
Two Hour Delay due to Ice

Happy Valentine's Day?
So why didn't I get the call while I was still in bed and in my jammies?
My boss called me this morning at 7 a.m. to tell me school would be delayed 2 hours.
When I asked why, he said, "Look outside."
I'm not kidding.... The rain drops froze as they were falling because the ice was lumpy. Clear lumpy ice all over everything.
When I slip and slid to my car and got into it at 9:15 a.m. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my glue job on the rubber around the doors using the garage door rubber I bought.... Yeah! It Worked! No fresh drops inside! AND... No ice inside this morning. It would have been hell to get off if I hadn't taken the chance on the jerry-rigged patch job when I did.

Now you can laugh at me if you want to; I can't stop you, but I truly believe God's Holy Spirit guided me to do it, to save me all the headaches. I almost didn't mess with it yesterday.
But at the last minute I said to myself, "Why not try it now? The sun is shining and it will dry good, plus, you have everything you need here to do it. If it doesn't work you can try it again tomorrow, but they are predicting more rain for a few days; now's your chance to do it while the rubber is dry enough to take the glue."
So.... I got out the stuff and did it before I came home from work on Friday. I messed with fixing the rubber around the doors while another bus driver washed her bus.
It started raining around 5 p.m. that night and rained all weekend. Then turned to ice early Monday morning.
If that isn't being led by the Spirit; I don't know what is. All I know is it's working and I like it. Thanks Dad for you help on that project, and for nudging me to do it at just the right time.
You are totally awesome God; thanks for being my loving father.


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