
Mother's get well soup.

Mothers have been doing it throughout the centuries whenever their children were sick. They've fed chicken soup, commiserated and kissed us on the owies, or just snuggled and rocked us till we felt better.

I was fortunate enough to have a mother like that until two years ago. I've had jokes made about me being a mother and wanting to fix hurts and make things better, and always making my Jewish Mama Get Well Soup when someone gets sick. So I got the idea to start a new blog called Chicken Soup for the Soul. Hopefully a couple friends will join me in writing uplifting encouragement geared toward those pesky problems we all face. Those ones we need a shoulder, a hand, an ear, or a kindred heart to help us through. Whatever the problem there is always someone who can see us through the rough spots and help us over the mountain of what seems to be an insurmountable ordeal.

I hope you will share your thoughts and comments, questions and topic ideas, or whatever might be on your heart to share. I've asked some other Mothers to join me in writing, and I'm sure one of us will have some positive uplifting words to give hope wherever it is needed.

Till next time, may you learn just how much you are loved, when you need it most.


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