NPR Goose Step or Your Fired!
Juan Williams, long time announcer for National Public Radio recently got his walking papers for giving his honest opinion during his guest appearance on Bill O'Riley's TV program.
Juan alluded to the fact he would be concerned and be a little uneasy; not quite feel sure of his safety, if he were to get on a plane and see people in Muslim attire on the plane with him. He used his own words to describe the unease he would be honestly feeling. just as I'm using my own to tell you about the incident.
For speaking honestly what he would be experiencing at that time, he was fired.
Doesn't a legal USA citizen have the right to voice HER/HIS personal opinions? He didn't yell FIRE! He didn't say he'd attack that person, or give any indication he would harm that person in any way. He simply would be thinking to himself the feelings he expressed in honest open response to Bill and his conversation on Bill O'Riley's program.
Since when does an employer get to dictate what an employee can say or THINK especially on that employee's own private time off her/his job?
Excuse me! Just because a person performs a task for which they are hired, during the hours they are paid to perform those tasks, and follows guidelines the employer sets DOES NOT give that employer Carte Blanch OWNERSHIP of that employee 24 hours of every day 7 days a week. When ANY employee is on their own time; meaning they aren't receiving compensation from their employer for that time; then they have every right under the United States Constitution afforded any legal United States citizen. And as said citizen retains all rights afforded them by that Constitution; one of which is FREEDOM OF SPEECH; which includes freedom of verbalized thoughts.
I have lost respect for that once revered Network. And I applaud Juan for refussing to accept their attempt at giving him his job back. They only offered it after finding out how many people were upset by their rediculous actions. I won't be donating any more money to them as I did in the past when I believed they were different from the other biased news networks. But they aren't different!
In fact, I've gotten a whole new appreciation for FOX Network, for immediately HIRING Juan. So Goose step to your own furor NPR. I know not to believe all you say. I also won't believe Fox News is totally biased; NOT ANY MORE!
I'm with you Juan! I'd feel uneasy too, because I don't know what to expect from people I don't understand. And that's normal for any situation where we are out of our comfort zones. If people can't understand that, then they are the ones that need to look at themselves; not the reverse. To much political correctness is destroying our country and our people. Thank God there are still people LIKE YOU who are willing to stand up and speak their minds; giving honest opinions when asked. It's refreshing, and I say, Bravo!
64 Days Left Until Christmas
64 Days Left Until Christmas
OMG! Where did 2K10 go? It seems like it just got started, and here we are with only sixty-four days left until Christmas; ugh! I haven’t even started any gifts yet, nor have I got anything on lay-away. It just reminds me of joking words my Uncle Sparky used to start saying, about this time of year; when I was just a kid in Ohio. Uncle Sparky’s parting words were, “Don’t forget to get your Christmas Shop-lifting done early!”
Seriously, what do we do when we have little or no money left to run the month; let alone buy gifts?
In my family most of the birthdays happen between August 25 and November 2nd. Then Thanksgiving hits followed by Christmas and New Years… when the whole birthday/holiday year starts anew. Shesh!
Maybe my Uncle wasn’t joking after all? Maybe he… nah! Now days; maybe, but back in the 50’s: Jean Kelly, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Wally and June Cleaver, Superman and Lois Lane, Tarzan and Jane, Pinky Lee and Soupy Sales were all our roll models. Real people we watched weekly at our Saturday Matinee’s and nightly on our knot-hole sized black and white televisions. They were of a different caliber from the Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Dancing with the Stars contestants.
People didn’t do drugs, get mugged for their shoes, or shot for coffee change in the 50’s. There was a naïveté still alive in the country; a sense of fair play and honesty and all those out of date ideals. Some things weren’t right, but the country had a different feeling on the whole. There was a sense of pride in the people that has disappeared along with lots of our jobs, and a general vision for a bright future.
Maybe the main difference was through my then nine-year-old eyes, as compared to these same eyes at sixty eight. Maybe these eyes have seen things that have shattered the newness and wonder of life. Then again, it could just be a sense of resignation to the inevitability, that all those things I was taught as a child, just doesn’t fit in this “modern” time. They are all like the fairy tales and nursery rhymes, the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause that somehow fade into the past and are placed lovingly into our happy trunks of moth balled memories.
