
Oh So Sweet!

Ever have one of those really great days where everything seems to be perfect and nothing happens to screw it up?  Well, I had one of those days last Saturday.  

Usually Saturdays are spent cleaning house and catching up on stuff I don't get done during the week, and depending upon the date if I have to mess with doing the bills or sweeping ceilings and dunging out closets type things.  But this last Saturday I awakened at my usual 6:00 AM and got up feeling fantastic.

That in itself was a welcome change since I've been feeling crappy for over 2 months now, but was down sick big time for three days last week.  So to get up feeling like the resurrection was Oh soooo sweet!  
Nice way to start any day.  I proceeded to:

Feed and watered the birds (My family of 4 cockatiels Rosey & her hubby Popeye, and Sweet Pea and her hubby Bo; remind me to tell you about them sometime.)

Had some fresh brewed coffee then joined an art class on line.  I got so engrossed I lost all track of time until around 5 PM.  Which meant I spent a full five hours studying, drawing, sketching, taking notes and perusing other artists sketch diaries.  WOW!  Awesome experience.  I discovered they, like myself, had serious issues about their art.  I marvel at how such fantastic talent can't see their worth.  I guess that's a lesson for us all.  No one is ever completely happy with himself or herself.

I know one thing; I'm going to spend more time doing the one thing I love most, and I encourage you all to do the same.  Life is sweet when you’re happy doing what you love.


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