
Sometimes Life Just Sucks!

  • In this past two weeks: 15th gall bladder operation....me
  • 16th my grandson worked his butt off for me then found out his Dad was shot in the butt by his boss with a nail gun and then the boss didn't pay his Dad his paycheck.
  • 17th played taxi driver (free. no gas, no nothing) I wasn't suppose to be out driving for 3 weeks; I was suppose to have someone helping me with my incisions...fat chance.. lots of promises from the guy upstairs (the resident manager) but nothing he promised came through, then I got into an argument with the resident manager over 6 screws I asked him for since he didn't see fit to fix my cupboard door that nearly fell off and broke my foot.
  • 18th I couldn't go to my dear friend's wedding due to my stitches letting go in the incision over my navel. Got so pissed I refused to drive anywhere for anyone. So my car got used to take my grandson to the Portland airport. I footed the gas ( remember the boss that didn't pay?)
  • 19th I need more RX supplies and am out of money...still playing taxi for free. I got into it with Popeye this evening...he bit and drew blood in five spots on my left thumb and acted like he was intent on removing my left thumb. When he drew blood twice on my right thumb I grabbed his top not after flicking him several times and found he had no intention of stopping. Since I wanted to keep both appendages I grabbed with the intent to hurt him and make him stop. He never did, even when his feathers came out and left him bald on top. I threw him back into the cage and called my daughter and told her, "Either come get Popeye, or I'm going to kill him! I won't stand for a mean animal...ever! All I tried to do was get him to sit on one shoulder and Rosey on the other; like they've done many times before. If you want your bird to stay alive, come get him, and be thankful I didn't already kill him."
  • 20th More taxi trying to help my kids get into another house and away from their present landlord. 21st More taxi running for boxes, doctor appointments and welfare office for help for my daughter ( she's laid up and can't work, she needs an operation on her foot before she winds up with no use of it at all)
  • 22nd More taxi to the store and unemployment office (Robin can apply for her unemployment because she's on a medical leave of absences from her job until she gets her operation and her special brace fitted to her foot and leg. This was all after seeing the doctor myself to check the stitches. They are driving me nuts. Pain and itching. I'm allergic to the tape and it's causing me to loose skin. I finally took the bandages off and am trying my damdest to keep the incisions clean.
  • 23rd More taxi Back to the welfare office this time to see if they can get any kind of help. Yep, 70.00 a month and food stamps. Now if they can just find a house for 70.00 a month, they're in business.
    They were told if they could find a place to rent they might be able to help with a one time grant of 700.00 to help them move in. So the new landlord is willing to work with them, but has someone else that is interested in the house too.
  • 24th More taxi, this time getting boxes and my granddaughter (prego) and getting stuff ready for the baby shower bbq Jasmin and Leif are throwing for themselves; men are to be there too. (yep, there's a first timer for you; ever know of men wanting to be at a baby shower? I haven't....hell I don't even like baby showers because of the stupid brainless games; I'm only going because it's Jasmin)
  • 25th Baby shower....Poor Jasmin; I think I was the only one that didn't argue with her asshole...excuse me ...husband. He grabbed one woman by her arm and forcefully removed her from HIS kitchen because she was going to rinse out her container. (it was a pot luck bring your own food donation...that included the bar-b-q and charcoal and the cook; plus side dishes from everyone there. The mother in law brought a gift and left. One sister brought a gift and left. No friends showed up except the one that was physically attacked by the asshole. (and poor Jasmin tries to make excuses for him and winds up hurt because he's ostracizing all her friends...no one likes him; he's arrogant and belligerent and loves to deliberately be just the opposite of everyone....God I hope she wakes up.)
  • 26th I took another day off for me why? Well, does this schedule sound like someone that has just gotten out of the hospital and is suppose to be having someone help her?????? Dream on dreamer! I had an emergency visit to the hospital; I didn't know if my incision had gotten infected, so had to have it checked. It was ok but they gave me some amoxicilin which gave me the shits. Whoopee! Pass the yogurt, please!
  • 27th My house is a mess from one room to the next. More taxi.....
  • 28th Looked like Tim might get his pay finally from the asshole boss. He's due 1900.00 now and needs only 1100.00 for the house in Bay Center (BC) The woman don't want a deposit ( I used to drive her child to and from school) Things were looking good. Until.....the boss hid from Tim; lied to him that he was being held up at one place due to road work. (I got caught in it the other day and the longest wait there was was only 20 minutes, not all day.) They finally had to call the woman and tell her they didn't want to drag her into this any longer. They didn't know when they'd have the money, so if there was another person interested, to rent it to them. They were served with a notice to be moved out by the 29th or they will be charged 20.00 a day till they are.
  • 29th Now today, I went for my check up again. Got my arm squeezed to shit and back taking a blood pressure with their stupid machine; Sunday the nurse wanted me to dry out the incision; too much moisture. Today the Doctor wants it moist. Then he puts a big assed bandage and tape on the raw skinless areas where the tape has already removed the skin. Then when I tell him he rips it off. Son of a bitch! Is it any wonder I don't want anyone helping me. With that kind of help I'll wind up skinless on my stomach, and no left arm from being pinched off at the shoulder. My kids are homeless and I can't help them. Now my other daughter and her family are coming up for a 3 week visit in the middle of all this. Kinda takes the fun out of it. Life just sucks sometimes.



At 9:05 PM, Blogger Zette said...

Holy Bat crap...that's a lot of shit shoveling you've been going thru. I'm sorry that I'm only now catching up on your blog and seeing the troubles you've been having. You could definately use some actual help up there and it doesn't sound like you're likely to get it anytime soon. I'll be here thinking of you and sending you happy, healthy wishes that things turn around for the better before the bottom falls out completely. Take care of you.



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