
If Love is to Survive it must be Nurtured.

How appropriate for Valentine's Day. It just shows the strength of the love that binds families together. My family was pulling all different directions when the news of Jasmin's pregnancy was announced.
Our immediate family spans three generations. There are gaps, yes, but no chasm that can not be spanned as the following letters attest.
We choose to let love rule in the end, and to set judgments aside for the sake of that unified love. What good would come of a family being torn apart by being to set in their own ideas; especially for someone else's life. We are each given one life to live here, while we are here, and only one life. Having children does not give us Carte Blanch dictatorship over anyone else's life; none but our own.
Many times we forget that and try to force our way on someone else; usually those closest to us. I and others in my family were coming very close to shredding the very fibers of our family in just such a way, over a new little life that will be the center of all of our love, and that wee bonny one will be the new breath of life we have all been waiting for and didn't realize it until now.
My letter to Jasmin and Leif February 11, 05
Hi! I hope you are doing okay with the baby. I haven't been over for a week and then it was only to get James, so I haven't heard how things are going.
You okay? Been to the doctor yet?
So has there been a wedding date set?
I'm all over my hurt and shock so if you were thinking I was against you and Leif; I'm not. I know your a young woman with a mind of your own. And that's a good thing. You picked a man you wanted; and that's a good thing.
Yes, I was angry and hurt and upset, but that's over. I know it wouldn't be right for you to have to fit into a mold of my making or anyone else's for that matter. It's your life.....Live it!
I know you'll make a good mommy and since Leif hasn't had a family I'm sure he will be a good daddy too. You guys can learn all the mistakes your own parents made on raising you guys. No instruction manual coming with the baby sucks, but your own natural instincts will be all you need. All I can advise is be the baby's parents; don't let someone else tell you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. You are the two that are responsible for that life and it starts from conception.
Getting suggested advice and help is fine as long as it doesn't usurp your own authority over the child, because when the rubber meets the road; you and Leif are the ONLY parents that baby has and if you WON'T stand up and fight for that child, then you suck as parents.
Lets face it, you've had a lifetime of living examples of what to do and what not to do; use that and grow from there. If I get too pushy, tell me and I'll back off, but I won't know if you get upset by it if you don't speak up; will I? Do the same with your parents & James and Leif's family.
I love you sweetie and always will and I'll love that little one just as much. AND I promise you I will do my level best to grow to love Leif as much as I learned to love your father. See your mom was right, your father wasn't who I would have picked for her, but then, I didn't have to live with him did I? LOL
Nope, I learned to love him because I chose to try and I'll do the same with Leif.
So if I've been hurtful in any way to either of you, please forgive an old fool.
Love you,
Gramma Myers, Grams, Grammernah, Grammykins etc etc old bitch etc We are going to have to pick out a gramma name for me and your mom now. we can't both be gramma. How about me being Nana or Opu and let your mom be Gramma. After all it is her first and the first is always special in their own special way.
Jasmin's reply to my letter (2/11/05) February 12, 05
Hey Gramma

Thanks for your encouraging words. I appreciate that you will try to love Leif that way and I know that I hurt you all by this coming along and I never intended to do that to any of you. It wasn't expected for me and it was kinda of a shock but I have grown up to know that abortion is wrong and
this is my miracle after being told I would never have children. To know that I was told that and to know that God has blessed me with this baby is more happiness that I can endure. I love you so much and I think I like Opu
better for a name for you.
The wedding date is June 18, 2005 at 12:00p.m. it's either going to be at the log cabin in Aberdeen or the South Bend
Chamber of Commerce we have to check on prices though.
My first appointment is this next Thursday the 17th at 9:00 I'll call you and let you know how it went. I love you Grandma and so does Leif.
Love you


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