
Where's my Shoe?

Busy Busy Busy...Seems like everyone is busy except me now. I sit here hurting.
My own fault.... I ate too many fresh ripe cherries and got the golly wobbles. That's what we used to call it.

I received a call from my girls, wanting to do a Bar-B-Q. The plan was to drive 50 miles to Westport to the Slip 8 Seafood Connection (My friend's store on the dock) then back 50 miles to pick up Jasmin in Raymond then drive 68 miles to Bay Center. Have the Bar-B-Q then me drive another 68 miles home again and get there about 10 or 11 at night since all this plan wasn't even started until around 3:30 in the afternoon. (My youngest would make a great poster child for procrastination.) When I refused to go along with the goofy plan; Robin modified it after blaming Jackii for the late start. Her modification was for me to drive to the market down the street and hitch a ride with Jackii and her family and Robin and Tim would pick up Jasmin. Now mind you my grandkids haven't seen me in 10 years and they are both unruly and terrors at knowing how to behave. Jackii is one of those mustn't disturb the child type mothers. Let them be themselves.
Me...Bull-shit! The kids won't behave because they aren't made to behave. They get their way all the time.

You've seen the kids on the Nanny 911... that's my grand kids of the last 10 years I've heard over the telephone. NO!
I WILL NOT BE STUCK IN A BACK SEAT WITH THAT....I'D BE KILLING THEM BEFORE THEY KNEW WHAT HIT THEM.! Jasmin and James has always marveled at my ability to remove my flip flop sandal and whack them and have it back on my foot before they know what happened. It's become a standing joke in the family which these grand kids don't know about.....YET!

So... I said no. When they have all had time to rest and settle in, then maybe okay, but I'm not being sardined into a car with brats; and I don't care who's brats they are....BRATS ARE BRATS! The so called excuse is they both have problems. Yep, they sure do. One is suppose to be hyper and the other bipolar. Sure.. Yep...Gotcha! Where's my shoe? I'll show you how to settle those kids down in just one lesson. Whack the shits when they need it! Make them behave! There has to be an adult and the adult has to be in charge. Kids can't be permitted to make the rules.
Now granted, I haven't seen how they are since Aaron came into the picture, but Jackii; God love-her, doesn't know the first thing about discipline. She argues with them until forever; then asks me what can she do. She finally gave up asking because she didn't like my answers, and went to another doctor.

You know how I feel about doctors...mouthpieces for the drug companies. The license only gives them the right to PRACTICE; they haven't got it down right yet or it wouldn't say they have the right to PRACTICE medicine. I'd rather go to a PRACTITIONER; at least they don't claim to know it all.

Well that was yesterday. I just got a call. The girls again. This time they are in South Bend looking for fish to B-B-Q. They never made it to Westport. They just went to the beach yesterday. So the B-B-Q plan is on for today minus the Westport trip. I guess it's minus the fish too, they were headed for the market for meat.
I reiterated my stand on driving for this month. This makes about the 5 time I've told Robin. They just don't seem to understand... I'm Not Working Right Now....SCHOOL IS OUT... REMEMBER? When I don't work, I don't get paid.
Dah! The bills go on but the money don't.

Then there's the recent operation I just had, I'm still recuperating from and not suppose to drive any more than necessary. Add to that, lack of funds for the 2.50 per gallon we pay for gas here in South Bend now; I drive a 1989 Buick LaSabre...NOT CHEEP ON GAS!

And, I need to make my doctor and dentist appointments I've already made for this month. I've still got 3 to go.

One would have been cheaper:
1. Had Robin not moved another 68 miles away.
2. Had she paid me the 30.00 gas money it took to play taxi for her already this month.
3. If she didn't expect me to pay for the gas to go out of my way to get her so she could take up most of my day allotted for my original dentist appointment.

She got angry with me when I told her I couldn't afford all that gas money, and would have to get up at 4 a.m. to come down to get her; she said it didn't take that long to drive to her house...excuse me kid...I don't jump out of bed and into clothes and start driving...I like to give me at least an hour to wake up{so I'd be leaving at 5 a.m. from my house. Besides, what about Rosey? I can't just go and not tend to her before I go...I do it every day that I drive bus.{I get up 45 minutes earlier to drive 1 mile to work. I'm looking at at least 2 1/2 hours just to be back here in South Bend. Then head the opposite direction (switchback roads with animals and log truck traffic all the way on all roads} to drive another 150 miles to her doctor appointment {she's getting her special brace measurements} she is suppose to be at by 10 a.m. (she's never been there before) then leave that appointment {the man makes prosthesis for amputees} in time for my original dentist appointment at 1 p.m. After all the appointment crap; am I going to be hurting in my mouth too? Then drive back another 150 miles to South Bend, so I can drive another 68 miles to take her home to Bay Center, and then back another 68 miles to get me home finally at probably around 7 or 8 p.m.

She hasn't got a clue...that's an extra 352 miles I'm driving for her (remember the--- I'm not suppose to drive any more than necessary order?) add to that, no sign of any money help for the gas. I've paid for the gas the last 2 times I've ran it out for her and it's totaled over 100.00. I just used the last of this months money for gas when I filled my car again from this last weeks taxiing. It was 28.00. Meaning I can't drive any more than I have to; until I've been to the doctors; -- IF-- I have any gas left from this trip.


My car was used for taking James to the airport too when he left. They even used my gas card. I didn't get any money back from that either. Where's all this gas money suppose to come from? My rich Uncle? I don't have a rich Uncle any more; I was disinherited....cut out of the will. He's dead! I'm broke!

Where's my shoe? My oldest needs a whack!



At 10:18 PM, Blogger Zette said...

"Where's my shoe? My oldest needs a whack!"

Just one??? LMAO!!!! Sometimes they just don't get it, do they? Stand your ground and take care of you first. If you don't, you won't be any good to anyone else, especially Rosey. ;)


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