drop off the groceries and drive around the front and walk down the stairs with only my bag. Now that's a promise being kept and proof He is as good as His promise to me.

Now get this one... I got word on a nice apartment with a private back yard cheaper than I'm paying here and would have a plethora of models to sketch and paint.
How's that for service?

And here's something of benefit too, since I live in subsidized housing right now, my rent will drop here by about $140.00 due to less income; so I have a lot more deciding to do....LOL

But as before, I'll let God do the choosing for me. I've promised I'd serve Him and a servant waits on the master's words to serve. So, it should be exciting when I get the words.
Meantime, I'm going to be working on getting well, then scrubbing walls and packing unnecessary stuffs ( maybe have a yard sale), cleaning out corners, throwing away crap and just giving this place a good Spring cleaning.

So that expression "Life is what you make it" is very true, when you let God pilot the boat your in.



Happy St. Patrick's Day




Oh So Sweet!

Ever have one of those really great days where everything seems to be perfect and nothing happens to screw it up?  Well, I had one of those days last Saturday.  

Usually Saturdays are spent cleaning house and catching up on stuff I don't get done during the week, and depending upon the date if I have to mess with doing the bills or sweeping ceilings and dunging out closets type things.  But this last Saturday I awakened at my usual 6:00 AM and got up feeling fantastic.

That in itself was a welcome change since I've been feeling crappy for over 2 months now, but was down sick big time for three days last week.  So to get up feeling like the resurrection was Oh soooo sweet!  
Nice way to start any day.  I proceeded to:

Feed and watered the birds (My family of 4 cockatiels Rosey & her hubby Popeye, and Sweet Pea and her hubby Bo; remind me to tell you about them sometime.)

Had some fresh brewed coffee then joined an art class on line.  I got so engrossed I lost all track of time until around 5 PM.  Which meant I spent a full five hours studying, drawing, sketching, taking notes and perusing other artists sketch diaries.  WOW!  Awesome experience.  I discovered they, like myself, had serious issues about their art.  I marvel at how such fantastic talent can't see their worth.  I guess that's a lesson for us all.  No one is ever completely happy with himself or herself.

I know one thing; I'm going to spend more time doing the one thing I love most, and I encourage you all to do the same.  Life is sweet when you’re happy doing what you love.



Women! Gotta Love Us!

Ok! So it takes a pot of coffee to get started in the morning.

But boy can we kick up our heels once we're going.

In fact we'll do almost anything for a laugh!

Then again, sometimes we're too sexy.


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Enjoy.... Have fun.....Play.....Make friends.