
Look out! She has glue and knows how to use it.

Yup, move over all you handy folks. I know how to do that shit too.
Remember my leaky car? Huha! I went and bought some garage door rubbers (not latex and not ribbed). Then I got a can of contact cement and a paint brush. He He He He...

It's been dry now for 3 whole days and the sun has helped to dry out the rubber on my car doors. Well with a little help from some paper towels wrapped around it during the day; soaking up the excess moisture from the frost every morning. Yap, frost.. Yah, I know that's just cold wet, but at least it doesn't drip on me when I drive down the street like rain does.
Anyway, I decided to attempt gluing a strip of the garage door rubber beside the door rubber across the top of the door and down half way on the sides, while it's dry enough to maybe stick.
It's suppose to rain again starting tomorrow so I want to do it while I can.
Hay! If it don't work I still have some rubber left over and some of the rubber I took off the trunk when I fixed it. I can't get any door rubber from a junk yard, because my car is so old.
And I'm too damn cheap to buy it new from a auto detailer. He wants an arm and a leg and $100.00 down for one piece. Screw that! I'll jerryrigit!
Wish me luck!
Move over dude on Monster Garage...What's his name? This could get ugly!


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