
This may be The End

I received a threat that I was behind on my payment with the server today.
The original agreement was 3 monthly payments of 39.95 and it would pay for the DSL box from Centurytel which ReachOne was suppose to pay for and I was to reimburse them. I mailed the first payment as per our agreement on February 3rd, 05. Now this was after talking to the billing person for ReachOne; twice and the final agreement was 3 payments of 39.95 then it would drop down to 29.95 a month instead of 22.95. So for 7.00 more a month I could have DSL and own the DSL box. That is why I signed up for the service; it was within my range.
Now I'm getting threat of cancellation and disconnection if I don't pay the full amount.
I wrote and told them I don't do threats!
If they can't stand by the original deal; they can take their box and shove it where the sun don't shine. And I don't care who does the shoving. Centurytel or ReachOne... whoever is the one at fault. All I know is I'm not sending any more than I agreed to originally.
I was told that I only owed $5.?? and something and they would take the 39.95 and deduct the $5.?? and apply the rest to the DSL box. Okay, fine; so if that is what they did, then why am I being threatened? Why didn't they say I needed to send 39.95 and the 5 whatever to pay the amount I owed at the changeover? Something is screwy and I'm not playing any more games over the billing.
I can do without and save myself that much money each month. I don't need to park my ass in front of the computer for hours instead of painting. Taking photographs for painting or just plain getting some exercise and fresh air.
So.....This may be the last post. If it is, good-bye to all; it's been real.
Now see why I called it a real life soap opera? My own personal melodrama. LOL
So what else is new? LOL
God Bless you all and keep your hearts filled with hope and love for one another.
Give the government a piece of your mind; make them see you as a person not a tax dollar or number. Be kind to each other and don't take life too seriously; it's a big joke that is being played out daily. I'm just waiting for the punch line.


At 6:08 AM, Blogger magz said...

i'm stuck out here on incredibly slow dialup.. but got so hooked writing the book for nano in nov, that when i (ahem) forgot a 19.95 payment and they shut it down.. i spent 3 hours and 12.95 on a bad credit card to keep on bloggin! dont quit yet jan..even if ya gotta go slower.. stay out here!


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