
The Family Tree Has Long Branches

The letter from my granddaughter Jessica:
The wedding is going to be on July 4th. When it gets a little bit closer I'll send out indentations with all the info on it.
The wedding is going to be held in a really beautiful church in Coeur d' Alene ID, I would like the dress code to be more dressy than casual.
I'm still working out all the bugs, I really haven't made may plans yet.
If you have any suggestions please let me know.
Were is Jasmines wedding going to be at? I would like to be there. When you find out more could you please forward it to me?
Well go to go,
Love you
My letter to Jessica (My first grandchild of my daughter Jackii, and the first of my family.)
I have a special request for you from your Aunt Robin, Uncle Daddy Tim, cousins and Gramma Myers. In other words; from all of us who want to be at your wedding.
Give us some details. Who? What? When? Where? How? Dress Code? Time? Reception? Gift suggestions? Any other information you can give us?
For you from Jasmin and Leif. They are getting married on June 18th. They don't know where yet. That is all I know so far.
Since the heirloom baby blanket got burned in the house fire, I've started another to replace it and have it about half finished. So unless Jasmin keeps popping out kids, when your first is on it's way, ask her for it; then take care of it till the next baby is on it's way and send it to whoever is the Mother. That's how this thing works.
The other one was handed down in the family from my Great Great Gramma Black and it swaddled every baby in the family down to and including you. Now we have to start all over again and since I'm now the only great in this side of the family AND the only one that cares about crap like this; it's up to me to make it. Just thought I'd let you know.
Love you Sweetie,
Gramma Jan


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