
I was finally forgotten on Father's Day.

Over these many years being a single parent, my daughter Robin has given me cards and gifts on Father's Day; because, her natural Father walked out of her life when he and I divorced. She was left with such a big whole in her heart that I just had to try to make up for the calloused indifference he showed toward a little girl that loved him so desperately, and wanted so much to be worthy of his love.

I had to be the one to reach out to my Father after many years of being ignored. I enjoyed a short three year relationship with my him before he died. Still it was I who had to be the one doing the reaching out and paying for the phone calls, so we could talk once a week. If I hadn't taken the initiative to tell my Father, "I don't care what's in the past; who did what to whom and what caused us to drift apart. All I know is I want to have some kind of relationship with my Father. A relationship where we actually talk to one another regularly, and know what's happening in each of our lives. I want a relationship that shows we love one another; for whatever time we each have left."

Robin and her Father finally reached that stage a few short weeks ago. I half expected to get a card this year, but down deep I think I knew; she and her Father had finally made amends after 33 years. Good for you Robin. It does you, nor any one any good to hold a grudge. I love you, and I'm proud of you. Mom



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