Blogging Melodrama
How do we tell a mother not to worry?
I was moved by a friend's request for prayer for her son and 3 buddies headed for Iraq. Added with the voiced feelings of a couple other mothers in the same position as she, I wrote this I'm posting today on the Bulletin.
One friend was holding together so well until the day her son was to leave; then she cracked and couldn't stop the tears. She cried and poured out her guts to my daughter, who's facing facing the same thing. My daughter then told me about it with all the gut wrenching agony she was experiencing. Being a grandmother in that same position I was moved to tears just feeling the pain of you all.
That's what prompted what I wrote.
That's what prompted what I wrote.
"How do you tell a Mother not to worry"?
by Janice Myers
by Janice Myers
How do we tell a mother not to worry?
How do you tell her not to cry?
How can I possibly explain..... the heartache she feels;
Every time....
She sees her son or daughter...
Take that one step...
To good-bye?
How do you tell her not to cry?
How can I possibly explain..... the heartache she feels;
Every time....
She sees her son or daughter...
Take that one step...
To good-bye?
How do you tell her... you know how she's feeling?
How can you possibly understand?
When do we stand back and not touch her?
When do we grab her and hold her strong in our arms?
How can you possibly understand?
When do we stand back and not touch her?
When do we grab her and hold her strong in our arms?
How do we lighten the dread she fears?
How do we console her sorrow?
How do we console her sorrow?
How do we tell her we know she is proud,
As we stand beside her at a casket in a field?
What comfort is that tri-fold flag she clutches tightly to her breast?
As we stand beside her at a casket in a field?
What comfort is that tri-fold flag she clutches tightly to her breast?
How do we share that anguish in her soul when her sons and daughters haven't even left....
How do we kiss away the bruised and the shattered psyches?
Who are these strangers in our grown children's bodies;
Returning from "THE" war?
Where are their missing limbs? Their laughter? Their smiles?
Who are these strangers in our grown children's bodies;
Returning from "THE" war?
Where are their missing limbs? Their laughter? Their smiles?
How do we offer hope to some mother's child living in the street?
How do we fix the ones strung out on drugs to dull the pain?
How do we stop the visions of seeing buddies blown to bits before their eyes by another mother's child with a bomb strapped to their chest?
How do we fix the ones strung out on drugs to dull the pain?
How do we stop the visions of seeing buddies blown to bits before their eyes by another mother's child with a bomb strapped to their chest?
How do we make sense of this insane world?
Who teaches us to nurture our young, then throw them into harms way?
Who has the right to force compliance...
Fighting in a world of moral decay?
Who teaches us to nurture our young, then throw them into harms way?
Who has the right to force compliance...
Fighting in a world of moral decay?
How do we tell a mother not to worry?
How do you tell her not to cry?
How can I possibly explain..... the heartache she feels;
Every time....
She sees her son or daughter...
Take that one step...
To good-bye?
How do you tell her not to cry?
How can I possibly explain..... the heartache she feels;
Every time....
She sees her son or daughter...
Take that one step...
To good-bye?
When Nothing Goes Your Way, What do You do?
First a little background on the most recent things not going my way and what I did and do.Talk about the "Perils of Pauline"! The last few days have been the pits. Why? Glad you asked. Lets start with the blankety-blank snow and frost and ICE!
Normally I love the snow, after all I came from Ohio and it can get rump high and then some there. I've always loved the snow: sledding, skiing, snow forts, snow ball fights, digging snow tunnels, ice skating, tobogganing; it's just always been fun to me even into my so-called maturity. The last time I played in the snow I was 50 and I'd be out there playing in it today if I had the proper equipment, so it isn't the snow, frost and ice it's the other stuff that makes it miserable.
I have a car that should have been shot and put out of it's misery years ago. It leaks like a sieve; inside. Rain, ice and moisture all the time... I live in Washington... the rain forest of North America. Believe me, if I could afford a new car I would, but I live on a fixed income; very fixed below the National poverty level. (Just like half of the rest of the country)
So when this last brash of extreme Winter hit, it froze my car solid, inside and out. Not only that, but the streets were ice and authorities advised everyone to stay home if they didn't have to go anywhere. I'm an artist, so I work from home; I don't need to go anywhere except the mail box and the market.
School was closed for the week, then MLKing day Holiday hit, so there was little to do but wait it out. I painted for the first time in a long time; uninterrupted!
Yesterday,(MLKing day) I said to heck with it and chiseled, chipped, hacked, yanked, pulled, fought my way into the car with the help of 1/2 gallon deicer fluid, a putty knife to scrape the ice, a squeegee for the water, a roll of paper towels and a blanket to mop up the water resulting from the heater's melting the ice inside the car.
After about an hour of this I drove carefully to the post office to get my mail (we don't have home delivery in my little town)and to mail my Netflix movie; "Her Majesty"; a must see movie. It's great! Problem was, I forgot it in the apartment because of the k-jillian trips in and out working on the car.
All this background insight brings us to the real question...What do I do when things go wrong.
Usually I pray about it then get busy doing whatever I can do about the problem. I've been blessed with the ability to keep a calm head; I can focus on the task at hand even during a potentially life threatening situation such as a skid on the ice, avoiding an accident etc. If I'm going to fall apart, I fall apart after it's all over; never during... Thank God!
This time I did it just in reverse; I did what I could do then prayed, but I listened to authorities advice for a week first.
Honestly I always pray; always have and probably always will.
I am one of those "Christians" that believes in Jesus and banks my life on His teachings. I'm also one of those "Christians" that depends upon my Lord and Savior for ALL of my answers and ALL of my needs.
Now don't mix me up with those other "Christians" that tells you how to live your life, threatens you with hell fire and damnation and all that crap. I just use this thought in all situations...
"What would my loving Jesus do in this situation?" Then I just do that. And you know something? It always works out good in the end.
So, if you want some advice?
Pray about your problem.
Ask yourself...
"If I'm a real follower of Jesus Christ... He'd do what in this situation?"
Then you must decide, that's what I'm deciding, and that's what I'm going to do. Always remembering .. You've been adopted into His family and have the same LOVING Father God helping you, if you do it His way, You will succeed.
Do what you can.
Then leave the rest up to God.
Hope this helps you... it always does me. This so-called problem netted me five paintings I can sell or give as gifts... Not bad huh?
As you bless, you will be blessed!
Daryl Cagle Cartoon hits the nail on the head! Again!
Daryl Cagle cartoon raises a big question we all have to answer.Title of the cartoon: Mr Politically correct quiz question:
The cartoon shows 2 people in a vehicle. Captions over each progressive picture reads:
#1 A caucasian American teen tunes to top 40 radio... #2 Finds #1 song in America: Kanye West's "Gold Digger"... #3 Because refrain contains the "N" word... #4 can he sing along?
You can check it out for yourself on Daryl Cagle's web page....
This cartoon brings up a great question..What's your opinion?.
Personally I don't think it should even be permitted in songs, but then that's censoring and I don't agree with that either, so either no one American can use it or everyone in America can. Equality and equal rights: means just that, no matter what religion, race, color, creed, sex or national origin all have the same rights to do or not do the same things. Now the real question is, do we (all of us) really want equality?
It just means some Americans will have to develop a harder shell and learn to accept equal rights.
This reminds me of the old saying.. be careful what you ask for... you just might get it.