
This past weekend this was what I hoped to be able to do. Read the add and see if it doesn't just spark something in you.
Westport dock area. Featuring three tall ships - Lady Washington (The ship used by Disney in Pirates of the Caribbean), Lynx and Bill of Rights. Come and be entertained by the International Pirates, Treasure Island Pirates and Beer Bard's Privateers. There will be live music, food, fun and frivolity. Tours and cruises on the tall ships will be available all four days. There will be ship-to-ship battles in the bay with the tall ships. Art, craft and food vendors, ,raffles, free street dances Friday and Saturday evenings, pirate skits and entertainment.
Rusty Scupper's Pirate Daze.

And here's what I found on the web site. We would love for you to come and visit us in Westport, Washington. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about how WestportWA.com can better serve you with our internet site, please use our comments form. Now as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story.

I was so excited I couldn't wait to get there. I wound up taking more people than I had planned on but I was on my way on Friday afternoon. School's out for the Summer and the first weekend is looking good.

I had no camera with me.
My daughter had one of those funky 35mm cameras that you have to go take the film to be developed.
It was raining and miserable in South Bend.
My grandson kept bitching about everything; and I mean everything. From school being out to he was bored.
In the back of my head I'm beginning to wish I hadn't said anything to anyone and just went home and got my own camera and went by myself. Must have been an omen

Things started looking up when the clouds and rain stopped half way there and the sun was out shining itself all over the place. I'm just starting to think, "well I could buy one of those disposable cameras and take my own pictures; it might not be so bad."
We get there and the streets are blocked off for the street vendors that are expected to come in. The Lady Washington is in harbor at pier 10 and the Lynx and Bill of Rights are there too. Problem is; HOW DO YOU GET TO THEM....EVERY WAY IN IS BLOCKED OFF!
Okay so I follow the detour around the street vendor's area, past the breakwater, watch tower, restaurants and out to the memorial. Alright people, there has to be someplace to get a decent picture of these three ships. I'm beginning to get pissed when I go through the list of things that I've already had to alter from my original plan.
I hadn't planned on running my daughter all over the place running errands for her prior to leaving. Nor taking my grandson's complaining ass with me. I even let their stinky dog into my car for the first time to try to shut up the bitching in the back seat. It semi-worked. I hadn't planned on my daughter smoking like a coal furnace belching out obnoxious fumes forcing me to freeze so I could breath. I hadn't planned on forgetting my camera; I thought it was in my purse and didn't remember not putting it there until half way to Westport. I'm really fucked up sometimes; Why do I get myself into this shit? Oh well, make the best of it.

I try my darndest to get close enough to take some pictures. Forget it! It just isn't happening. So I send my grandson off with the camera on the quest for a nice picture of each ship. Fool that I am, I thought since it was my idea I might get one of the pictures when they get developed. Jury's still out on that one. Anyway, while he's out clicking pretty girls and rusty buckets (that's what he usually does) my daughter and I went shopping at Cosmos. It's owned by a little Greek lady and she has everything you could imagine in that small shop. So the day wasn't completely wasted. I bought a Father's Day gift for my son-in-law for my grandson to give to his Dad.

What did I get out of it? Sunshine, a nice drive and $50.00 out of my account. I saw the tops of two ships their masts on a tilt like this / / and discover that The Lynx and The Bill of Rights are both larger than The Lady Washington. The Lady Washington looks like it should have someone on the pier with a ramote control box in their hands; she's so small in comparison. But she stands tall and proud, and she's a beautiful ship; they all are.

I managed to get a picture of The Lady Washington off the Westport site, but until I find a way to get regular photos onto my computer; there won't be any more pictures. Sob Psssst! Hay! Don't tell anyone, but they will be in Tacoma harbor sometime soon. Hehehehe! The three ships will be in different ports all along the coast this Summer, so maybe a person could try again. If you get my drift.


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