Guess I need to start a new happy trunk of grown up kids, with kids of their own, who have kids of their own… and who knows how many generations these old eyes will see. Instead of panicking over the Christmas countdown beginning BEFORE Halloween, I can use some of my innovative Mother’s hand-me-down hints and tricks. She used to pull off moments that these eyes and this heart remember most lovingly; the ones that had no price tag except joy.
So, “Don’t forget to do your Christmas Shop-lifting early; avoid the rush!”
The following is a re-posting of an incident in September of this year, 2k10. A Facebook friend had posted this and wanted to see who agreed enough to re-post it. Well being myself I had to add my 2¢ and riled one person’s feathers.
I thought it might be a good topic to bring up here where others could join in with their opinions: yea and nay.
Here is the posting from my home page on Facebook September 19, 2k10 (I think that was the date)
I guess I'm one too. lol "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all." I grew up reciting this every morning in school; it is a shame we no longer do that for fear of offending someone. Now, let's see how many Americans will re-post this and not care about offending anyone.
Frankly, I really don't care how it sounds.
If it's a legit question; what's the problem? I for one believe in only 1 God and He is called by many names; in fact hundreds of names.
I don't see what the problem is about pledging one's all...allegiance to this nation and the symbol of this nation is the flag.
United we are a great nation; divided we are nothing but a bunch of miss-fits and will never get anywhere; because, we are to busy with semantics instead of genuine devotion to our people.
We are a diverse nation and I see no problem with celebrating each individual's culture. I do however bulk at one culture being given special rights over others. This isn't a nation of who's the most popular this minute. And yet that is snarky and meaning to be so.
I say kudos to Menphis City School! God Bless each and every person who is willing to stand up for what they believe right here in this United States of America; where we are at least trying to give people the right to equality, and free speech, and the freedom to pursue happiness.
There aren't any guarantees in this life, but we can be pretty damned proud of our country for what she stands for and for that reason alone; I will show the respect due our nation and her flag by singing the National anthem, putting my hand over my heart, removing my hat when that flag is run up the stanchion, and I will pledge my allegiance to this country and her flag with my last breath if necessary.
God Bless her and her people... every single snarky one of them. And if this offends anyone.. tsk tsk.
Dam computer ; It crash in the middle of my commits . Oh ! well ; it was not to important ; Just I agree I miss the pledge . Our country seems to went to the dogs ....
Joe Long
Randi Marx commented on my post:
Randi wrote:
"Just wondering. God bless every person who is willing to stand up for what they believe? Next week is Mabon, do the children of Pagans get off for that holiday? How about Ramadan? Rosh Hashana? Yom Kippur? Ram Navami? It's easy to pledge allegiance to something when you have all your rights and protections are part of the status quo and/or have never been arrested for something you didn't do, or beaten to a pulp because you dress differently. It's so easy. And in my opinion, you do sound snarky and angry. It's ironic. Very ironic."
Randi wrote:
"Not every one has equal rights. I for one, in a same sex relationship, have no rights. Yet I'm expected to pay taxes to a government who does not protect me or my partners rights, or millions of others who are just like us--when nothing is given back to me in the way of partner equal rights, tax breaks, legal protection, medical insurance, rights to my 30 year-partner's pension, etc. We share property, bank accounts, a house, a car, pets, and a life. Yet what do I say when asked "and how are you related to the patient?" Her fourth cousin whom she's never met has more rights. And one of the reasons we are denied human rights is certain religions. What do you say to us?"
I have no clue what happened to Randy's remarks, but here is my answer to you Randy.
You don't even know me or my past history; if I was or wasn't arrested unjustly, or ever beaten; you just automatically lump me into "those people that are ...against what I want" .
Grow up Randy! The world does not revolve around you and what you want. The world does not owe you a damn thing. Get over yourself.
Quit walking around with a chip on your shoulder and maybe, just maybe things might turn around for you, and your life become happier.
You aren't the only one who has ever suffered, nor will you be the last.
We all have our sore spots, our injustices, but does that mean we have to go around with hate in our hearts? I don't believe so.
If you don't like how things are; do something to change it.
Bitching at me over your issues does nothing to change your situation.
I wish you all the best in your quest for justice and your idea of equality; even when it infringes on my rights. Why? Because I can get off my ass and fight for what I believe in too.
Have a nice day.
That's my opinion and you can do with it whatever you want.
Now would anyone like to comment? What do you think?
If the link doesn't work, just copy and paste into your browser.
Tips for Handling Telemarketers
Three Little Words That Work!!
