
Fight your own brain

Here's a little test that will show you how much you do automatically without actually thinking.

Go ahead, just take the test and then come back.

What did you get the first time? Na! Don't try and tell me you got a perfect score; I don't believe it.

Second time maybe sure.
But for most people you need to be hit in the face to realize you just didn't follow the instructions. You thought you did but actually you just skimmed over them. Then reading the names of the colors makes us fight clicking that name's color instead of the actual instruction.

We do that in our lives too in other places. Today I'm going to follow as closely as I can the instructions I receive. Hay!
What could it hurt?

I'm going to go read a scripture and see what happens....Now that's some heavy duty shit!
Hay! Big Guy! Be easy on me....OK?



At 9:10 PM, Blogger Zette said...

LOL! Good one....I actually got an 88% the first time and I think that was just dumb-luck! Good points, though about not following directions.


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