
New Years Intention still in full swing...Feeling baggy.

Yesterday I exercised full bore for 23 minutes; hurt like a son-of-a-trucker. In fact my butt still hurts and my lower midsection is in pain as well. I know I need to do it again today, but boy is it tough making me get on there and do it.
I'm headed there now, but stopped (I guess, just to fart around and kill time more) to enter into my journal. I guess I could have waited, but I didn't, so maybe I'll just wait until I'm finished to finish this entry.
Sounds like a plan....Be back in 20-25 minutes. Keep your eyes crossed for me that I can make it that long.
"I heard it through the grapevine" CCR was just coming on the player. I hated to get off and quit but my left foot is hurting bad (I got in 20 minutes). I could have gone on longer if the foot hadn't been hurting so badly. Problem is... My left foot is my good foot; so I have to protect it or I don't walk, drive or work.
I'm just now getting my right side in enough condition that I can stand or lean for longer periods of time than I've been able to do in 4 years since the industrial accident that put me out of work. Which is a whole other story; and not a pretty one I might add. That's one for the melodrama.
Anyway, I did what I was suppose to do for 2 days this week. I've been eating vegetables and hardly any meat for a long time now.
Even when my daughter took the whole family out for Asian buffet I was good. I ate fish (shrimp, cod, salmon and crab), chicken and 2 bites of port and everything else was vegetables. I mainly filled up on fish though; God I love fish. LOL I just can't afford to buy the stuff. I'll be glad when my grandson goes out salmon fishing again. He always brings me a big one that I can bake and pig out on.
He brought me some clams from the last clam dig (about a pound) and I made chowder from them. Now when I get the hankering I can go to the freezer and get out some chowder.
Well, that's it for today. Except.... My pants are starting to feel really baggy.


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