(1)The three little words are: 'Hold On, Please...'
Saying this, while putting down your phone and walking off (instead of hanging-up immediately) would make each telemarketing call so much more time-consuming that boiler room sales would grind to a halt.
Then when you eventually hear the phone company's 'beep-beep-beep' tone, you know it's time to go back and hang up your handset, which has efficiently completed its task.
These three little words will help eliminate telephone soliciting..
(2) Do you ever get those annoying phone calls with no one on the other end?
This is a telemarketing technique where a machine makes phone calls and records the time of day when a person answers the phone.
This technique is used to determine the best time of day for a 'real' sales person to call back and get someone at home.
What you can do after answering, if you notice there is no one there, is to immediately start hitting your # button on the phone, 6 or 7 times as quickly as possible. This confuses the machine that dialed the call, and it kicks your number out of their system. Gosh, what a shame not to have your name in their system any longer!!!
(3) Junk Mail Help:
When you get 'ads' enclosed with your phone or utility bill, return these 'ads' with your payment. Let the sending companies throw their own junk mail away.
When you get those 'pre-approved' letters in the mail for everything from credit cards to 2nd mortgages and similar type junk, do not throw away the return envelope.
Most of these come with postage-paid return envelopes, right? It costs them more than the regular 44 cents postage, 'IF' and when they receive them back.
It costs them nothing if you throw them away! The postage was around 50 cents before the last increase and it is according to the weight. In that case, why not get rid of some of your other junk mail and put it in these cool little, postage-paid return envelopes.
One of Andy Rooney 's (60 minutes) ideas.
Send an ad for your local chimney cleaner to American Express. Send a pizza coupon to Citibank. If you didn't get anything else that day, then just send them their blank application back!
If you want to remain anonymous, just make sure your name isn't on anything you send them.
You can even send the envelope back empty if you want to just to keep them guessing! It still costs them 44 cents.
The banks and credit card companies are currently getting a lot of their own junk back in the mail but, we could OVERWHELM them - let them know what it's like to get lots of junk mail, and best of all they're paying for it...Twice!
Let's help keep our postal service busy since they are saying that e-mail is cutting into their business profits, and that's why they need to increase postage costs again. You get the idea!
If enough people follow these tips, it will work ---- I have been doing this for years, and I get very little junk mail anymore.
This might just be one message you will want to forward to your friends.
Tracking Programs and Lazy People
This is something I've told email friends for over a year now and even showed them how to clean up the stuff they did want to forward, but do they do it.... NO! Will they do any of the suggestions in the attached information at the end of my commentary... probably not.... why? Because it's to easy to just hit fw. Face it, you don't care; otherwise most of you would have cleaned up the email before sending it on with all those names them.
People have gotten to lazy to do anything but fart around. If that wasn't true we wouldn't have time to complain about everything, because we'd be busy doing something constructive besides emailing tons of crap to our entire mailing lists.
Caring about what happened to people we called friends stopped when we cut out that personal touch with cards and letters. Anonymity is the order of the day anymore, right up there with lying and cheating, and conning someone for personal gain; be it a better self image or for profits.
Don't believe me; start paying attention to the commercials on TV. They are degrading to people's intelligence and focus heavily on lying to whoever and making it like it's a joke. That it is... a sick joke on the impressionable younger audience, and low self esteemed, out of work, lots of time on their hands public.
It's a form of brain washing that drones on day after day, with one commercial after another, reinforcing the same messages: take drugs, ignore warnings, hate the government, don't trust anyone, lie, cheat on your significant other, and it's bad to believe in something that expects higher moral standards from you.
Is it any wonder society is in the toilet? Remember the old saying lie down with dogs; get up with fleas? Well swim in shit; come out with it on you.
So here is the message that started this rant. Try to take it to heart and do something constructive.
E-Mail Tracker Programs !
The man that sent this information is a computer tech. He spends a lot of time clearing the junk off computers for people and listens to complaints about speed. All forwards are not bad, just some. Be sure you read the very last paragraph.
He wrote:
By now, I suspect everyone is familiar with snopes.comand/or for determining whether information received via email is just that: true/false or fact/fiction. Both are excellent sites.
Advice from VERY IMPORTANT!!
