
How do we tell a mother not to worry?

I was moved by a friend's request for prayer for her son and 3 buddies headed for Iraq. Added with the voiced feelings of a couple other mothers in the same position as she, I wrote this I'm posting today on the Bulletin.
One friend was holding together so well until the day her son was to leave; then she cracked and couldn't stop the tears. She cried and poured out her guts to my daughter, who's facing facing the same thing. My daughter then told me about it with all the gut wrenching agony she was experiencing. Being a grandmother in that same position I was moved to tears just feeling the pain of you all.
That's what prompted what I wrote.
"How do you tell a Mother not to worry"?
by Janice Myers
How do we tell a mother not to worry?
How do you tell her not to cry?
How can I possibly explain..... the heartache she feels;
Every time....
She sees her son or daughter...
Take that one step...
To good-bye?
How do you tell her... you know how she's feeling?
How can you possibly understand?
When do we stand back and not touch her?
When do we grab her and hold her strong in our arms?
How do we lighten the dread she fears?
How do we console her sorrow?
How do we tell her we know she is proud,
As we stand beside her at a casket in a field?
What comfort is that tri-fold flag she clutches tightly to her breast?
How do we share that anguish in her soul when her sons and daughters haven't even left....
How do we kiss away the bruised and the shattered psyches?
Who are these strangers in our grown children's bodies;
Returning from "THE" war?
Where are their missing limbs? Their laughter? Their smiles?
How do we offer hope to some mother's child living in the street?
How do we fix the ones strung out on drugs to dull the pain?
How do we stop the visions of seeing buddies blown to bits before their eyes by another mother's child with a bomb strapped to their chest?
How do we make sense of this insane world?
Who teaches us to nurture our young, then throw them into harms way?
Who has the right to force compliance...
Fighting in a world of moral decay?
How do we tell a mother not to worry?
How do you tell her not to cry?
How can I possibly explain..... the heartache she feels;
Every time....
She sees her son or daughter...
Take that one step...
To good-bye?


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