
Danger! Brown Recluse Graphic Warning!

Brown recluse spiders bite results. www.brown-recluse.com/ have been in California and desert area for many years. They came over on the boats bringing stuff from the tropics. They will get into your houses too. Fumigate at least once a year and dung out all corners also at least once a year.
Spiders, all spiders are the hardest things to get rid of. They multiply so prolifically that even spraying can't kill all the eggs all the time. You could spray every month and still there could be some to live through it; that's how hearty they are.

Yep! The only other spider that is as deadly as the Black Widow; or worse; is the Brown Recluse/violin/hobo spider and it is similar in appearance (make special note of the marking behind the head and on the back) but ranges from brown to white. Isn't it nice to trade with other countries? Makes ya wonder doesn't it? I had never seen the pictures of what they can do but have heard many horror stories. I hope you will heed the warning and use extreme caution with these deadly spiders.

This is from my sister: "Oh MYGAW.... From my own experience other spiders can be traumatic too! I was told that the most harmful spiders are the ones that lay hidden under rocks and shrubs. These contain venom to paralyze or kill their unsuspecting prey. I got two bites from an unseen culprit while clearing thick foliage in the yard. One was substantially effective in the paralysis of my right leg in the inner calf. As the venom worked out of my system through GRADUAL RELEASE while walking and flexation of the muscle tissue. Just as gradually other bodily functions were influenced and it didn't clear out of my system until March of this year. The bite was last September of 04. I HIGHLY recommend keeping shrubbery clear and don't let them have a site to sta rt in the first place . Staying 'out of there' is a great idea! You don't want to be bitten, your kids don't need it and least of all they'll multiply and it isn't necessary. Hey, that sunshine ain't so bad ya know?! I could've gone a whole lifetime without that adventure. I wished I had!
Stay safe! Hugz, Jillz"

Don't mess with him !

WARNING: These are very disturbing pictures of this man's hand. Our experience with this type of bite was not anywhere near this bad. He must have gotten an exceptional amount of venom. The picture of the Brown Recluse Spider at the beginning of this message, and the links provided, can help you further. You really want to see the spider for future reference.

I tried to show with these graphic pictures the progression of a brown recluse spider bite. The affected skin actually dies on the man's body. Some of the pictures are pretty nasty, but take a good look at the last one -- it is a picture of the spider itself.

The Brown Recluse Spider is the most dangerous spider that we have here in the USA.

A person can die from it's bite. We all should know what the spider looks like. Warn people you love, because it's summertime. People are now digging around, doing yard work, spring cleaning, and anyplace these deadly spiders can hide and set up their home is a potential death trap for whomever the unsuspecting person or animal is that invades their space. Kids especially love digging around in places where these spiders hide.

Please be careful. Spider bites are dangerous and can have permanent and highly negative consequences.

They like the darkness and tend to live in storage sheds or attics or other areas that might not be frequented by people or light.

If you have a need to be in your attic, go up there and turn on a light and leave it on for about 30 minutes before you go in to do your work. And wear protective clothing and thick gloves. I would suggest lighting the area with lots of light and bombing before you consider entering their lair. That could be your old chest in the closet....Think about it!

As the saying goes, "Better to be safe than sorry!"


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