1) Any time you see an email that says "forward this on to '10' (or however many) of your friends", "sign this petition", or "you'll get bad luck" or "you'll get good luck" or "you'll see something funny on your screen after you send it" or whatever --- it almost always has an email tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and emails of those folks you forward to. The host sender is getting a copy each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of 'active' email addresses to use in SPAM emails or sell to other spammers. Even when you get emails that demand you send the email on if you're not ashamed of God/Jesus --- that is email tracking, and they are playing on our conscience. These people don't care how they get your email addresses - just as long as they get them. Also, emails that talk about a missing child or a child with an incurable disease "how would you feel if that was your child" --- email tracking. Ignore them and don't participate!
2) Almost all emails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in Florida who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most cards. All it was, and all any of this type of email is, is a way to get names and 'cookie' tracking information for telemarketers and spammers -- to validate active email accounts for their own profitable purposes.
You can do your Friends and Family members a GREAT favor by sending this information to them. You will be providing a service to your friends. And you will be rewarded by not getting thousands of spam emails in the future!
Do yourself a favor and STOP adding your name(s) to those types of listing regardless how inviting they might sound! Or make you feel guilty if you don't! It's all about getting email addresses and nothing more.
You may think you are supporting a GREAT cause, but you are NOT!
Instead, you will be getting tons of junk mail later and very possibly a virus attached! Plus, we are helping the spammers get rich! Let's not make it easy for them!
ALSO: Email petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress of any other organization - i.e. social security, etc. To be acceptable, petitions must have a "signed signature" and full address of the person signing the petition, so this is a waste of time and you are just helping the email trackers.
I'm sick to death of the political brow beating, and bashing the opponent commercials; aren't you?
We get beat to death with commercials that do nothing but bash the other person running for any office, as well as any issue or bond or whatever might be on a ballot to be decided by voters throughout the country.
I counted 15 political adds in a row, running in sets of three's, beating their messages into the viewer as though we were to stupid to see what they are doing. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.....GIVE US A BREAK!
I want to know what is good about an issue, and I want the credentials of the candidates; facts, not special interest groups paying for adds for the person they can get to bend to their will. That isn't the kind of politics I want in my country. I want honesty, and facts.
Watching a debate between the two hopefuls for Senator in my state of WA the other night, convinced me. I heard only one person actually answer the questions put to them by the moderators. This is the opponent's third try at getting our female Senator's seat. This person vying for her job did nothing but bash, chop, degrade, put down, and attack. He never answered one solid answer to any question put to him. One moderator came back at him with the point blank... "If ...blah... would you ... yes or no?" and he still avoided the question. It just reminded me of the "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" a movie of a few years ago, where the politician did a little dance and song about sidestepping the issues.
Yes, I believe I'd rather see snippets of the debates as the commercials instead of paid brow beating and mud slinging. I'd prefer to make up my own mind; which by the way, I had a solid decision made before the end of that debate telecast. The contender needs to go clean his clock and get out of politics. I would NEVER vote for ANYONE who won't answer a point blank question. If all he can do is poke sticks and throw stones then he's not bright enough to lead or represent me. I wouldn't vote for that man even for local dog catcher.
But then I'm just a voter; one of the "We The People" that can and will use our own brains to decide what is best for us. What's best for me is someone smart enough to see who's paying their paycheck and has sense enough to do the job they were put in there to do. And they have to have enough smarts to know that IF they muck me over.... I don't take kindly to being ignored, used or abused; I fight back by voting against them and getting them out of politics, and out of my hair.
I'm not alone in this as the last major election proved. People do think before they put down that mark, and they do so with a passion.
Not with sticks, stones and mud.
See you at the poles!
My husband was driving when he saw the flash of a traffic camera. He figured that his picture had been taken for exceeding the limit even though he knew that he was not speeding. He went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. Now he began to think that this was quite funny, so he drove even slower as he passed the area once more, but the traffic camera again flashed. He tried a fourth and fifth time with the same results and was now laughing as the camera flashed while he rolled past at a snail's pace. Two weeks later, he got five tickets in the mail for driving without a seat belt. |
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Long Time No Post
It's been a long time since I posted anything. I didn't think anyone was reading it, so just let it slide. Then I got a message from a long lost cousin looking for information. I was surprised to find she had found me through this blog.
I'm going to start posting again. Believe it when I say there are many new chapters in the Melodrama, so why not?
Iwill start with a picture I did with my PSP Paint Shop Pro. A hobby I love.
Happy Birthday to anyone with a birthday today.
Till next time. Mengnu