
I'm taking a couple days off

I'm so exhausted from running all over the place and worrying and working and and and .....

I went to the Birthday party today that was a combined 4th party. I missed the fireworks this evening due to I just couldn't hack it any longer. I didn't get much sleep last night due to the medication I was given by the doctor. It's given me the scoots. Swell! Anyway, I'm pooped...oops! Freudian undergarment there...LOL

I took some of my kick ass horseradish over to go with the home made kilbasa. I had made a big shrimp cocktail yesterday so I didn't have to do much today; thank God. Anyway, I spent about 4 hours there and came home still sick and warn out. I need sleep and just plain time off, so that's what I'm going to do. Jackii and her family are due here in 3 days and it will be a mad house for 3 weeks. Calling for Jury duty (do I serve or not; every day) and a dentist appointment on the 13th plus helping Robin and family move into their house 50 miles away. Loaning out or driving my car to Portland airport to pick up James and more doctor visits in amongst all this activity. I think I'm entitled to some down time while I can get it.

So, if you have any problems, suggestions, questions or whatever...Go ahead and ask; just don't expect a fast reply.
Now you'll know why.

Have a great 4th Holiday and stay safe. Drive like everyone is out to kill you and remember.... YOU CAN PREVENT FIRES! So don't set off fireworks in or near anything combustible. See ya in a few days...ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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