
Oh yeah! And your Mother too....!

I guess I keep the DSL. LOL So far they are standing true to their word. Guess I can take the chip off my shoulder now and stand at ease instead of being in the ready to fight stance. Damned Irish in me; I'm a born scrapper.

Sure and wouldn't ya know me GaunDa Wise threw more than one punch in his glorious life; God rest his soul. And me Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Thomas both were fighters.
Uncle Jimmy's elbows would shoot up and he'd puff out like a struttin cock, waiten for a fight; while Uncle Thaance as we called him (pronounced Tonce ) was the featherweight champion of Ohio in 1948-1952. He and Uncle Jimmy would spar together so Uncle Tom could practice for his fights.

I guess growing up around that just made me a natural scrapper. That and only having boys to play with growing up. It's either learn to fight or play with dolls and get stuck in the house doing "women's work" eeeeeeeeeeeeewww... I'd rather go live with Uncle Sparky on the farm and muck out stalls if you don't mind. Nope never went for that girls did this and boys did that shit. Farm and rancher folk don't see it that way either. So, when someone tries to challenge me to something; it never works. Ask my 3 (count them) yep 3 ex-husbands. They came from that same mind set and it just never took.

So as you can see by the letter I got from the ISP I'm to ignore the threat of cancellation and just pay as agreed. I had a feeling they'd see it my way if they wanted to keep me as a customer.

Too many people will just roll over and play dead now days when someone pushes them. They've gotten so institusionalized that they don't know how to fight back.
Hay,, now there's an idea. I'll give lessons and advice. LOL Well I would have anyway, but can't hurt to offer now, can it? So, looks like I'll be around for a while. The good Lord above must want me to do something. Someone needs to hear this Scotch/Irish/Pennsylvania-Dutch/German and Cherokee rabble rouser or see what one lone feisty person can do when they set their mind to something.
Here's the correspondence between me and the ISP:

This is what I received this evening in reply to my letter to them; below.

Dear Janice,

This notice, is the notice that I mention to you before that you would get and for you to ignore it until the modem is paid. Once the modem is paid you will not get the late notice because you have always paid you statement before the due date. Your account will not be cancelled we know it is because of the modem.

If you have other questions or concerns please contact us again.

Thank you,

Avie Boyd,
Billing Manager

ReachONE Internet Billing Team

-------Original Message-------
From: jan_myrz@willapabay.org
Date: 2/10/2005 5:35:04 PM
Subject: Re: Late Notice / Cancellation

ReachONE Statement
Okay... What's this?
I did what you said to do and now I'm getting threats?
Apparently I'm not allowed to pay 3 payments of $39.95 like you said I could. You want the whole amount and are now threatening me to get it.
I don't do threats...
You want to cut me off then go ahead and do it.
I agreed to 3 payments of $39.95 then it would drop back to $29.95 a month. I just paid the first payment Feb 3rd.
So how is it? Do I pay according to the agreement or are you cutting off the service and I send you back a box and cancel all service? It's up to you.
Janice L. Myers


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