
Promoting a Society of Liars

The other day I was sitting in my easy chair amongst my yarn, knitting away, when I heard a commercial on the TV.
"No honey, I haven't seen your lean pocket", the man was saying. Then later I noticed another blatant lie commercial. Then another and another and now I'm beginning to watch for them so I can count how many times viewers are being subtly brainwashed into believing it's okay to lie. It's alright to shade, stretch, bend, evade and outright lie rather than telling the truth.

Is it any wonder society is the way we are. We are busier now than we've ever been before in history, so daily we depend upon our TV's and radios to baby-sit our children, and we get most of our news and much of our entertainment from them. We are constantly being sold something. And my immediate thought was, "If the commercial is lying to sell us something, that company has to be a bunch of liars too." "Must be how the drug, tobacco and alcohol, soap and all advertising agencies are." Our psyches are being bombarded constantly with suggestions, and they aren't doing us any good as a society; pick up any newspaper and you'll see the results. We don't trust anyone any more. We don't connect with our neighbors or anyone else for that matter. Lies hurt people! Lies aren't good! Lies aren't even funny!

So the next time you get a phone call and don't want to answer it, and you tell one of the kids to lie and say your not there...Think about what message your sending. The next time you see a commercial making a joke of someone telling someone else a lie....Think about what message you and your family are receiving. The next time your spouse, or your Mother, or Father, or son, or daughter, or grandmother, or boss, or, or, or, lies to you....Are you going to think it's funny? It sure as hell isn't funny to me being lied to, and I do my damnedest to not lie to anyone. You bet it's hard, and sometimes I slip up by not telling the whole truth. I omit some parts sometimes to avoid hurting someone, but I'm trying to stop even that, because a lie is a lie is a lie. And in the end lies do more harm than good.



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